UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a Mandelbrot DDOS
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ferram4_ is now known as ferram4
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, oh man this blog is a treasure
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: I particularly enjoy uh
<SnoopJeDi> HAHA
<kmath> <aemonten> Any jackass can trash a manuscript
* UmbralRaptor was entirely too amused to discover that this is real:
ferram4 has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: technically correct
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<egg|phone|egg> !Wpn котя
* Qboid gives котя a xi Glamdring
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a principal Максутов-Cassegrain diffeomorphism
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a planar python
<soundnfury> F + V = ? + 2
<egg|zzz|egg> huh, I'm used to seeing it written as F - ? + V = 2
<egg|zzz|egg> (or F - ? + S depending on language I guess)
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: same, except usually w/o the snake emoji
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: this is the parameter pack rvalue forwarding I was mentioning yesterday
<kmath> <richwareham> This made me laugh more than it should've done.
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh an infinite mass-driver
APlayer has joined #kspacademia
* UmbralRaptor wonders if qboid knows where it put that dash.
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a boron IOMMU
<kmath> <oscarewilde> it's fun to stay at the ⊓ ⊏ ⊔ ⊐
regex has joined #kspacademia
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg|work|egg
* Qboid gives egg|work|egg a ruby fractal
<Technicalfool> >throw chatterbots at each other
<Technicalfool> >chatterbots do the chatterbot thing and learn from each other
<Technicalfool> what's the name of that algorithm again?
<Technicalfool> V word of some sorts. Dammit. Tip of tongue...
<Iskierka> all that basically happened was they invented their own shorthand whereby they encoded all common words into all the variations on 3 letters rather than waste data
<Iskierka> however they still weren't particularly smart as they'd represent a quantity of a thing by repeating it that many times instead of using a number
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
<bofh> what Iskierka said.
<bofh> honestly the level of "intelligence" here seems barely above alice.tcl
<Iskierka> and the plug was "pulled" because the goal was AI that used actual language and they went off on a tangent with their own made up bad language. That yes, was a struggle to understand, but because it was stupid, not because it's rampant AI hiding its plotting. We could still figure it out
<bofh> I'm not sure if shorthand even counts as "its own language" tbh.
<Iskierka> it's not 100% clear that it was direct shorthand, but that's the easiest analogy for compressing the words down that way
<egg|zzz|egg> Fiora: so, uh, where does one buy one of those atelier games for use on an emulator?
<regex> Oh shit egg|zzz|egg, I owe you some stuff.
<Fiora> egg|zzz|egg: i don't know anything about ripping ps3 games but my presumption is the practical way to go about it would be to download a rip, and if one wishes to have a physical copy, buy that separately :P
<Fiora> at least if it's anything like wii games (which had the fun exciting feature where the discs had to be ripped backwards)
<egg|zzz|egg> blarg
<Fiora> apparently the way sony has it set up makes things Fun and Exciting
<Fiora> but yeah things are still in the fairly early stages, sadly
<Fiora> i think we're at the development stage of "all the atelier games play now because one of the main devs loves atelier"
<egg|zzz|egg> hah
<egg|zzz|egg> afknomz, back later
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
ferram4 has joined #kspacademia
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a graphite cabbage
<egg> !wpn regex
* Qboid gives regex a surjective phototransistor
<Fiora> meow
<Ellied> hah, remember how I found an SHV to BNC adapter someone had made by force-connecting a BNC barrel with an MHV to SHV?
<Ellied> I just found another one. Two in as many visits to the same beamline.
<Ellied> it's no wonder MHV is treated as a safety hazard. The force-joinability with BNC is a huge safety oversight. Kind of like desiging a wall outlet that RJ45 connectors happen to fit into.
<Ellied> that is, a mains socket
icefire has joined #kspacademia
<bofh> Ellied: like I recall reading that force-joinability with BNC was a safety hazard on the MHV wikipedia page and thinking that was an utterly ridiculous claim to make, i.e. "NO WAY someone is going to be sufficiently dumb/careless enough to do *THAT*".
<bofh> apparently human stupidity proves me wrong.
<egg> ah, right, Fiora is a cat, much like dogs or spiders
* egg pets Fiora
<Ellied> there's always a way to rationalize it in the moment
<egg> I guess an alternative would be to buy one of these devices to play atelier instead of emulating them :-p
<Ellied> "Oh, we'll just use an SHV on the pass panel to carry a video signal since we're out of BNCs"
<bofh> well that's actually safe since SHVs generally are rated for lowish voltages.
<bofh> err.
<bofh> s/SHVs/video\ signals/
<Qboid> bofh meant to say: well that's actually safe since video\ signals generally are rated for lowish voltages.
