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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master e08d69d Dorian Stoll: Fix the routes for featured mods
<Thomas> o/
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master d4154d4 Dorian Stoll: Fix the SQL queries in search
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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master dcecc20 Dorian Stoll: Fix more query issues
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master 9aeb26e Dorian Stoll: Return a properly formatted response
<Thomas> SDF works with the new backend now (well, the part that existed before)
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master daae3b2 Dorian Stoll: Redirect JSONP parameters too
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Extras] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Extras/master e9975f7 Dorian Stoll: Expose the gameshort in the modinfo
<Olympic1> oh nice
<VITAS> yay
<VITAS> so you fixed frontend stuff?
<VITAS> and you now understand parts of it?
<Thomas> I changed routes and variable names :P
<Thomas> But I want to work on it
<VITAS> yay
<VITAS> login would be the first i guess
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<Thomas> VITAS: You already added login iirc
<VITAS> but is it working with your new backend?
<VITAS> its mostly about getting stuff to the same point as before
<Thomas> Yes, I am working on that
<VITAS> ANd im greatfull for that :)
* Thomas stabs the backend with cors
<Thomas> So this cors middleware works only if there is an Origin header... moo
<Thomas> Wait, no
<Thomas> Somehow it has problems with credentials
<VITAS> yes it has problems with sessions if i remember correctly
<Thomas> Yeah, but we were able to solve that
<Thomas> And now it returns 404 for the OPTIONS request and everything fails
<VITAS> but it sometimes still wasnt working
<VITAS> and it does request something usefull?
<VITAS> and i remember such a thing
<Thomas> Hmm.. seems that the http lib kicks the OPTIONS req. out before it can be processed by the cors code
<Thomas> Victory! :D
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 4776373 Dorian Stoll: Handle OPTIONS requests properly
<Thomas> VITAS: So.. most of the stuff that is there works
<VITAS> yay
<VITAS> now the stuff that isnt :)
<VITAS> cant phone
<VITAS> so what was this about?
<VITAS> i have to read up on my own code first to tell you anything
<VITAS> but now im off to bed
<Thomas> VITAS: That was the commit with my fixes
<VITAS> ok thx :)
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