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Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
Thomas, have you took a lookj at adminlte?
Yes, and it looks interesting
im trying to use it with laravel and backpack
for work
but im not fully clear how widgets work
if the different views could be like plugins we could use it as solid underpinning for spacedock
we would only need to map e.g. datatbles (the jquery plugin) compatible dtat to our tile views
and figure out some stuff for the mod detail views
vue.js is awesome: I can do this: <mod-box v-for="_mod in" v-bind:mod="_mod"></mod-box> and I get a modbox for every mod in \o/
laravel is even better
i can do something similar to Guard::polecy("mods",Backpack::colums([["name":"mod","label":"Mod","type":"string"],[...]]));
and it generates a compleate adminlte view with menu, access rules and rolles for that menu, add,modify,delete,browse table
based on datatables with serverside filtering,paging,....
and on top of that acts as db model for the included orm (so migrations, patches and ofcause auto db table generation is included)
problem beeing: i dont fully understand everything yet
i mailed my boss: "i wont come to the sumemrparty thing today i think im ghetting the cold. ill inform you tomorrow if i have to call in sick" (keep in mind that he came in the office this week sneezing all over the place and i said then "i hope you wont infect me") he replied to my mail: "ok im in top form again and going to the summer party now. i hope you get better"
what a dick
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