egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg> bofh: it was also my first time trying those automated immigration thingies where you show your passport to a machine rather than a human, both in lhr and back in zrh (no schengen in gb), it was impressive how much they fucked it up in lhr compared to how well it worked in zrh
<egg> bofh: in lhr they somehow had ~2 machines working at once if you were lucky, sometimes none for a while, the machines took ages to reset, and there were a couple of people pointing you to the machines that had decided to work
<egg> (in zrh they all worked and I went through without any issues)
<egg> why am i not asleep
<bofh> I mean that's exactly the sort of kwality I expect from LHR.
<egg> bofh: of course this meant you were queueing in front of machines that were permanently off and then pointed haphazardly to a machine at the other end that had decided to work (to which you were beaten by those who were queuing in front of it)
<egg> !choose sleep|cube roots|complain about the delivery of the wrong grade of copper
<Qboid> egg: Your options are: sleep, cube roots, complain about the delivery of the wrong grade of copper. My choice: cube roots
<egg> ;choose sleep|cube roots|complain about the delivery of the wrong grade of copper
<kmath> egg: complain about the delivery of the wrong grade of copper
<egg> bofh: did zethar manage to make sense of my second message btw
<egg> whitequark: terminology ^
<egg> tbh it's hard to beat
<egg> UmbralRaptop: astronomers turned archaeologists? ^
<UmbralRaptop> ?
<UmbralRaptop> Oh
* UmbralRaptop gives egg a type II cake.
<egg> UmbralRaptop: pretty sure I saw a label in the british museum saying some pot was of a style known as IIICb1
<egg> UmbralRaptop: looking up iiicb1, I end up with a paper about elemental concentration data in that pottery
<egg> they're *definitely* astronomers >_>
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<egg|cell|egg> 喵
* UmbralRaptop pets egg|cell|egg.
e_14159 has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
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<whitequark> lol astronomers
* UmbralRaptop stares at the MKK system.
armed_troop has quit [Quit: Bye]
armed_troop has joined #kspacademia
<UmbralRaptop> In which R2 must be convinced to get into the x-wing.
<kmath> <stephentyrone> Star Wars, but every R2D2 line is replaced with a line from Shinji Ikari. ⏎ ⏎ I am so here for crippling-self-doubt-R2.
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, so we can *mostly* treat the corrections turn-by-turn. There are 4 cavities and the RF phase is what we want to optimize. There are 6 dipole field adjustments that can be set (within some small range) that adjust path-length and thus alter some of those RF phases by changing the arrival time.
<SnoopJeDi> My supervisor's approach for doing this in his tracker/optimization routines is to adjust each corrector in sequence and record the respective phases, giving one column of a 4x6 to be "inverted" to find the best setting for those 6 that gives the desired phases in those 4 locations
<SnoopJeDi> It's quite possible there's a better solution, I know for a fact he has to iterate this a few times to get a decent answer, and it's very clearly not independent
<SnoopJeDi> The odds that I automate anything in this week are pretty lousy anyhow, but I figured I'd ask all the smartest optimization people I know, i.e. this channel, for pointers on that
<bofh> okay, so you want to optimize overall phase, or phase at each cavity, or?
<bofh> this is obviously a second-order cone problem, but I honestly think for a system like this, constrained least-squares is good enough.
<whitequark> cone problem
<whitequark> are these problems that can be solved by application of cone snails
<UmbralRaptop> "Conotoxin-γ is notable for its unusually high Lorentz factor…"
<whitequark> UmbralRaptop: do you have a twitter
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: tho honestly for a 4x6 matrix just compute the pseudoinverse via dense Cholesky followed by backsubstitution:
<bofh> UmbralRaptop: LOL
<UmbralRaptop> whitequark: @newpa_hasai
<whitequark> UmbralRaptop: ohhh
<whitequark> gonna reference you in the future
<UmbralRaptop> yay
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, yea QR was what I was intending on doing since numpy has an off the shelf implementation.
<SnoopJeDi> We're looking to optimize the phase for every cavity crossing (isochronocity, ideally), so you can look at it as a (16*4)x(16*6) too, but that'd be a lot more sparse
<SnoopJeDi> since the path-length changes are totally localized, *most* of the correctors affect the next crossing or two after them
armed_troop has quit [Ping timeout: 198 seconds]
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: I mean most optimization problems give you sparse matrices, this is what I'd expect :P
<bofh> but like a 64x96 matrix objective function is honestly tiny tbqh, to the point where brute-force style solutions like yours work quite well.
armed_troop has joined #kspacademia
<SnoopJeDi> yea, agreed
<SnoopJeDi> building that matrix is expensive-ish though
<SnoopJeDi> it's not expensive by traditional optimization problem rulers, but eugh
<bofh> Yeah I somehow get the feeling that evaluation of your objective function dwarfs actually any sort of gradient descent/quasi-Newton search, which is... kind of a nasty place to be, honestly.
