egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch
aradapilot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|zz|egg
egg|zz|egg is now known as egg|z|egg
NathanKell|Twitch is now known as NathanKell|AWAY
<SpaceDock> [OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> OpenDock/master 795462c Dorian Stoll: Dynamic content updates brought to you by the wonders of vue
<Thomas> VITAS: RockyTV: ^ :D
<VITAS> so vue is your new go
<VITAS> aka hype of the season ;)
<Thomas> No, I still hype go
<Thomas> :P
<Thomas> But I hype vue too
<VITAS> hipster :P
<Thomas> But seriously: It it much more fun to work with vue than it was with jquery
<Thomas> *It is
egg|z|egg is now known as egg
<VITAS> ive no problem with jquery but i might look at vue if its so greart
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aradapilot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<RockyTV> Thomas, how does it work?
<RockyTV> also, why does google have to fuck up their versioning?
<RockyTV> they're probably splitting between go1 and go2
<RockyTV> also, do you know of any good sftp clients for windows?
<Thomas> RockyTV: I just refetch the data every 30 seconds and vue does the rest.
<Thomas> RockyTV: I use WinSCP
<VITAS> winscp
<VITAS> or filzilla
<VITAS> winscp integrates with putty and has an editor integrated
<RockyTV> I want to setup "keep remote files up to date" automatically but it's a pita
<VITAS> thats the job of your ide
<RockyTV> ide?
<VITAS> dev env, editor bla
<VITAS> integrated development enviroment
<RockyTV> I don't need that
<RockyTV> I just want to keep my personal files in sync
<VITAS> you dont need fency thins like autosync then
<RockyTV> I don't want to have to press sync every time something changes
<VITAS> in that case you want soem sort of rsync like implementation
<RockyTV> I'll eventually miss them
<VITAS> or owncloud
<VITAS> or justs tore it on an smb share
<VITAS> or some backup soft
<VITAS> (e.g. the windows build in one)
<RockyTV> smb is vulnerable
<VITAS> ...if thats still thing
<VITAS> computers are
<VITAS> and you too
<RockyTV> Thomas, what do you think of changing: backend + '/api/users/current' to `${backend}/api/users/current` ?
<VITAS> do you stop beeing you because of it?
<RockyTV> any windows thing is insecure
<VITAS> any thing is insecure
<VITAS> there isnt 100% secure ever
<VITAS> (sorry to crush your world)
<VITAS> so smb and insecure....
<VITAS> there is this problem called eternal blue
<RockyTV> thing is, sftp isn't vulnerable to wannacry
<VITAS> and its fixed
<VITAS> and it only is usefull IF you have a virus
<Thomas> RockyTV: Hmm, I dont know
<VITAS> and said virus wants to infect your smb server
<RockyTV> I prefer trusting an open source software that runs on linux (excluding smb because the protocol isn't safe)
<VITAS> and that server has that securioty hole
<RockyTV> well, smbv2/v1
<VITAS> so now you see its as safe as you make it
<VITAS> also: you dont have to do smb via the inet
<VITAS> and if you must always use vpns
<VITAS> for everything
<VITAS> the rest is soemthign you picked up in the media :)
<VITAS> but if youre paranoid beyound reason use webdav
<RockyTV> vpns are expensive :(
<VITAS> no?
<VITAS> openvpn
<VITAS> and finished
<VITAS> its like saying that running a webserver is
<VITAS> it depends on what and where
<VITAS> having two hosts and doing vpns between them only costs a bit of bandwidth
<VITAS> because of encryption and encapsulation
<Thomas> And if you go full paranoida mode you pipe all the traffic of the vpn through the tor network :P
<VITAS> no thats insane
<RockyTV> how so? >> having two hosts and doing vpns between them only costs a bit of bandwidth
<Thomas> VITAS: I know :D
<VITAS> because didnt you know : many exit nodes are provided by the nsa and other agancys
<VITAS> RockyTV, just read up on openvpn
<VITAS> or vpns in general
<VITAS> like ipsec
<VITAS> or l2tp
<VITAS> ppptp
<VITAS> ...
