GreeningGalaxy has joined #bottorture
GreeningGalaxy has quit [Client Quit]
uj8efdjkfdshf has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<icefire> .hat
* hatbot gives icefire 16 hats for a total of 325 hats.
<icefire> .bet 30
* hatbot raises icefire's hat count to 355.
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ThisDay has joined #bottorture
ThisDay has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ThisDay has joined #bottorture
ThisDay has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ThisDay has joined #bottorture
Shoe17 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
Rokker is now known as RokkerSleep
rory0963 has joined #bottorture
rory096 has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
Shoe17 has joined #bottorture
uj8efdjkfdshf has joined #bottorture
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .hat
* hatbot gives uj8efdjkfdshf 14 hats for a total of 230 hats.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 14
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 244.
<egg|zzz|egg> !csharp Dictionary<string, ulong> moo = new Dictionary<string, ulong>();
<egg|zzz|egg> !csharp moo[""]
<Qboid> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x00021] in <dbb16e0bacdc4a0f87478e401bc29b6c>:0 at <InteractiveExpressionClass>.Host (System.Object& $retval) [0x00000] in <577ae77dc15e46f281d3114035830b35>:0 at Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.Evaluate (System.String input,
<Qboid> System.Object& result, System.Boolean& result_set) [0x0003e] in <a81adb37139f4f2ea6ce1da80d3be432>:0 at QIRC.Commands.CSharp.Evaluate (ChatSharp.IrcClient client, System.String input, System.String user, System.String source, System.Boolean admin, System.Boolean quite) [0x00114] in <16c36b2fc4d24276a56f6e1b23dabb85>:0
<teabot> Collecteaons.
<egg|zzz|egg> !csharp moo["abc"] = 1;
<egg|zzz|egg> !csharp moo["abc"]
<Qboid> 1
* Thomas wonders why the error message pinged him
<Thomas> Ah, QIRC pings me :D
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .hat
* hatbot gives uj8efdjkfdshf 27 hats for a total of 271 hats.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 21
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 292.
Ethanadams has joined #bottorture
Ethanadams has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Ethanadams has joined #bottorture
Ethanadams has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Ethanadams has joined #bottorture
Ethanadams has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Ethanadams has joined #bottorture
Shoe17 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
Ethanadams has quit [Client Quit]
Shoe17 has joined #bottorture
handicraftsman has joined #bottorture
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .hat
* hatbot gives uj8efdjkfdshf 24 hats for a total of 316 hats.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 20
* hatbot lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 296.
<handicraftsman> Poo
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 4
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 300.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 1
* hatbot lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 299.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 4
* hatbot lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 295.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 1
* hatbot lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 294.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 1
* hatbot lowers uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 293.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 1
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 294.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 2
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 296.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 100
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 396.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
handicraftsman has joined #bottorture
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .bet 2000
* hatbot raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 15000.
<uj8efdjkfdshf> kek
<handicraftsman> .hat
* hatbot gives handicraftsman 20 hats for a total of 20 hats.
<handicraftsman> Bad, bad bot
<uj8efdjkfdshf> .hat
* hatbot gives uj8efdjkfdshf 20 hats for a total of 15020 hats.
RokkerSleep is now known as Rokker
<Ellied> .hat
* hatbot gives Ellied 20 hats for a total of 76 hats.
<Ellied> .bet 2000
* hatbot can't fix Ellied's problems
Shoe17 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
ProtonBot has quit [Quit: Stopping...]
ProtonBot has joined #bottorture
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
<handicraftsman> \relayinfo 0
<handicraftsman> \delrelay freenode!##lazy-valoran hellomouse!#services
<handicraftsman> \rb bot.plugs['hellomouse'].queue.clear
<ProtonBot> ​Output: #<Thread::Queue:0x00000002aa3e88>
<egg> .hat
* hatbot gives egg 12 hats for a total of 332 hats.
Shoe17 has joined #bottorture
Unibot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Unibot has joined #bottorture
ThisDay has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ThisDay has joined #bottorture
ThisDay has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ThisDay has joined #bottorture
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
xD has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
xD has joined #bottorture
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
Shoe17 has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
icefire has joined #bottorture
<icefire> .hat
* hatbot gives icefire 10 hats for a total of 365 hats.
<icefire> .bet 16
* hatbot lowers icefire's hat count to 349.
<icefire> .bet 32
* hatbot raises icefire's hat count to 381.
<icefire> .truck
<hatbot> I may remove my Cummins sticker because it blocks the view of all the beautiful black smoke I can blow.
<icefire> ;mission
<kmath> icefire: You try to raise money to upgrade your computers on the ground and on your craft. You succeed.
<SilverFox> .truck
<hatbot> When I rev up my truck and dump the clutch it will spin the tires. And when I push the gas petal all the way down it blows black smoke everywhere.
<SilverFox> wtf is this function
<UmbralRaptor> .hat
* hatbot gives UmbralRaptor 14 hats for a total of 119 hats.
<UmbralRaptor> ;rose
<kmath> 8 8 2 9 8
<UmbralRaptor> 8
<kmath> UmbralRaptor is correct: 8
<UmbralRaptor> .gradient
<UmbralRaptor> huh, hatbot is not on github.
<UmbralRaptor> .truck
<hatbot> I may remove my Cummins sticker because it blocks the view of all the beautiful black smoke I can blow.
<icefire> .truck
<hatbot> Where are your tow mirrors? Your tow mirrors are so small. Why do you have such small tow mirrors?
<UmbralRaptor> Do I want to know what these are from?
<Ellied> doubt it.
<egg> .hat
* hatbot gives egg 29 hats for a total of 361 hats.
<Thomas> .hat
* hatbot gives Thomas 27 hats for a total of 109 hats.
<Thomas> .bet 10
* hatbot lowers Thomas's hat count to 99.
<Thomas> .bet 10
* hatbot lowers Thomas's hat count to 89.
<Thomas> .hat
* hatbot thinks Thomas should be content with 89 hats.
<UmbralRaptor> .cat
<Thomas> .bet 5
* hatbot raises Thomas's hat count to 94.
<Thomas> .bet 5
* hatbot lowers Thomas's hat count to 89.
<Thomas> .bet 5
* hatbot raises Thomas's hat count to 94.
<Thomas> .bet
* hatbot can't fix Thomas's problems
<Thomas> .bet 17
* hatbot raises Thomas's hat count to 111.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
uj8efdjkfdshf has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
technicalfool_ has joined #bottorture