RockyTV is now known as RockyTV|away
<VITAS> the masking is the time consuming part
<Qboid> VITAS: Thomas left a message for you in #spacedock [16.04.2017 21:12:32]: "When you have time, could you export the db from prod, mask all the sensitive data, and upload that for me? Need test data for the migration script (and not guessing the schema would be cool too :D)"
<VITAS> also what do we consider sensetive? :/
<VITAS> wouldnt it be a good idea to write a random testdata gen? :)
<Thomas> VITAS: Passwords and emails?
<Thomas> UPDATE users SET password='test';
<Thomas> UPDATE users SET email='test';
<Thomas> Done :P
<VITAS> do they need to be replaced by useable data?
<Thomas> No
<VITAS> not done because dublicate email
<Thomas> I dont check if the data is useable in the script
<VITAS> #i was aiming at some way to generate data localy if you want to contribute
<VITAS> but i can do the email foo but it will take some foreach
<Thomas> I think that would be easier
<Thomas> VITAS: Hmm, I found a masked db on dev
<Thomas> with all emails changed to
<VITAS> unique!
<Thomas> But why? Its for testing
<VITAS> the column is uinque
<VITAS> so either change that or have individual email adrs
<VITAS> thats why i said foreach
<Thomas> In this db dump the field isnt unique
<Thomas> And in SDB it isn't unique too
<VITAS> tht shouldnt be
<Thomas> Well, unique-ness is managed by SDB, not the db
<VITAS> should be both
<VITAS> always
<Thomas> Yeah, I can change it
<VITAS> ok i hope my editor doesnt crash
<VITAS> will take a while
<Thomas> Thanks
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 415f843 Dorian Stoll: Looked at dev instead of master >.<
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 50cdfd6 Dorian Stoll: Make emails unique
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 3 new commits to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go e1842e5 Dorian Stoll: Remove fileformats
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 97c6755 Dorian Stoll: Init modlist tables
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go e055174 Dorian Stoll: Add a flag that adds only an Administrator Account and no dummy mods
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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 6e8fffa Dorian Stoll: More work on the migration script
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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 526303e Dorian Stoll: Migration script completed
<Thomas> VITAS: Btw, when you've got your gogs stuff ready, we can host the frontend there
<VITAS> ive to cfg it
<VITAS> and yes
<VITAS> theres the task of theimg it a bit
<VITAS> (gogs that is)
<VITAS> just the logo and the colors
<VITAS> loading an 120MB Textfile isnt trivial
<VITAS> doing search and replace is a real pain
<Thomas> I can do it myself if you want
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> im sort of worried by the metadata
<Thomas> I could use the db that is already masked and just make email unique
<VITAS> metadata not email
<VITAS> who did what
<Thomas> Sorry, cant really follow you, but I'll trust you
<VITAS> we have telemtry in the db db
<VITAS> who went when where
<VITAS> so i would have to mask mod names, filenames, usernames, emails and so on
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<Thomas> piwik data? or the spacedock event data?
<VITAS> sd
<VITAS> i see what i can do
<Thomas> delete all entries in those 3 tables exept one with my userid?
<VITAS> <does things
<Thomas> k
* Thomas waits
<Thomas> When the migration script works, I will merge the go branch, b/c nobody said something and I want to start automating it on dev
<Thomas> VITAS: Finally got the dump working :D
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
<VITAS> cool
<VITAS> had some problem with the doubled names and such?
<VITAS> i was to lazy writing something to loop it so i did regex replacing
<Thomas> Not while importing
<Thomas> But I had to hack the new db so nothing is unique
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> thats why i suggested the generator
<VITAS> so you can bundle it with the backend for dev setups
<Thomas> I already have a generator
<Thomas> But I dont want to waste time on old setups :D
<VITAS> yes the old one will exist for quite awhile future. theres no finished frontend and its not tested and so on
<Thomas> But good news: Seems that the migration script works
<VITAS> yay
<VITAS> i in the meantime coded a swiping GF finder. Just swipe left for hot right for not and up for check again later
<VITAS> it ties in with my flirtbot
<Thomas> The script uses so many resources that youtube lags xD
<VITAS> ask my computer when i did regex on the dump
<Thomas> Ok, I was wrong, it doesn't work
<VITAS> ok
<VITAS> if you at least get good error messages
<Thomas> Yes
* VITAS is swiping pictures
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go feeddb8 Dorian Stoll: Fix the migration script
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go c431199 Dorian Stoll: I remembered why SQLite wasnt there
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go bfd8aa7 Dorian Stoll: Fix the flag
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 3 new commits to go:
<Thomas> Ok next try
<Thomas> an sdb full of usernames
<VITAS> how do you save twitter usernames and such?
