egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
bofh: so I guess their cbrt is the one from the arm directory? that's all there is in the opensource libm release (well there's the powerpc one but it looks like kahan-but-worse)
<volatile_void> @stephentyrone @UINT_MIN @mediaptera Once you've decided to compute with twice the precision bits, interval arithme…
bofh: unrelated: principia has an issue where large saves make things slow, presumably because KSP parses them shittily
bofh: so we might do some compression, but there's another thing: we currently store the principia data in hex
bofh: presumably the slowness is from a shitty parser in C# rather than reading the file (it's not that big a file)
bofh: so this means we should encode the save data in base32768
bofh: this will not confuse users in the slightest,
egg|zzz|egg: just do base85. or not bother at all and save as raw binary?
bofh: because it goes into a KSP cfg file
yes but it's *save* data, not config data. presumably you can convert that as-needed instead of upon saving?
bofh: and base85 is not very dense UTF-16, which is where the slowness likely occurs (in KSP's shitty parsing)
bofh: the KSP save is a cfg file, in KSP's ConfigNode format
bofh: I mean tbh we could also pick brotly
egg|zzz|egg meant to say: bofh: I mean tbh we could also pick brotli
but then there's a parameter to tune and that's more work :-p
I mean I was going for gzip b/c zlib is easy, common as hell and the format is widely supported
bofh: so like we're encoding our protos and passing that through base32768 so widely supported doesn't help much
bofh: and since we're on windows building one of those things is not harder than the other tbh
bofh: might as well go with the one whose code style resembles ours :-p
I... suppose.
bofh: also they have cute names
bofh: if you want deflate + cute name (and slow) there's zopfli
bofh: also TIL there's a JPEG thing called guetzli
bofh: yes the people who develop those are in switzerland, what gave it away :-p
* UmbralRaptor
copies 2/3 of a TiB via USB 2.0 for backup porpoises.
egg|zzz|egg: "It is named after the Swiss German expression for Biscuits" ahh
"While Google's zopfli implementation of the deflate compression algorithm is named after a Swiss German word for a braided sweet bread and literally means "little plait", brotli is a Swiss German word for a bread roll and literally means "small bread"."
<stephentyrone> @bofh453 Zopfli is data compression software that encodes data into DEFLATE, gzip and zlib formats. ⏎ ⏎ fuuuuuuuuck.
b/c Zopfli is (and I agree) nowhere near novel or interesting enough to deserve its own ENTIRE WIKIPEDIA PAGE. maybe a few mentions on the page for DEFLATE, not more.
yeah, there are wikipedia pages for weird things tho
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bofh: it took me a while to realize that Zopf actually means braid, not just the braided bread, and that the Zopfgruppe are not actually swiss-bread groups
bofh: although I still think we should call the identity the n-baguette :-p
bofh: fwiw the german convention for ASCIIifying umlauts is appending an e, so "zopfli" and "brotli" would look extremely weird if they were german words; this is a bit muddled by the fact that Swiss german has vowel umlaut + e which is not a thing in high german
bofh: e.g. Üetliberg
that doesn't get transliterated to ueetliberg because that would be too silly
bofh: [ˈyə̯tliˌb̥ɛːrɡ̊], the umlaut gives you the [y] rather than [u] and the next e is a separate vowel
01:38:14 <@egg|zzz|egg> bofh: it took me a while to realize that Zopf actually means braid, not just the braided bread, and that the Zopfgruppe are not actually swiss-bread groups
Yeah that makes sense, since umlaut is a vowel phonological shift, but that doesn't prevent another vowel from following it :P
bofh: yeah, but then ueetliberg is silly :-p
!wpn whitequark, котя, and the котяchrome kitten
* Qboid
gives whitequark, котя, and the котяchrome kitten a walrus
egg|laptop|egg has joined #kspacademia
bofh: okay I have a proof that my method does not round correctly :-p
bofh: on 1 000 000 random values, one rounded incorrectly
0.50004 ULPs
bofh: now that I think of it maybe I should compute more than 5 sig. dec. on the number of ULPs, perhaps I'm missing some misroundings that way
*one*? what value, if you know?
bofh: on second thought there may be more than one, it's just that for all others the number of ULPs was below 0.500005; lemme fetch the value
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bofh: 4078731956257/549755813888
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bofh: my method computes 4391857331832067/2251799813685248 for it
bofh: yes but I'm not patching my soft-float package to not print exponents just for that, this code is already weird
bofh: remember that you have 1/3 bits on the guess, so 2/3 of the bits of the correction term are in the actual result; this nearly exhausts the remaining precision
Yeah, I see.
bofh: but it's highly unlikely, so if you had a way to detect that you are near something like that you could go for something slower and get a correctly-rounded method
random question: does anybody here know off the top of their head a "good" algorithm to compute solutions to riccati differential equations?
hopefully one that can run on a potato-quality microcontroller
use case is for LQR obviously
bofh: okay, further inspection (10 sig. dec. on the number of ULPs) reveals that there are actually 9 incorrect roundings out of this million evaluations
bofh: the errors range from 0.5000026649 ULPs with the input 7762370939317/1099511627776 to 0.5000369176 ULPs with the one above
hrm, i know some of those words... oh wait i don't :P
* rqou
rqou: SGEQRF (tho you prolly want SGEQR2 directly on a microcontroller).
also, random numerics question: are there sin/cos functions that don't use double (float64) in any of the steps and uses only float32? the one i looked at from musl does
*does need float64
rqou: hmmm I think yes
bofh: wtf is that some random fortran routine?
