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<Thomas> o/
* Thomas installs Windows 10 Creators update and prepares to get annihilated by VITAS
<VITAS> do what you want
<VITAS> not my mess
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> speaking of mess: on my way beack from work i was thinking if it would eb a good idea to have the backend transimt some sort of jsain containing the structure of the page that goes along with the data is will send
<VITAS> and the frontend cosntructs it from buildingblocks
<VITAS> but that would only work well if theres a way to change the url using js because it would be best if js would do the building not php
<Lartza> Windows 10 is fine
<Lartza> Suuuure it collects telemetry but meh
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> so its as ok as living in a glass box in a busy city center :)
<Lartza> Eh
<Lartza> Nobody is looking at my telemetry data though, bad analog
<VITAS> soory ofcause nobody would do that
<Lartza> It's more like if my government asked details of my life every now and then, or something
<Lartza> I'm not saying the data sent to MS is not used
<VITAS> they ask you?!
<Lartza> No, but that's a better analog :P
<VITAS> mine just monitores it
<Lartza> Nobody lives in a glass box either
<Lartza> wat
<Lartza> Nobody monitors what you ate for breakfast or idk :D Except if you have a store card they might collect what you buy
<VITAS> they have cameras everywhere, track cellphones, sniff all data, are allowed to hack and use trojans, ...
<Lartza> My government isn't that big ;)
<VITAS> i want to live in lichtenstein too
<Lartza> They are now making legislations because they noticed they can't even track foreign governments :P
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> Whoops
<Lartza> The laws are too dated to fit digital stuff and yeah
<VITAS> germany simply set up a NSA task group after snowden
<VITAS> and theyre now "fixing" every problem by changing the law
<VITAS> so it simply isnt illigal anymore
<VITAS> and they gave our agencies mor emoney to be able to keep up with the amount of data they have to parse
<Lartza> We don't really have an intellgience service on the scale of Germany
<VITAS> also there are cameras in stores too and on your way to and from and there are cameras and micorphone sin your home
<VITAS> on your smartphone, xbox (if available) smart tv (if you have one) laptop and so on
<VITAS> so its possible if someone is that perverted
<Lartza> Joke's on them, my xbox is at a friend's place
<Lartza> Kinect camera is here though :P
<VITAS> and your toast isnt becaus eyou ate it today :P
<Lartza> I did eat toast! But not all of it
<Lartza> Stop hacking me
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> sorry was on the phone with the swedish goverment. They say you dont have enough for tomorrow
<Lartza> haha
<Lartza> They can probably spy me better than my government
<VITAS> yes because everyone exchanges their intel
<VITAS> the german goverment only knows that youre out of jam :P
<Lartza> I mean I am a pretty easy person to spy on :(
<Lartza> Or dox :S
<VITAS> John Doe NSA: "Thank you Microsoft. Windows 10 changed our Lives!"
<Thomas> <VITAS> but that would only work well if theres a way to change the url using js because it would be best if js would do the building not php -> If you mean the routing: use rewrite rules and GET params? ^^
<VITAS> I try to make it hard but i think its only trying
<VITAS> Thomas, a way to change wahts in the address field without reloading the site
<Thomas> window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", "/new-url");
<VITAS> hmmm
<Lartza> I even use Ok, google, let google track where I am for the Google Now functionalities... :P
<VITAS> Yes its so easy to let someone else think for you these days
<Thomas> And its easy to troll people with smarthome through the TV :P
<VITAS> the who with what?
<VITAS> sorry im old ive a CRT tv and the smartest thing in my home is me
<Thomas> burger king made a tv ad, where, instead of explaining what a whopper is, they just said "ok google, what is a whopper", and millions of google home devices started to read the wikipedia article about a whopper
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<VITAS> so someone who tought that everyone is like him made an ad
<VITAS> and included another bbrand in his ad
<VITAS> so it IS true 99% of all ads are useless
<Lartza> People also started changing the wikipedia page and then google blocked the query
<VITAS> (read that in some useless book about ads years ago)
<Lartza> "Whopper is a burger made of human babies" etc :D
<VITAS> I would change it to "Sirie Whats a Big Mac?"
