UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
TonyC has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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UmbralRaptor has joined #kspacademia
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egg has joined #kspacademia
!wpn whitequark
* Qboid
gives whitequark a floating point isomorphism
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a mass-driver/operator hybrid
<eggleroy> <Majiir> I really am imagining egg just drowning in a sea of papers
(that is a quote from this channel, while explaining things about numerical integration to majiir)
regex has joined #kspacademia
!wa time since 1993-12-11
egg: Saturday, December 11, 1993 to current time: 23 years 7 months 2 days 22 hours 37 seconds
Hello guys, if there are any modders in here, I need your help. I'm writing my Phd dissertation about "co-development strategies in the game software industry" and I'm looking to gather data from active modders. I made an online survey :
It takes around 10 to 15mn to complete, it's anonymous, will be a great help and I'll be very thankful!
Sorry for those who have already read this message from other mod-related # , i'm doing a tour of the factory :^)
Lastly, know that I'm not affiliated with Squad or T2 in any way.
whitequark: but then the AGC would also be a bit odd for more modern missions
whitequark: as for algorithms rather than arch, PEG in MJ sounds eggsciting
TonyC1 has joined #kspacademia
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* NomalRaptor
? things, and ponders giving up on having a roomate.
well PEG needs to evolve into IGM (the algorithms AGC uses) and be more generalized
whitequark: lamont: and eventually we need to get some guidance together in principia for low-energy stuff, but that'll likely be completely independent
icefire has joined #kspacademia
lamont, PEG is pretty much as-is the AGC algorithm. If you want more generalised you want EPFG
(I think that was the algorithm)
PEG has a bunch of low pitch approximations in it, the apollo IGM routines i think don’t make those approximations
The apollo systems definitely had a number of approximations. The shuttle system will have significantly less
PEG Atlas-Centaur vs. PEG Shuttle
so many PEGs
Orbital-ATK Pegasus?
Asymptote: [continued from PM] non, mon prof avait pas le temps de prendre un autre doctorant, et j'avais pas envie d'aller a la chasse au prof, donc j'ai trouve un boulot
(mon prof est chef du departement d'informatique parce que les mathematiciens discrets sont dans D-INFK et pas D-MATH, va comprendre)
egg: C'est dommage ça, tu bossais dans quel champ?
(using different sectioning scheme in the ETHZ template and in mine)
egg, j'ai l'impression de lire un manuel secret Bourbaki, donc clairement pas le niveau pour te lire (socioéconomiste de formation) mais est-ce que je me trompe si je dis que tes développements te servent pour coder Principa?
aucun rapport, vraiment :-p
really? thought geometric graphs and triangulation would help in that matter
la formation en maths, en general, est utile pour ca, mais la recherche est ad hoc, j'ai une cinquantaine de papiers imprimes juste pour ca
c'est de l'analyse numerique
Une cinquantaine de papiers publiés ?
Dans des revues académiques?
euh, je pense qu'on se comprend pas
j'ai imprime une cinquantaine de papiers
pour les besoins de principia
j'ai pas publié quoique ce soit hein :-p
Asymptote: c'est ceux qu'on voit dans la photo avec l'oeuf
je regarde ta vidéo sur les nombres de catalan
Asymptote: ah yes, I had a bit of free time between my MSc and getting a job so that produced that :_p
Asymptote: the video *is* related to my MSc otoh
the Catalan numbers came up oddly often in my thesis
!wpn NomalRaptor
* Qboid
gives NomalRaptor a torpedo
Snoozee: an actual weapon!
J'aimerais bien comprendre en quoi l'impression de papiers a pu t'aider dans Principia
parce que je prefere lire sur papier :-p
Combien de temps t'ont pris ces recherches?
(et, plus serieusement, parce qu'apres ca j'implemente les methodes d'integration numerique de certains de ces papiers)
Et pour être plus précis, je voulais dire : est-ce au niveau conceptuel? des données, résulats de chercheurs que tu as mobilisées?
