A browser sends Origin headers with the request etc.
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Ohh, I have an idea
You need to set a bool in the sdb config to activate CORS
disable-same-origin: true
It seems that this is set to false
it worked but now it sends a 403 with GET
game_short, gameversion and gameversion_id are empty
shouldn't those be defined according to game?
Yes and no
Ther will always be unfilled parameters
Because of the amount of recursion is allowed
In the end, almost all objects are somehow self-referencing
so there has to be a cut somewhere
so why not remove game_short from the mod object then?
Wait, thats something different
game_short is not in the mod object
it is added by a plugin
Ah, yeah, but in the end it is the same issue
The transformation does m["game_short"] = mod.Game.Short
and mod.Game isn't initialized
why is mod.Game not init?
recursion level
for the lists it is entirely disabled
I don't understand
if you open /api/mods/kerbal-space-program/1
you will see it
If the backend is asked to display all mods
it wont bother fetching their relations
because that takes too much time
it fetches all the data from the table and ignores relations to other objects
can't we remove those empty fields?
We could but I would like to keep them
because if we keep them we can continue to pass the object to the go json encoder
what's the point of keeping empty objects?
when we remove them we have to process the objects ourselves or do other yanky stuff
it is simpler, and it doesnt hurt
it is confusing ok, but the backend data isnt meant to be read by end users anyway
I'm pretty sure when sdb is on prod some people will question why some fields are empty
some developers, that is
And we can explain it to developers
I mean, sure, we can change it, but to me it would be more confusing to have different fields when calling different routes
how much performance do we end up trading for displaying the data?
Depends how deep we want to go
Every mod fetches 7 other objects
so if we go to level 1, we end up with 7x more queries being made
its weird
because the frontend will "suffer" from it
instead of getting the game short directly from a list of mods, it'll have to query the backend to get the game short for the specified game id
btw, is the /api/mods/random going to be a plugin or can it be implemented directly in sdb?
RockyTV: Well, doing one additional request for one mod is cheaper than doing 7 times more queries for probably hundreds of mods
RockyTV: And about the random: I would say plugin
But it wouldn't be a problem for me to implement it in sdb
I added it as an exception to /api/mods/:gameshort
because iris was complaining about registering a route in /api/mods/random
Ah yeah, thats a problem
Could you add the same exception to /api/mods/:gameshort/:modid ? Could be useful for game specific randomness
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[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v74jf
SpaceDock-Backend/master 701cc43 Dorian Stoll: Fix some attributes
Starting build #63 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: FAILURE -- last SUCCESS #61 1 day 1 hr ago)
the powershell script for installing the plugins is borken
I think
Works perfectly for me
might be because my glide ins't in gopath/bin
RockyTV: Yeah. I didn't want to assume that glide is in PATH
Or in the same directory
you do know that gopath/bin (which gets set to lgobin) needs to be on path, right?
Yes, but since gopath/bin is a standarized location in the go ecosystem, it is better to demand adding that to the path that some random location
and everyone could do the same as the plugin script: use the full (or relative) path