Thomas, ProtonBot uses ProtonBot as engine
[ Thomas#1 | GitHub - StollD/QIRC: .NET Bot for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) ]
* handicraftsman
does `ruby ~/code/ruby/passgen.rb 12`
I am gonna get an esper account
handicraftsman has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
handicraftsman has joined #bottorture
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 27 hats for a total of 116 hats.
.bet 16
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 132.
* hatbot
gives icefire 10 hats for a total of 235 hats.
.bet 30
* hatbot
raises icefire's hat count to 265.
I bet you're jealous of my stacked chipsum stacks. And especially my tow mirrors. You cannot have my tow mirrors!
say what?
Watch this! I will take off in fourth gear and blow lots of black smoke! The more smoke, the more horsepower I have.
* hatbot
gives Ellied 27 hats for a total of 27 hats.
.bet 3
* hatbot
lowers Ellied's hat count to 24.
.bet 6
* hatbot
lowers Ellied's hat count to 18.
.bet 12
* hatbot
raises Ellied's hat count to 30.
TheKosmonaut, requesting autovoice for teh bot ;)
* Thomas
Its already autovoiced, through its hostmask
But nickserv is more secure
ConductorCat: You summon Laplace's Daemon in a bid to overthrow Heisenburg the Uncertain. Your computer begins insisting that your name is "Dave" for some reason.
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 26 hats for a total of 158 hats.
.bet 18
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 176.
ConductCat has joined #bottorture
ConductorCat has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
* hatbot
gives icefire 28 hats for a total of 293 hats.
.bet 16
* hatbot
raises icefire's hat count to 309.
* hatbot
gives uj8efdjkfdshf 27 hats for a total of 203 hats.
.bet 13
* hatbot
raises uj8efdjkfdshf's hat count to 216.
* hatbot
gives Ellied 26 hats for a total of 56 hats.