icefire: Commands: print_rpn rpn c youtube yt seen tell isup mission mission add mission del mission stats mission list mission search outcome add outcome del outcome search wolfram wa help roll spacedock wikipedia w rose quote quote add quote del quote list
;help quote add
icefire: quote add <nick> <quote> - Adds quote to database. First argument is the author of the quote. Second is the quote itself. Example: quote add icefire Im an idiot
.bet 30
* hatbot
raises icefire's hat count to 1907.
* hatbot
gives handicraftsman 22 hats for a total of 64 hats.
;help yt
icefire: youtube [search text] performs a youtube search and returns first result found
huh forgot I had that
8 1 2 9 9
icefire is correct: 16
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 54.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 44.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 34.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 44.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 34.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 14.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 34.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 44.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 34.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 29.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 34.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 29.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 19.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 14.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 9.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 14.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 19.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 19.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 14.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 9.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 14.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 9.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 4.
.bet 5
* hatbot
can't fix handicraftsman's problems
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 3.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 2.
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 3.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 2.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 1.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 0.
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 11 hats for a total of 127 hats.
* hatbot
thinks handicraftsman should be content with 0 hats.
.bet 10
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 117.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 127.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 122.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 117.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 112.
.bet 2
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 110.
* hatbot
gives egg|zzz|egg 21 hats for a total of 121 hats.
Norgg: uuuuh, should you add bitrotripbot to bitrotripbot
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
Shoe17 has joined #bottorture
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
* hatbot
gives UmbralRaptor 10 hats for a total of 400 hats.
\memo UmbralRaptor Moo
egg|zzz|egg: but recursion is how you destroy an infinite number of universes in finite time!
UmbralRaptor: Moo [handicraftsman]
handicraftsman: scp -moo?
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 29 hats for a total of 139 hats.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 144.
* hatbot
gives GreeningGalaxy 22 hats for a total of 22 hats.
.bet 2
* hatbot
lowers GreeningGalaxy's hat count to 20.
;quote add UmbralRaptor But recursion is how you destroy an infinite number of universes in finite time!
icefire: Added 'But recursion is how you destroy an infinite number of universes in finite time!' [2]
.bet 4
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 140.
* hatbot
gives icefire 29 hats for a total of 1936 hats.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 139.
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 18 hats for a total of 157 hats.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 162.
.bet 2
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 160.
.bet 5
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 155.
.bet 6
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 149.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 148.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
handicraftsman has joined #bottorture
Tank2333_mobil2 has joined #bottorture
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 14 hats for a total of 162 hats.
.bet 7
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 169.
.bet 7
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 162.
* hatbot
gives icefire 11 hats for a total of 1947 hats.
.bet 40
* hatbot
raises icefire's hat count to 1987.
* hatbot
gives egg|zzz|egg 26 hats for a total of 147 hats.
* hatbot
gives handicraftsman 23 hats for a total of 23 hats.
* hatbot
can't fix handicraftsman's problems
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 23.
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 24.
.bet 4
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 28.
.bet 4
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 32.
.bet 4
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 36.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 33.
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 36.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 33.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 30.
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 33.
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 36.
egg|zzz|egg: <UmbralRaptor> But recursion is how you destroy an infinite number of universes in finite time!
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 39.
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 42.
egg|zzz|egg: <UmbralRaptor> But recursion is how you destroy an infinite number of universes in finite time!
.bet 3
* hatbot
raises handicraftsman's hat count to 45.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 42.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 39.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers handicraftsman's hat count to 36.
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 148.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 147.
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 148.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 147.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 146.
.bet 1
* hatbot
raises egg|zzz|egg's hat count to 147.
* hatbot
gives UmbralRaptor 12 hats for a total of 412 hats.
egg|zzz|egg: I've been making that joke since at least 2007. >_>
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 15 hats for a total of 177 hats.
.bet 15
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 192.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 18 hats for a total of 210 hats.
.bet 17
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 193.
.bet 1
* hatbot
lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 192.
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 23 hats for a total of 215 hats.
.bet 10
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 225.
UmbralRaptor is now known as StochasticRaptor
* hatbot
thinks uj8efdjkfdshf should be content with 225 hats.
.bet 5
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 230.
* hatbot
gives StochasticRaptor 26 hats for a total of 438 hats.