ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<github> [RP-0] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to SatellitePayloadFixes: https://git.io/fhWWI
<github> RP-0/SatellitePayloadFixes 0cac522 Dan Paplaczyk: Delete Class1.cs...
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<github> [RP-0] siimav pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhlX0
<github> RP-0/master 819d459 siimav: Another fix to maintenance costs, changed first level pad to be lvl 1 instead of 0
<soundnfury> egg: what's the condition number of a function that passes through (0,0), such as ln(1 + x)? Is it just undefined there, or can we do something a bit l'hôpitish?
<egg> removable singularities don't really exist :-p
<soundnfury> ummm...
<soundnfury> thanks, but I'm not sure that answers my question in terms immediately understandable to me
<egg> for log(1+x), the condition number has a removable singularity in 0
<soundnfury> are you saying that we can just use the analytic continuation at that point?
<egg> well, what is it you want to do with that condition number
<soundnfury> ("don't really exist" is a little unclear)
<egg> aside using it as a word of abuse
<egg> term of abuse, rather
<soundnfury> egg: the trouble is that it's not me that wants it; I just had someone ask "any important properties of this function?"
<egg> specifically log(1+x)?
<egg> hm.
<soundnfury> well, actually "static_cast<float>(log(d + 1.0) / 20.0)"
1SLAACOKB is now known as Mike`
<soundnfury> but that's basically the same thing :P
<egg> aha, but it is not
<soundnfury> ?
<egg> you are not talking about the function that maps x to log(1+x), but rather about the composition of the rounded addition with the log (the division by 20 is boring, let us disregard it)
<soundnfury> ah, this is true
<soundnfury> for very small d you just get 0, because d + 1.0 == 1.0 yes?
<egg> yes
<egg> but there the log is well-conditioned and does not make things worse
<egg> but if you looked at the condition of log(1+x), you have seen that the scary part is at -1
<egg> where it greatly amplifies any error fed into it
<egg> Fortunately, Sterbenz says there is none from the addition if x is near -1 and denormals are not flushed
<egg> unfortunately, we must now ask whence x comes
<egg> for any error therein will still get amplified ad infinitum
<soundnfury> egg: yes, I think the querent already understands that the pole at -1 is nasty
<egg> (now we are indeed just looking at log(1+x), not log and the sum in isolation, but I think it bears eggsplaining the intervening step)
<egg> the interesting part is that given a half-decent log, implementing log(1+x) as log(1+x) will yield a half-decent log(1+x) at x=-1
<egg> because Sterbenz
<egg> Note: this is not the case if denormals are flushed
<soundnfury> egg: as you say, interesting.
<soundnfury> (not sarcastic at all, how could you suggest such a thing)
<egg> By Sterbenz, 1+x will be eggsact for x between minus two and minus a half, thus the error will be the error from the log
<soundnfury> I shall remember that next time I need to calculate log(1+eggs)
<egg> admittedly this is actually very boring because the log is arbitrarily well-conditioned at 0.
<egg> <egg> Note: this is not the case if denormals are flushed << yeah, given the log that part isn't true, because the condition of the log might just eat that up
<soundnfury> so, not _necessarily_ the case, rather than certainly not the case?
<egg> well, Sterbenz requires denormals not to be flushed
<egg> the question is: can you live without Sterbenz?
<egg> also, do you feel lucky?
* soundnfury has no idea whether he can live without Sterbenz or not
* soundnfury tries to stick to situations where condition and stabbity and other floaty things don't matter
<egg> honestly just don't flush denormals, Sterbenz is your friend
<egg> also don't evaluate 1-x² as (1-x) ** 2
<egg> um
<egg> yes
<egg> but
<soundnfury> ???
<egg> also don't evaluate 1-x² as 1-x*x, more interestingly
<egg> soundnfury: look i'm tired
<soundnfury> what about (1-x)(1+x), is that ok?
<egg> yes
<egg> that is the only correct way to do it
<soundnfury> \o/
<egg> 1-x*x is horrible
<egg> eggsercise: why
<soundnfury> hmm. It's either gonna be x close to 0 or x close to ±1 that's bad, let me think
<soundnfury> condition number of f:x→x² is 2... condition number of f:x→(1-x) is x/(x-1) which explodes at x=1
<soundnfury> so you want to do the x→(1-x) first
<soundnfury> get the ill-conditioner out of the way asap
<soundnfury> am I close?
<egg> indeed
<soundnfury> yay
<egg> more formally, the rounding error from x*x will get arbitrarily amplified by the ill-conditioned subtraction near x=1
<soundnfury> yep
<soundnfury> I miss these conversations. Am I still banned from #kspacademia?
<soundnfury> yes :(
<Mike`> what did you do? :D
<soundnfury> Mike`: I'm not entirely sure. I suggested that someone (I think it was whitequark) who was repeatedly pushing all my most obvious buttons wasn't engaging in good faith.
<soundnfury> because I felt that I, as a right-winger, was being used as an object of amusement and derision.
<Mike`> hehe
<soundnfury> And apparently I'm the one in the wrong.
<soundnfury> But I guess I'm used to that kind of treatment. Like when alternatehistory.com banned me for quoting Thomas Sowell.
<soundnfury> (Then when I challenged it, they changed their story and accused me of being a conspiracy theorist instead, for having the gall to believe in the existence of the Soviet dezinformatsiya campaign that both the KGB and the CIA say existed.)
<Mike`> :\
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