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<Endlessbit> evening o/
<VITAS> hoi
<Endlessbit> why does the home page have all the same image for diff games?
<VITAS> placeholders
<VITAS> because i didnt get arround to make cover art
<Unknown601> I can do that if you like :D
<VITAS> you could. i hope i implemented an easy way to use them
<Unknown601> :)
<VITAS> i was planing on throwing out all games except ksp
<Unknown601> just tell me how big the max size is
<VITAS> because ive not even the time to add new versions for them
<VITAS> i think its resizing them
<Unknown601> i know
<Unknown601> just need the max
<Unknown601> never mind i can find that
<VITAS> yes use the placeholder as template
<Unknown601> 1080p is your max size right?
<VITAS> the css rearanges the page depending on the width
<Unknown601> yes, but you should have a cut off for that
<VITAS> i tested it up to 6k
<Unknown601> oh.. ok :P
<Unknown601> hmm
* Unknown601 This site can’t be reached
<Unknown601> spacedock.info took too long to respond.
<VITAS> the idea was: use space for usefull info
<VITAS> uhm AU penelty?
<Unknown601> sites ERR_TIMED_OUT
<Unknown601> we are not that far away D:
<VITAS> yes its slow for me too
<VITAS> checking
<Unknown601> let me ping it
<VITAS> ping does nothing
<Unknown601> no responder?
<Unknown601> i can ping google?
<Unknown601> will it just loaded
<VITAS> ok some virus scan is hogging the routers cpu
<Unknown601> ah
* Unknown601 <div class="header-img" style="background-image: url(&quot;/static/background-s.jpg&quot;); height: 178.313px;"></div>
<Unknown601> inline height styling?
<Unknown601> is that driven by some js or php?
<VITAS> js
<VITAS> and responsive css
<VITAS> (i think)
<VITAS> the template on production is a mess an d the reason i wanted to redo it
<Unknown601> why did you do it with js O_o fully css responsive is much better
<Unknown601> ah
<VITAS> i inherited bootstrap mangled by some twig variant abused by custom css overwriting parts of it and garnished with coffee script foo
<VITAS> i then tried to block all styles and forcefully overwrite everythign with my custom css
<VITAS> and the result is: CRAP!
<VITAS> so if you ask yourself why did you do that: thats why ;)
<Unknown601> and people wonder why i write without bootstrap...
<VITAS> i spend some time learning bootstrap the past weeks
<Unknown601> why?
<VITAS> i wanted to find out why its hip
<VITAS> i understand it now
<Unknown601> write better code yourself
<VITAS> its good for rapid prototyping
<Unknown601> like this: see PM
<VITAS> just dump the right html with the right classes in and youre done
<VITAS> but it looks liekvery other website
<Unknown601> see the link in pm, build it for a client
<VITAS> what im realy looking for is something liek extjs from sencha
<VITAS> but in free a
<VITAS> -a
<VITAS> to write real webapps that feel like desktop apps
<Unknown601> ah yes
<Unknown601> see the simple interface i have for the pots on that page i linked
<VITAS> i want to make a webbased ui for that openchrom.net thing
<VITAS> SD is working again
<VITAS> someone send a load of large attachments via mail
<VITAS> and the spam gateway was scanning them
<VITAS> note to self: find out how to restirct clam avs cpu usage
<Unknown601> VITAS, did you see the link i PMed
<VITAS> btw wherent you making some box venture thingy?
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> im looking at it
<VITAS> Garden FX
<VITAS> theyre plastic?
<Unknown601> there name before i know them
<Unknown601> no real
<VITAS> hmm strange name
<Unknown601> i redid the logo though it was very bad
<VITAS> i expect some sort of hollywood movie effects
<Unknown601> i know, we made it work though
<Unknown601> same
<VITAS> im convinced that dropshadows are making a comeback after a flat rectengular time
<Unknown601> checkout the showcase
<Unknown601> i intergraded google api
<Unknown601> :D
<VITAS> my guess: grish blue with more curves is the next trend in webdesign
<VITAS> hmm nice idea
<VITAS> wouldnt work in germany :D
<Unknown601> oh
<VITAS> but slideshows with streetview... :)
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<VITAS> they sued the crap out of google and demanded bluring everything
<VITAS> so google stoped doing streetview updates
<Unknown601> i did not know that
<Unknown601> interesting
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> another fun fact
<Unknown601> i will have to talk to them about getting ME to go around there sites and take photos :)
<Unknown601> i do the "photo stuff" to
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<VITAS> we now have advertising for the german armys cyber branch at trainstations and such
<VITAS> they re desperate for hackers
<Unknown601> white hat right <_<
<Unknown601> >_>
<VITAS> any hat
<VITAS> they told us for years: hackers are bad
<Unknown601> yeah... they would be doing black hat stuff anyway...
