Ezriilc has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Ezriilc has joined #KSPOfficial
You outsource the assembly of your rockets to The Netherlands. Suddenly, time travel has been invented about 276 years in your future. A feedback loop radically alters your past and present.
Those pesky Dutch. Will they stop at nothing?
.outcome add Everyday Astronaut starts to upload a video every day.
Added outcome: Everyday Astronaut starts to upload a video every day.
!mission add You set up a competition between Scott Manley and a manly Scot.
Added mission: You set up a competition between Scott Manley and a manly Scot.
!mission You kidnap Matt Lowne and only let him go once he has learned the correct pronunciation of "Mün".
No mission found matching "You kidnap Matt Lowne and only let him go once he has learned the correct pronunciation of "Mün".".
!mission add You kidnap Matt Lowne and only let him go once he has learned the correct pronunciation of "Mün".
Added mission: You kidnap Matt Lowne and only let him go once he has learned the correct pronunciation of "Mün".
how does he pronounce Mün?
I say Mũn
Scott Mũnley
sandbox, Matt pronounces it so that it rhymes with "bun".
purpletarget|ktns has quit [Quit: Any fool can calculate]
You fake a Mun landing, at one of stages. You however, sourced actual Mun dust for the scene. Kountdown gets kicked for annoyingly telling everyone the time to your impending doom.
if I recall there is another mission, one about faking mun landing at duna
;mission faking
No mission found matching "faking".
;mission faked
No mission found matching "faked".
;mission fake
You put some fake names on the books, pocket their pay, and use it to bribe inspectors to ignore the infraction until you can find the additional crew.
;mission fake
You put some fake names on the books, pocket their pay, and use it to bribe inspectors to ignore the infraction until you can find the additional crew.
You attempt to refine Rockwell's Turbo Encabulator by recalibrating the Reciprocating Dingle-Arm. All of Kerbin explodes because of your carelessness.