<bofh> oh right, no need to escape regexes with Qboid
<egg> bofh: s/\\/
<Qboid> egg thinks bofh meant to say: egg: so you don't want Чебышёв polynomials technically (those minimize the L^2 norm as @stephentyrone said), you want to use those to initalize something that then computes the coefficients minimizing the L^{infty} norm.
<egg> um
<bofh> um.
<bofh> I have questions.
<lamont> egg: Principia + Earth’s J^2?
<egg> lamont: ?
<lamont> oblateness?
<egg> bofh: which questions
<egg> lamont: what is your question?
<kmath> YouTube - Мельница — Химера (Аудио)
<lamont> is the earth still spherical? and are there any plans to make it not?
<bofh> err, wrong window
<egg> lamont: we have J_2
<egg> it's in the FAQ
<lamont> interesting
<egg> in fact for Jupiter it's vital
<bofh> egg: my question was mostly "wtf" but I think I figured it out: it ignored my last message b/c the backslash was inside a regex, so it looked back thru my backlog until it found a message with a backslash in it, which it did at L^{\infty}, and that's why it did the substitution on that.
<egg> lamont: Jupiter's J2 has more influence on the Galilean moons than other Galilean moons :D
<egg> jupiter is big
<bofh> egg: damn, even Ganymede?
<lamont> too many carbs
<egg> bofh: lemme try to dig up that reference
<egg> lamont: for Vesta we have J2 from dawn even :D
<bofh> Thank, Dawn.
<egg> \o/
<bofh> Running off computers of comparable spec to a pair of Commodore 64s.
<egg> bofh: reference for that Jupiter thing is a PhD thesis iirc
<egg> from 1979
<egg> nay, 1973
<bofh> Was about to say "somehow I'm not at all surprised it was from 1979" :p but okay am surprised a bit it's from 1973. Pioneer 10 data?
<lamont> yeah so the initial PEG code from 197x-early doesn’t correct for J^2 but later PEG code and the Orion/SLS PEG code does, i was wondering if that was actually going to be useful or not
<egg> lamont: mind you extracting J_2 from principia seems tricky
<egg> you could get it from the confignode, but then that is only read when creating the system, so conceivably it could change without the system changing
<lamont> i suspect if i ever get there, i’m only going to be concerned with Earth for the time being
<lamont> by the time i get to worrying about precision node execution using PEG around jupiter you’ll hopefully have your API more settled, worry about that when we get there...
<egg> lamont: yeah, and probably that'll get written with principia's libs so that's easy (just take the j2() of the OblateBody)
<egg> lamont: sometimes we implement something in the C# adapter first and move it to the principia libs, making it more complex in the process, and then we're always surprised that despite doing vastly more it's twice as fast :-p
<egg> lamont: чебышёв will have an option in the flight planner to track the direction of the Frenet trihedron instead of remaining inertially fixed btw
<egg> should be nice for the long burns you get in RSS
* egg Ꙩ_ꙩ at the bromine tweets
<egg> !wpn whitequark and Fiora
* Qboid gives whitequark and Fiora an omega 2N2222
<bofh> Frenet trihedron?
<Fiora> isn't bromine great?
<Fiora> also, whitequark
<whitequark> o/
<whitequark> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a paramagnetic Toblerone
<whitequark> egg: it's good clean fun
<Fiora> did you know i can walk 2 minutes down the street and buy 10 ounces of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
<whitequark> you'd *think* some vendor would offer bromocyclopentane but nope! and I had to really look to find a bottle of cyclopentane either
<whitequark> well so do I but technically the vendor is selling it illegally
<whitequark> wait, no
<whitequark> MEK*P* is not scheduled
<whitequark> MEK is
<Fiora> okay and technically that MEKP is diluted with 40% dimethyl phthalate
<Fiora> i doubt anyone, anywhere, would actually sell you pure MEKP
<whitequark> yeah sure
<Fiora> insomuch as it would be hard to get it to the store without blowing up your truck
<whitequark> maybe cryogenic?
<Fiora> oh yeah and they'll sell you 8 pounds of MEKP by phone order
<whitequark> well guess what I can take a 30m ride and buy no less than three different forms of hydrazine
<whitequark> one of them with price break at 10kg
<whitequark> that's $10 per kilo, cheap
<whitequark> also, thionyl chloride by mail order.
<Fiora> XD
<Fiora> Oh nice, it's a chemical weapon
<whitequark> yeah but you can't make drugs with it
<whitequark> so it's fine
<kmath> YouTube - Mysterious Purple Orb | Nautilus Live
<Fiora> whitequark: "reacts violently with water to release toxic gas" oh great
<bofh> Oh awesome.
<whitequark> yea
<bofh> jesus
<whitequark> on the bright side they do use a hazmat shipper...
<whitequark> ... on the other one the last time they shipped me an ampoule (with rb) they didnt think of anything except putting it into a plastic bottle
<whitequark> without any cushioning
<whitequark> guess whether it survived
<bofh> I recall you getting RbOH soup.