<VITAS> and now they have slogens like "when is it ok to hack a hacker?"
<Unknown601> XD
<VITAS> theyre talking about "protecting the armys infrastructure"
<VITAS> and want ppl to write trojans and stuff
<Unknown601> 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984
<VITAS> but in essence they want everyone they can get
<Unknown601> you write the book or watched the movie?
<VITAS> they even said: you can be overweight and dont need any univerity degree
<Unknown601> *read
<VITAS> both
<VITAS> its worse than the movie
<Unknown601> would have much more detail, i need to read it....
<VITAS> because what the movie did wrong: ppl didnt have a good life
<Unknown601> ah
<Unknown601> i have watched 3 versions
<VITAS> talk to average joe
<Unknown601> the mainstream one a old bbc one and one other i forget
<VITAS> why would he change anything? he has food and games he likes
<VITAS> and hes hapopy not to think
<Unknown601> watch this, very well done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o66FUc61MvU
<VITAS> http://www.pckeyboard.com/page/product/UB40P4A <- btw my new keyboard
<VITAS> im very happy with it but there are two things i dont like
<Unknown601> wow nice
<VITAS> the keys ar emostly brilliant white so they will get dirty fast
<VITAS> (looked grayish from the pic)
<VITAS> and the right alt and win key is swaped
<Unknown601> oh yeah
<VITAS> and in germany you have to press the right alt to get @ and €
<Unknown601> it has 1980's computer feel i like it
<VITAS> i keep starting programs starting with q and e instead :D
<VITAS> its 80s
<VITAS> its an updated IBM model M
<Unknown601> oh thats why i thought i had seen it before
<VITAS> im thinking about even swapping it into a model M case and use its keycaps
<VITAS> buckeling sprinsg
<Unknown601> the case can be swaped with a real one! nice
<VITAS> springs
<VITAS> yes because unicomp bought the tooling from ibms subcontractor
<VITAS> its the real thing
<Unknown601> nice!
<VITAS> but with win keys and usb
<VITAS> i told my boss about it and he insisted on paying for it
<Unknown601> that's nice of him :)
<VITAS> and because of that im thinking about buying something quieter for work
<VITAS> you cant use this one with soemone else arround
<VITAS> its loud
<Unknown601> ah like the original?
<Unknown601> nice sound though :)
<VITAS> yes because its the exact same
<VITAS> only with other colors, extra keys and usb
<VITAS> i notice how my char swapping went down to nearly zero
<VITAS> so it realy does help
<VITAS> yes like that
<Unknown601> i might keep a eye out for one of those when i go thirfting
<Unknown601> love getting old tech from secondhand shops
<VITAS> yes but theire so praised, that they rarley show up nowdays
<Unknown601> its amazing what you can find :)
<Unknown601> I do what this guy does https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbSgb9dngRI
<VITAS> the major problem is conecting the old ones to a new pc
<VITAS> you need a special adapter (because they draw a large amoutn of power) or an ps2 port
<VITAS> some even come with DIN ports
<VITAS> i watch him too :)
<Unknown601> if i saw one i would worry about connecting it later :D
<Unknown601> ebay will same me there anyway
<Unknown601> or a audunio mod
<Unknown601> i almost got a N64 last time i was thifting
<VITAS> best would be to put an adaptor directly into the case
<VITAS> there is a vid on yt about it
<Unknown601> VITAS, what do you think about the USA launching 59 missiles at Syria?
<Unknown601> VITAS, ?
<VITAS> ....and missing?
<Unknown601> yeah most of them
<Unknown601> Russian s300 system...
<VITAS> i think they look like idiots
<Unknown601> and they attacked a sovereign country
<VITAS> who didnt?
<Unknown601> the USA did
<VITAS> and many others
<Unknown601> the USA media is talking up war now, dropped that huge bomb to, then said its almost as big as a nuke....
<Unknown601> and its really 1000x smaller
<VITAS> i think it isnt a good idea for us to discuss such topics
<Unknown601> why?