<VITAS> and then change the Big MAc Page to "Alexa goto"
<VITAS> that gives me an idea
<Thomas> "Alexa buy me a dollhouse"
<VITAS> im thinking about ways to command all the voice thingies to go to a website with matching exploits
<VITAS> but dont you have to push soem button for it to recognize the commands?
<Thomas> No
<Lartza> No?
<Thomas> Just say a keyword and it listens
<Lartza> That would defeat all purpose :D
<VITAS> so it always listens
<VITAS> why i wont have to type
<VITAS> thats enough
<VITAS> like push to spy
<Thomas> Hmm, there are people who submit pull requests to projects with CI, that replace all code with bitcoin mining code -> do that with smarthomes somehow :P
<Lartza> my phone even listens with the screen off, after you add yourself as a trusted voice
<VITAS> so you are telling me that your phone is recording everything arround you all the time?
<Lartza> Yes, for Google
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> did you ask the ppl arround you if its ok for them?
<VITAS> im sure its illigal if you dont
<Lartza> What people? :_(
<VITAS> the ones in public when you take your phone to get more toast?
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> Not illegal here btw
<VITAS> to seacretly record others?
<Lartza> But it probably is in some countries
<VITAS> strange
<VITAS> -a
<Thomas> add backdoor to android (assume that noone notices it) -> wait until it gets deployed to most phones -> build the machine from person of interest :D
<VITAS> here it is. But so is giving away data of ppl you dont have any permission from.
<VITAS> noone seems to care
<Lartza> The law is worded in a way that it's illegal if you record in someone's home or if it's speech not meant for you and the person you are recording can't assume you can hear them
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<Lartza> You can't compare germany to any country
<VITAS> so its illigal for google
<Lartza> Google stopped street map in germany because :S
<Lartza> Also the keyword recording doesn't leave my phone afaik
<Lartza> That's why you have to record your voice for it to be able to use it
<VITAS> because if youre at home and e.g. calls omeone it isnt for google
<Lartza> If you don't you can only use it with the screen already on the google screen
<VITAS> i wouldnt trust them to not be able to dl it
<Lartza> Also I'm not really making a recording since it's a volatile keyword monitor
<VITAS> its on a device controlled by a company that makes all his money by selling userdata and profiles
<Lartza> But I get your point, in any case it's not something I'll get in trouble...
<VITAS> no because so many ppl do it themselves
<VITAS> its like phne while driving
<Lartza> Well you do get in trouble for that :P
<VITAS> or using your phone at places like hospitals
<VITAS> rarely it seems
<Lartza> And that's not prohibited here, except on certain sections
<VITAS> or ppl are so addicted that they dont care
<VITAS> but i see so many doing it
<Lartza> I did my civil service in a hospital, there aren't really that many places you can't use your phone
<VITAS> i was in a waiting room at my doctors recently and theres a sign. ANd ppl are sitting under it and arround it with their smartphones
<Lartza> :(
<Lartza> That's more strict than here for some reason
<VITAS> im convinced many are addicted
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> That's true
<VITAS> can you stop at any point? are you getting nervous if youre Phone isnt there for an hour? can you leave it be if it makes a sound or vibrates? can you respect times when it isnt ok to use it? (e.g. while corssing a street, walking in a crowded place,...)
<VITAS> do you have reasons why you cant be without your phone?
<VITAS> how often do you use it on an average day?
<Lartza> I think there have been studies on that :D
<Lartza> I haven't gotten hooked yet, PC's are not a gateway drug for phones ;)
<VITAS> try to stay away from google, apple, amazon and facebook for one week
<VITAS> then youll know
<Lartza> I dont use facebook, amazon or apple
<VITAS> no whatsapp?
<Lartza> a little
<VITAS> thats facebook
<Lartza> mostly when my friend is at work and not on steam
<Lartza> and not every day
<VITAS> so no google it is
<VITAS> i must admit i too use google in the form of youtube
<VITAS> in other news: saw my first university degree from the university of moscow during the UDSSR time today
<VITAS> someone applied for a job and send it to me
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