<whitequark> exactly
<bofh> Point being I don't trust this hazmat shipper very much.
<whitequark> well it's THEIR problem if it breaks
<whitequark> the shipment is properly declared and insured, idgaf what they do to it on their own premises
<egg> Fiora: yes, bromine and whitequark are great :D
<bofh> whitequark: and apparently it doesn't break often enough for them to deny getting it insured.
<bofh> still boggling how hard it is to get sulfuric acid but Chemical Weapons Convention Grade 3 precursors (thionyl chloride)? NO PROBLEM.
<egg> Ꙩ_ꙩ
<whitequark> I think it's actually schedule iv now, which is still *less than sulfuric acid*
<egg> *boggling intensifies as I read the backlog*
<whitequark> even the vendor which normally doesn't ship scheduled stuff will ship it
<egg> !wpn котя
* Qboid gives котя a nefarious µa741
<whitequark> "they may explode if shorted" uhm
<bofh> Li/SOCl2 batteries, b/c what could possibly go wrong?
<whitequark> "SOCl2 is a reactive compound that can violently and/or explosively release dangerous gases upon contact with water and other reagents"
<whitequark> "violently and/or explosively"
<bofh> I like the use of "and/or" there the most.
<egg> so not exclusive, doesn't always release dangerous gases gently explosively or violently nonexplosively
<egg> "nebeneinander animated?" Was für a language is das?
<egg> hmm, fireworks
<bofh> what occasion?
<egg> bofh: 1st of August
<egg> bofh: I'm in CH remember
<egg> bofh: it's a strangely arbitrary date :-p
<egg> bofh: which celebrates something that was in "early august", but that only confirmed a pre-existing and lost agreement :-p
<bofh> rofl
<egg> bofh: between the people of the valley of Uri, the university of the valley of Schwyz, and the communities of peoples in the mountains of the lower valley :-p
<egg> the english translation maps universitas to democracy, which is a bit strange, the french one to landsgemeinde, which makes sense
<egg> (though that's a strange use of universitas, but hey, 13th/14th century swiss latin)
<egg> bofh: both translations map "hominum Intramontanorum Vallis Inferioris" to the people of the lower valley of Unterwald, but that introduces a nonexistent reference to a modern canton name, and also unless you decompose "Unterwald" you lose the phrasing that it's "those people in forest beyond the valley" :-p
<egg> s/in f/in the f/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: bofh: both translations map "hominum Intramontanorum Vallis Inferioris" to the people of the lower valley of Unterwald, but that introduces a nonexistent reference to a modern canton name, and also unless you decompose "Unterwald" you lose the phrasing that it's "those people in the forest beyond the valley" :-p
<egg> well I guess below the forest
<egg> the latin text doesn't even talk about the forest though, subsylvania is a posterior term, this is about "Intramontanorum", they're in the mountains
<egg> bofh: which is extremely nonspecific :-p
<egg> "By 1600, [...] Obwalden was known as "Unterwalden ob dem Wald", strictly speaking an oxymoron"
<egg> bofh: the history of Switzerland gets weird ^
<bofh> Well doesn't Switzerland have like a shitton of it?
<egg> bofh: yes but a lot of it stays in switzerland, so you typically don't hear about that history; and by virtue of being extremely local it is a bit odd
<egg> bofh: e.g., this civil war from 1847: "Major actions were fought at [7 cities]", casualties 86 dead
<egg> bofh: for some reason they don't actually have an official firework display tonight, it's just random people launching fireworks all night
<egg> they do have a fireworks display on the new year
<bofh> Huh. Interesting. And a bit surprising.
regex has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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* egg should zzz
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<egg|zzz|egg> goodnight bofh whitequark Fiora et al.
<kmath> <stephentyrone> @johnregehr @FioraAeterna @barrelshifter @Gankro I wished for a number of wishes that encodes a proof that I have m…
<Fiora> p.s. steve canon is extremely good
<Fiora> i've had lunch with him, he's good
<egg|zzz|egg> his cat gives good advice on floating point arithmetic too
<Fiora> he's also extremely good at floating point.
<Fiora> so good, in fact, that apple lets him work remote from his home in new england.
<Fiora> which almost nobody else gets to do.
<egg|zzz|egg> I think I remember reading that he was on IEEE 754 at some point?
<Fiora> also i asked him about his libm code for stuff like atan and so on at lunch and he was like "o-oh, that code? i wrote that as an intern in 2007, it sucked"
<Fiora> that code is like the fastest libm out there, and has like, 0.5001 ulp precision trig functoins
<Fiora> and he's embarrassed about it
<egg|zzz|egg> wow nice
<Fiora> he's obnoxiously good without being good at being obnoxious, which is A+
<lamont> all the code i wrote 10 years ago is sheer crap