<VITAS> i personaly prefer openvpn because its easy
<RockyTV> Thomas, are you creating a new vue app for each page?
<Thomas> Yes
<RockyTV> why?
<RockyTV> why not use a single one for everything?
<VITAS> sounds not like best practice
<VITAS> but my guess is: its normaly single page?
<Thomas> Because when the page reloads it gets deleted anyways
<RockyTV> hm .
<Thomas> It's just code duplication
<SpaceDock> [OpenDock] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<SpaceDock> OpenDock/master b74bfa9 Dorian Stoll: Anonymus routes
<RockyTV> damn it
<RockyTV> getting slim errors
<RockyTV> can't find template layout.html
<RockyTV> I'll just move it outside a subdir
<Thomas> No, I changed something
<VITAS> tip: dont call it .html if its a template
<Thomas> All template links need to change to templates/<name>.html instead of <name>.html
<VITAS> call it something like .tpl
<Thomas> and I didn't change all the templates yet
<VITAS> i even remember that there was a shortcut to call views where you dont have to give the file extetntion
<RockyTV> ah
<RockyTV> weird
<RockyTV> still not working after changing from templates/<name>mhtl to <name>.html
<RockyTV> o wait
<RockyTV> nvm
<RockyTV> SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data at utils.js
<Thomas> sounds like something with the request is failing
<RockyTV> there's no responseText in the xhr response
<RockyTV> a is 'error' and b is empty string
<Thomas> Is your backend running?
<RockyTV> I'm using the sdb backend
<Thomas> umm.. vitas killed the dev server some weeks ago
<Thomas> you need a local instance
<RockyTV> ah
<RockyTV> damn it
<RockyTV> oh, just noticed that openvpn didn't even connect
<Thomas> :D
<RockyTV> okay, will setup a local instance
<RockyTV> why did vitas kill the devserver?
<VITAS> ups caps
<VITAS> and
<VITAS> it costs what i pay for an entire server with 64gb ram dual ssd and i7
<VITAS> but for 2-4gb ram and 20gb of hd
<RockyTV> ouch :/
<VITAS> so theyre simply expensive as hell
<VITAS> plan is to set up another
<VITAS> but ive a cold so im out of order for the moment
<RockyTV> Thomas, how do I use the plugins?
<Thomas> You make a file called plugin.txt in the folder build
<RockyTV> yup
<RockyTV> what is this golang dependency url?
<RockyTV> ty
<Thomas> (remove the last line if you are using powershell)
<RockyTV> I hope it works with go1.7
<Thomas> You probably need 1.8
<RockyTV> are you using psql or mysql, Thomas ?
<Thomas> psql
<VITAS> remember that i want to use mariadb in the future
<Thomas> atm the backend imports psql, mysql and mssql drivers
<Thomas> I dropped sqlite because ugh, cgo
<VITAS> wyes dont need that
<RockyTV> Thomas, after I built sdb, where do I laucnh it?
<RockyTV> there's no sdb binary file in my git folder
<Thomas> There should be a sdb.exe in your current directory
<RockyTV> nope
<Thomas> can you pastebin the console content?
<RockyTV> there's build_sdb.go
<RockyTV> sure
<RockyTV> running it again
<Thomas> vendor/src/ undefined: http.Pusher
<Thomas> try go 1.8
<VITAS> you could use this instead of pastbin:
<Thomas> I use hastebin or gist
<VITAS> whatever bin
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<RockyTV> I'm using go 1.8
<RockyTV> wait
<RockyTV> scratch that
<RockyTV> I fucked up
<RockyTV> can't install golang-1.8, won't find the go bin
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
NathanKell|AWAY is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<RockyTV> Thomas, src/SpaceDock/routes/init.go:88: cannot use "".New("".Options literal) (type "".Handler) as type iris.Handler in argument to SpaceDock.App.Router.Use:
<RockyTV> "".Handler does not implement iris.Handler (missing Serve method)
<RockyTV> on go 1.8.3
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
GK1wmSU has joined #spacedock
GK1wmSU has left #spacedock [#spacedock]
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|Twitch