(mine uses k_cos/k_sinf but replaces k_rem_pio2f.c with a much faster reimplementation of Payne-Hanek, but I can't find where I put it, might not have it on my office machine)
hmm, so that k_cosf.c that you linked seems to be identical to the code musl uses
that requires float64
It's the usual sun thing
rqou: oh wtf
rqou: literally just %s/double/float/ on that
are you sure?
yes. your error will be no more than 1ULP on [0,\pi/2]. I tested this.
Bofh: but what incorrectness rate
now I hope they do sane arg reduction and don't just force the double path on that always, b/c if they do I need to find a saner old impl of that.
egg|phone|egg: high in the immediate nbhd of \pi/4 and \pi/2, nonexistent otherwise.
Huh neat
ok, i will probably be asking for some more help with numerics soonish
It's nice to have an FP type where you can try all the values :-p
egg|phone|egg: so like it's cos. one of those is a root, the other very close to 1.
and yeah I love it :D
(Why are we stuck with double doubles in this day and age)
double trouble
* egg|phone|egg
wants quads
to protect the world from devastation :P
you *must* bite both sandwiches at the same time.
anyways, I'm using a potato that only has float16/float32
Bofh: can vectorisation help double double
egg|phone|egg: not really, vectorization is completely orthogonal to double-double.
rqou: yeah I've done that before. float32 is enough for a lot of purposes tbh.
i heard rumors that you can't reach the moon with only float32?
Astronomical screams
yeah so like I would not want to do orbital calc with only float32, jfc.
so my Arduino can't reach the moon? :P
pretty sure it can
just simulate Apollo Guidance Computer ont i
should be fast enough
btw it's amazing how much more comprehensible agc assembly is (at least to me) once you replace the extremely archaic mnemonics with "modern" "arm/intel-like" ones
<astarasikov> @CopperheadOS Nexus 5X has an extremely thin PCB which is not sturdy and overheating or just twisting the phone sli…
Well, replacement 5X. The first one got replaced despite being out of warranty because bootloop of death.
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!wpn whitequark
* Qboid
gives whitequark an unitary otter
!wpn rqou
* Qboid
gives rqou a Stern-Gerlach int category with an atom attachment
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!wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid
gives egg|zzz|egg a feathered quartz sheep
!wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptop a continental icosahedron
<✔NWSLincolnIL> Winter has to end sometime, but it won't be this weekend. Snow accumulations likely again Sunday night. #ILwx
bofh: how would you compute the error (in fractional ULPs) of a cube root quickly? I've been doing this with Mathematica but for more than a million values it takes an eternity
admittedly at this point I should just try to do a proper error analysis
<stephentyrone> @griotspeak "Structured Programming with go to Statements"
egg|zzz|egg: good question, I actually don't know. also on that note, let me translate that assembly by hand now.
bofh: I managed to semiautomatically translate it to MASM
bofh: but it's a cbrtf so I can't really do much with it
I mean I could benchmark a cbrtf against a cbrt, but comparing the roundings isn't going to be helpful (it's correctly-rounded as a cbrtf)
Well yeah, also a cbrtf is much simpler to compute tbh due to the decreased mantissa precision.
bofh: so I'm not sure what to do with this cbrtf in the end
bofh: it seems the only cbrt remotely involving atlas that I can find in the arm one with his table and polynomial
yeah I'm a bit confused, I think it might actually be someone else extending his single prec. methodology
bofh: I can find no other cbrt so I guess that's the one they have though?
bofh: also if his polynomials make a decent cbrt, aren't they overkill for even a correctly-rounded cbrtf?
almost certainly, yeah.
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What does a star in mathematical notation mean? Context: q⁽⁻¹⁾ = q* / ||q|| where q is a Quaternion
being able to mix/match contexts for different parts of the document and refer to them in a reactive programming sort of way is kinda neat, but yea overall it sounds like way too steep a learning curve rn
bofh: why is there no FORTRAN in godbolt
egg|zzz|egg: good question
"Given the strong NII emission, we infer roughly solar metallicity for my butt, ruling out an origin due to infall of primordial gas." *snicker*
"My Butt spans ∼10′×3′ (25×7.5 kpc) in size and has no stellar counterpart;" #SirMixALot
bofh: I wonder whether it would be feasible to compute the x^3-y in x87 extended precision, which would allow clobbering fewer than 36 bits and thus improve roundings
egg|zzz|egg: yes, but at immense perf cost
(you have to move domains from XMM to the fp stack, and x87 is pretty slow on modern Intel due to lack of caring about it)
(well, slow relative to single/double XMM)
OK so detection of iffy cases and then multiprecision of sorts is the way to go then
also I need to actually do the error analysis
bofh: or maybe to trick you into doing an error analysis because I'm not sure how to do that decently
I'd start with the error analysis, and it's somewhat tricky in this case; I'd honestly ask Atlas for pointers since I'd have to do the same myself, it's been awhile.
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argh I wish I had less of a clusterfuck in my research right now and/or more free time (or reliable functioning below 3-4hrs of sleep/night). Sigh. :(
* egg|zzz|egg
waves a black hole near bofh's research
<bofh453> (a small exotic ℝ⁴ is a space that is homeomorphic to, but not diffeomorphic to Euclidean ℝ⁴ *that can nevertheless…
<✔tmobileat> @c_pellegrino @PWTooStrong @Telekom_hilft Hello Claudia! The customer service agents see the first four characters…
<SketchesbyBoze> I have eaten the pomegranate seeds ⏎ that I found on a stone ⏎ and which you were probably using ⏎ to imprison me in the…
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* UmbralRaptor
chooses to believe that whitequark found an FPGA made with components from wickedlasers.