Shoe16 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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Shoe16 has joined #bottorture
<ConductingCat> ;mission
<kmath> ConductingCat: You attempt to manipulate the markets. An unamused octopus watches your every move.
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
handicraftsman has joined #bottorture
Technicalfool has joined #bottorture
<handicraftsman> Ohayo
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
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handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
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icefire has joined #bottorture
kmath has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
kmath has joined #bottorture
<icefire> ;seen kmath
<kmath> icefire: kmath ( was last seen posting in #bottorture 134 days, 12 hours and 48 minutes ago
<icefire> ;mission
<kmath> icefire: Seeking extra lift, you fill your craft with helium party balloons. You are forced to read The Atrocity Archives all in one sitting by administration.
<handicraftsman> !wpn icefire
* Qboid gives icefire a dynamo which strongly resembles a triangulation
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Thomas> !wpn
* Qboid gives Thomas a linear LALR(1) geobukseon
<handicraftsman> Ohayo Thomas
<handicraftsman> Can you add PhotonBot to bitrotripbot?
<Thomas> I dont operate bitrotripbot, ask Norgg :)
<handicraftsman> Norgg, ping!
<Thomas> norggbot: Norgg
<norggbot> Thomas: Norgg: just get on skype.
<Thomas> norggbot: skype
<norggbot> Thomas: Jimmy'll skype and explain if you want."?
<handicraftsman> norggbot: ping
<norggbot> handicraftsman: root@localtoast:~# ping" if settings.PRODUCTION.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: cat
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Arrow cat => (b -> c1) -> c
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: Arrow
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Arrow a1 => (a -> d -> b’
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: a1
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: [a] -> a -> Maybe a1
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: Maybe
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Maybe! I was going mad.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: mad
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: wait, I was going mad.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: wait
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: wait, it is made from jam and scones.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: scones
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Pretend it is made from jam and scones.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: Pretend
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Pretend it's not there with a Rowan though.
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: Rowan
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: Oh no Rowan finds the word "square".
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: square
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: !pn -add:wpn square
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: wpn
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: !pn -add:wpn egg|nomz|egg yet.
<handicraftsman> norggbot, c++
<norggbot> handicraftsman: @djinn [[a]] -> [[b]] -> [[c] -> [(a, b) -> [b1]
<handicraftsman> norggbot, ProtonBot
<norggbot> handicraftsman: Who wants ProtonBot here?
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: kitty
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: He could have a search for "angsty kitty"...
<egg|zzz|egg> norggbot: cat
<norggbot> egg|zzz|egg: NeiloGD: I like the cat button in MultiMC.
<ConductingCat> ;mission
<kmath> ConductingCat: You flawlessly launch a rocket into space. One problem - kmath stares at you.
<handicraftsman> egg|zzz|egg, /nick egg
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|tea|egg
r4m0n has quit [*.net *.split]
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egg|tea|egg is now known as egg
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egg|phone|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
handicraftsman has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<Norgg> handicraftsman: pong?
<Norgg> Another bot need memorialised?
<Norgg> Can make a PR to if you want.
<ProtonBot> ​[ Norgg#1 | ​GitHub - Norgg/bitrotripbot: A RIP bot for bots that have bit rotted ]
<Qboid> [#1] title: Update | |
<ProtonBot> ​[ handicraftsman#1 | ​Update by handicraftsman · Pull Request #1 · Norgg/bitrotripbot · GitHub ]
<ProtonBot> ​[ Qboid#1 | ​Update by handicraftsman · Pull Request #1 · Norgg/bitrotripbot · GitHub ]
<handicraftsman> Thomas, fail ^
<Thomas> I dont understand why its a fail. Its two bots having a similar function
<Thomas> Thats not a fail thats redundancy
<Thomas> ;P
<handicraftsman> Thomas, i mean, my bot does not detect Qboid as bot
* egg pets Qboid
<egg> ow Qboid doesn't purr
<egg> Thomas: feature request :-p
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<icefire> ;mission
<kmath> icefire: You accept Orion16's challenge and start a staring contest against yourself, on the mirror. Wernher von Kerman assigns you to Hazmat Cleanup in R&D.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
hatbot has joined #bottorture
<icefire> .hat
* hatbot gives icefire 22 hats for a total of 33 hats.
<icefire> .hat
* hatbot thinks icefire should be content with 33 hats.
<icefire> .admin timers
<icefire> .bet 4
* hatbot raises icefire's hat count to 37.
<icefire> .bet 99
* hatbot can't fix icefire's problems
<icefire> .bet 4
* hatbot lowers icefire's hat count to 33.
<icefire> .bet 4
* hatbot lowers icefire's hat count to 29.
<icefire> .bet 4
* hatbot raises icefire's hat count to 33.
<icefire> .bet -4
* hatbot lowers icefire's hat count to 37.
<icefire> lmao
<icefire> gonna keep that
Shoe16 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
bitrotripbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
bitrotripbot has joined #bottorture