<VITAS> as json datatype or as seperate table?
<VITAS> also if you want something interresting to play with: take a look at orientdb (graph db)
<Thomas> VITAS: In the meta field
<Thomas> meta is a string, and I store json in it
<Thomas> at runtime I decode that into an actual object
<VITAS> hmm check if json is faster than having a key val table with uid link
<VITAS> my gues is it still is faster but just to be sure
<VITAS> there also need to be a salt in the table?
<Thomas> I dont want to use seperate tables for every objects, because then I would need seperate objects in go too. And I would have a seperate meta table for every *normal* table
<Thomas> I could use something like BSON to reduce the size though
<VITAS> my concern is about db load
<Thomas> Umm, there is no salt in the table, and there never was one
<VITAS> i think json in rows is still faster than nested selects
<VITAS> and there should be in the future
<Thomas> With a seperate tables you need two queries, json is integrated into the query the backend does anyway
<Thomas> -a
<VITAS> you could fill in the salt as users login (rehash with salt)
<VITAS> or just double hash
<VITAS> yes btw json datatype and postgressql. is that a thing?
<Thomas> postgres supports it iirc, but nether the database driver in go nor the orm does
<VITAS> not important just wanted to know
<VITAS> mariadb is the one thats important
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go efa52ac Dorian Stoll: mod_followers isn't autocreated, do that manually
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 1f1fb94 Dorian Stoll: +s
<Thomas> VITAS: "Migration completed."
<Thomas> \o/
<VITAS> juhu!
<VITAS> good work
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go ec02803 Dorian Stoll: Reduce the recursion level when fetching large amounts of data
<Thomas> With the latest commit, backend needs 1 second to return the info about all users
* Thomas takes that as a victory
<Thomas> 2 seconds to fetch all games (including the inactive ones)
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go bddc219 Dorian Stoll: Try to use the value if there was no error, not if the value wasn't even parseable
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD closed issue #24: Migration Script
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #23: Even though nobody has said something about this, I am going to merge it....
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD closed pull request #23: SpaceDock v3 (aka. godock) (master...go)
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/master 4b6d923 Dorian Stoll: Merge pull request #23 from KSP-SpaceDock/go...
<Olympic1> o/
<Thomas> \o
<VITAS> whats the user count in your test db?
<VITAS> try adding some unique data to meta and filter it
<VITAS> Hi Olympic1 how are things?
<VITAS> ANd in other news: just got baned for spam by the singel plaform my flirtbot is for
<VITAS> so they DO know how to hash messages :D
<Thomas> VITAS: 12162 users in the db
<Thomas> And 20257 games
<Olympic1> Good, I got an internship at Bohemia Interactive. I start next week
<Thomas> nice
<VITAS> its more likely that youll get 10k individual selects requesting one user each spread over 100 users at random
<Thomas> VITAS: 9337 publishers and 500 ms :D
<Thomas> VITAS: yes, of course
<VITAS> Olympic1, Hmm so not squad? :D
<Thomas> VITAS: But thats where serverside caching says hello
<VITAS> maybe but that would be more realistic for the DB benchmarks
<Olympic1> No, was not in the list we got from school
<VITAS> you got a list?
<VITAS> but hey its games
<VITAS> i hope you wont come to hate that industry like i did
<Olympic1> Yea, the companies of the list were all European. I enjoyed my last years internship at Vlambeer
<VITAS> youre doing a lot of those
<Olympic1> this is only my second and last one before graduation
<VITAS> btw im usure if it would be a good idea to work for squad.
<VITAS> there must be a reason why everybody left at once
<VITAS> but i wonder: where are they now employeed?
<Thomas> NathanKell|AWAY: question for you ^ :D
<VITAS> THey wont tell
<VITAS> i think
<VITAS> But maybe they are still a team and work on new stuff
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