<VITAS> we know we dont have the same oppinions
<Unknown601> we don't?
<VITAS> we didnt in the past
<Unknown601> I forget the details
<VITAS> in addition to that: i think the us, russian and my goverment need to be put somewhere safe so they they stop harming ppl
<Unknown601> i agree with that
<VITAS> so it doesnt matter what the us did in syria. there are a bunch of countrys bombing the shit out of it including two sides of their own.
<Unknown601> well russian is just protecting itsself
<Unknown601> but the rest yes
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> everybody
<VITAS> you dont need to protect yourself if you stay home
<Unknown601> if they where not building bases on there border and putting sanctions on them
<VITAS> and thats where we disagreed the last time
<VITAS> also chrimere
<Unknown601> in the end there should be no powers with nukes..
<Unknown601> the USA stuffed up there
<Unknown601> tried to take over the place and remove the russian port.
<Unknown601> install a puppet government
<VITAS> im tired of talking about what country is better and who did what
<VITAS> its like kindergarten but instead legos its real lifes
<Unknown601> :( very true, but the people are empowering these war machines
<VITAS> and theres none who can say stop the fighting and behave or you wont get any dessert today
<VITAS> because noone cares anymore
<Unknown601> :( yeah
<VITAS> and thats because theyre flooded with meaningless infos like "your happy farrm facebook game cow gave you 1xp"
<VITAS> or " 3 ppl you dont know like that"
<VITAS> there was a study i heared about: they claim that facebook makes oyu unhappy
<Unknown601> they use there uses as ginipigs
<Unknown601> and feed some sad things only to see what happended
<Unknown601> and it effected them and what they posted
<Unknown601> its online somewhere
<Unknown601> was posted as a paper!
<VITAS> its about control
<Unknown601> yep control the mind of the masses
<Unknown601> to do your will
<VITAS> everyone wants control
<VITAS> first their on life then others
<VITAS> money is nothing other than control
<Unknown601> yes
<Unknown601> you buy peoples time with it
<VITAS> but control isnt bad in general the problem are the intentions and the amount
<Unknown601> LIFE TIME
<Unknown601> yes the people in control are evil beyond belief
<Unknown601> the people behind puppets like trump, the hidden hand
<VITAS> because it corupts
<VITAS> neither of us would be better
<Unknown601> would you murder people?
<Unknown601> i would not
<VITAS> i cant say
<VITAS> because i dont know how i would react in very possible situation
<VITAS> and murder on a political level can be very abstract
<VITAS> it can be the wrong word at the wrong time
<Unknown601> i for one would not kill a fellow human
<Unknown601> but i take your point
<Unknown601> that's why the whole system is evil
<Unknown601> and always has been
<VITAS> i dont want to and i cant imagine myself doing it willingly but i simply dont know what would happen
<VITAS> problem is: we dont know any betetr sys that works
<Unknown601> democracy has brought more death to the world then any order in history
<VITAS> im not sure
<VITAS> i think the 3rd reich is up there
<VITAS> and think about the middle ages
<VITAS> i think its about the percentage per timeframe
<Unknown601> there is a better option
<VITAS> find it
<Unknown601> I have..
<VITAS> rule of the machines?
<Unknown601> i will explain it to you sometime, about to sign off
<Unknown601> VITAS, see we do agree "mostly" :)
<Unknown601> GTG o/ great talking again
<Unknown601> btw what is the best time to catch you online?
<VITAS> depends on the day and my mood :)
<VITAS> you can check what time it is in germany
<VITAS> past noon is a good estemate
<Unknown601> 12:17 pm?
<Unknown601> is that your timezone?
<Thomas> o/
<VITAS> hi Thomas
<Unknown601> ok, see you around o/
<VITAS> bye
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<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to go: https://git.io/vS5xn
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go d1b4412 Dorian Stoll: Move the dummy db setup to a seperate file
RockyTV|away is now known as RockyTV
<Thomas> o/ RockyTV
<Thomas> !tell VITAS When you have time, could you export the db from prod, mask all the sensitive data, and upload that for me? Need test data for the migration script (and not guessing the schema would be cool too :D)
<Qboid> Thomas: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<SpaceDock> [SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 2 new commits to go: https://git.io/vS5j9
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 02085cd Dorian Stoll: What about sqlite?
<SpaceDock> SpaceDock-Backend/go 3afdeec Dorian Stoll: Started to mess with data migration
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