[#27] title: Move extra scripts to command-line arguments | If we actually end up restructuring our package, it might be good to retire the `tools/` directory and move the `migrate` and `setup` scripts to our main package. So, instead of calling them separately, they would be arguments passed to the main package.... | https://github.com/KSP-SpaceDock/SpaceDock-Backend/issues/27
I'm already workign on it, just need your approval. I was thinking we'd need to move app.init() to a function and call it if we want to run the app
We should do that, yeah
Starting build #51 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #42 3 mo 1 day ago)
the windows version was successfull, but the second build had an error with build_sdb.go
so what is the fix for the command-line argument change?
also, what was wrong with build_sdb.go?
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7lDY
SpaceDock-Backend/master 16c0b43 Dorian Stoll: the other version seems to duplicate the file somehow
Starting build #59 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #42 3 mo 1 day ago)
i think it contained sdb.go twice because the build script failed at deleting it
RockyTV: Tbh, I would keep everything in init, and just dont run the webserver if it isn't required. Even if the stuff we run (migration script) doesnt even use things like the database or the settings
dorian: the other version seems to duplicate the file somehow
20:57:05 ERROR: No artifacts found that match the file pattern "sdb-*.zip". Configuration error?
20:57:05 ERROR: ‘sdb-*.zip’ doesn’t match anything, but ‘src/github.com/KSP-SpaceDock/SpaceDock-Backend/sdb-*.zip’ does. Perhaps that’s what you mean?
I hate it xD
Thomas, okay then
Starting build #60 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #42 3 mo 1 day ago)
should I delete tools/ and move the contents to sdb.go or just import tools/?
Import it
both files are rather large
and give that sdb.go gets processed on every build..
sdb.go:16:5: import "github.com/KSP-SpaceDock/SpaceDock-Backend/tools" is a program, not an importable package
damn it
fixed it
Lol, jenkins has a button that displays zip files as plaintext
is it normal for the setup script to take a while to load
RockyTV meant to say: is it normal for the setup script to take a while to finish
Unless the app is set to debug mode it wont log
if it is set to debug mode it will log the heck out of your terminal :P
uh question
regarding the control codes: is it supposed to set my background color to blue?
idk why but running sdb.exe evreytime will just update my database
is it expected behavior
I am not sure what you mean
re control codes: could be
everytime I run sdb.exe my terminal is spammed with "[2017-07-30 16:15:59] [2.63ms] INSERT INTO "role_abilities" ("ability_id","role_id") SELECT '16','2' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM "role_abilities" WHERE "ability_id" = '16' AND "role_id" = '2')"
Ah, yeah. The abilities are defined in the routes, and it tries to create them when sdb starts
can't you just check if they exist before trying to create them?
It does that
I think
Ah, I use FirstOrInit
That means "create if it doesnt exist"
it generated a 40mb log file
and checking manually would spam even more
hm,. the color codes might be messed up
Which terminal do you use?
Hmm, works fine in powershell for me
do you use colorhost?
I use powershell
my prompt sets the background color to black, though