Asymptote: c'est pas bien subdivise en "maintenant je taupine des papiers" "maintenant je code", de temps en temps je trouve un truc qui pourrait etre pertinent pour nos problemes du moment et j'imprime
des methodes, c'est de la numerique
Ok je comprends mieux
plus ou moins appliquee, mais c'est en gros tout de la numerique
pareil avec lamont
lamont also did quite a bit of research for his PEG work
though you might want to talk to him in English, iirc he is also swimming in a lake of papers, if not quite a sea yet :-)
i mostly only know ‘murican
and yeah i’ve got a pile of papers
lamont, do these papers' results helped you into writing lines of code as well?
egg, je ne te demandais pas de subdiviser ton temps d'investissement à l'heure près, mais de me donner une ordre de grandeur, ça t'a pris des jours, des semaines, des mois? Tu continues à implémenter à ce jour?
Asymptote: lamont's papers were probably NASA technical notes rather than things in academic journals, due to the nature of his project
generally i’m finding NASA TN’s to be more accessable, the academic journals assume a bit too much background
lamont: that they do
which is why as I told Asymptote, the math education did help
not the specific research work I did for the MSc, but the general math background allowed me to read those papers
and i last took a calculus of variations course 20 years ago
some of those papers find it convenient to say that this is all happening on a very fancy Lie group, which might not be helpful for the average, say, astronomer
the astronomy-specific papers are more accessible
Is Qboid a bot that reports every time someone commits to the repo?
yeah for an undergrad i took a pile of math, including grad level calculus of variations and group theory and senior level mathematical physics (green’s functions, method of steepest descent, etc)
well you can have several people working on the same thing, it's possible :-p
I can see that
(ok, maybe not if they're all parisian)
Have you guys ever met in person?
nah, but I should try meeting Sarbian when I next go to paris
maybe I'll go there in august or so to synch with the paris folks for work, we'll see :-p
NK has met Sarbian once I think
nope, never met any other mod authors IRL
and i just contribute to MechJeb — Sarbian is just good about running an open project
and there’s mutliple benefits of doing things this way. if i wrote my own ascent autopilot, i’d have to rewrite piles of code that would be basically the same as MechJeb
egg: C'est toi qui a configuré ce bot? Quelle est sa fonction générale ici, et sur #Principia?
principia is a bit odd from that perspective since it reinvents everything orbit-related
plus if it was my own mod i couldn’t piss off and take a KSP vacation for 6 months without the mod becoming dead (or LGG forking a “Whatever Continued” version)
Asymptote: c'est le bot de Thomas|AWAY
il est utilitaire
ok, non, ca principale fonction est la chose stupide suivante:
!wpn Asymptote
* Qboid
gives Asymptote a logarithmic ㎭ protractor
a part ca, il est utilitaire :-p
lamont: see we're protected from LGG with principia :D
building it is Everest from the north face :-p
but yeah, with principia reinventing its own things for orbits and flight planning, it means it doesn't really integrate well with, e.g., MechJeb
I mean it doesn't *interfere* with it, but it doesn't integrate either
guidance for principia would likely have to be written as part of principia
lamont, what does LGG stands for in the context of forking? Also, being able to delegate a task to one another - or to know that someone else is gonna take a lead anyway - seems like a benefit of open project, I guess?
lamont: speaking of which, I welcome contributions :D
lamont, egg, Guys I hope you stepped in my questionnaire because the things you say here (e.g. the way you coordinate your efforts) is very valuable for my inquiry. But tell me if you're annoyed at my questions :p
I'll look at the questionnaire tomorrow maybe, right now I'll be busy sleeping
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
!wpn egg
* Qboid
gives egg a Yarkovsky magma-like ███████
whitequark: any news from котя?
Okay egg, fly safe. It's more than likely that I'll get back to you soon, to ask about your modding habits a bit more, if you don't mind.
Not to mention I heard a lot about Principia tonight and I feel bad I haven't tested it yet (although I haven't got much time to play KSP since 1.1.)