<SnoopJeDi> yep
<SnoopJeDi> it's not bad for traditional transport codes where you're "just" concatenating a whole bunch of beamline elements, because that's a bunch of matrix multiplications
<SnoopJeDi> but the "rolled-up linac" nature of this means that every evaluation of an objective function is a Runge-Kutta run :/
<SnoopJeDi> in lieu of some more clever analytical treatment that hasn't appeared to us shy of "uh Alex Dragt has some interesting ideas about using Lie operators"
<SnoopJeDi> but even in e.g. MAD-X (LHC's optics) the optimization isn't all that sophisticated: usually jacobian, sometimes simplex if something is reaaaally finicky
<bofh> Yeah I'd do exactly that (except I much prefer interior-point to simplex, but yeah).
<SnoopJeDi> so the nice thing about my supervisor's work is that since he wrote the whole thing, he can unwind his tracker to a suitable state and track a lot less. The off-the-shelf one we're trying to migrate into allegedly has run resume, but uh it super does not work
<bofh> Except in this case not really b/c a Runge-Kutta run per gradient computation is *really* expensive.
<bofh> rofl
<bofh> Of course it doesn't, it's commercial academic code.
<SnoopJeDi> idk, we'll see. I have a skeleton for how to do the runs iteratively already done up so
<SnoopJeDi> oh it's not commercial, thankfully :P
<bofh> Excellent, keep me posted.
<SnoopJeDi> but the second pejorative definitely applies
<SnoopJeDi> thanks for kicking it around a bit :)
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh, UmbralRaptop, whitequark, et al.
* Qboid gives bofh, UmbralRaptop, whitequark, et al. a long expression
<egg|zzz|egg> !u 𒀉
<Qboid> U+12009 CUNEIFORM SIGN A2 (𒀉)
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a global explosive brachistochrone
<kmath> <stephentyrone> @volatile_void @johnregehr This is the earliest such precedent I know of for avoiding double-rounding, but I'm sure…
<kmath> <ManishEarth> @zwnj @Gankro TLDR text rendering: ⏎ ⏎ Vendors: I'mma try-- ⏎ ⏎ Arabic users: NOPE
<kmath> <ManishEarth> @KhaledGhetas @zwnj @Gankro Traditional Mongolian: *bursts in through the wall like then Kool-Aid Man* ⏎ ⏎ Me: NOPEnopeNOPEnope
<egg|zzz|egg> !seen hattivat
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I haven't seen the user hattivat yet.
<iximeow> achievement of the day: kicked out of an empty parking lot at 3:30am
<UmbralRaptop> o_O
<iximeow> there was good line of sight for saturn! there weren't trees everywhere!
<UmbralRaptop> Next time try a park?
<iximeow> there aren't really any nearby that aren't also full of problematic trees
<UmbralRaptop> Sure, trees emit a highly corrosive gas when exposed to sunlight, but problematic?
<UmbralRaptop> More seriously, I'm assuming large fields that mean the trees are at low angles.
<iximeow> those are in short supply
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn iximeow
* Qboid gives iximeow a copy-on-write octopus which vaguely resembles a DDOS
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn котя
* Qboid gives котя a Stern-Gerlach sigma matrix/🔫 hybrid
UmbralRaptop has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn the котяchrome kitten
* Qboid gives the котяchrome kitten an involutory oscillator
<whitequark> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a tellurium espresso with a float attachment
<whitequark> the worst espresso
<whitequark> ok i guess thallium espresso would be worse
<whitequark> !wpn -add:adj thallium
<Qboid> whitequark: Adjective already added!
<whitequark> !wpn -add:adj polonium
<Qboid> whitequark: Adjective already added!
<whitequark> ...
<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: I think umbralraptor added them all :-p
UmbralRaptop has joined #kspacademia
Qboid was kicked from #kspacademia by *status [You have been disconnected from the IRC server]
Qboid has joined #kspacademia
egg|zzz|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
whitequark has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
whitequark has joined #kspacademia
oeuf is now known as egg
<egg> hm
<egg> not sure if my preceding message went through, at least it's not in the logs
<egg> bofh: so I think I have a proof for a max. relative error of 0.50022 * 2^-52 for the Halley variant of the egg method, so that the max error would be in [0.50005, 0.50022] ULPs
TonyC1 has joined #kspacademia
TonyC has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
<kmath> <mikers86> Does The Chronicle of Higher Education count?
<egg> !choose Horner-evaluated|Hornered|Hornery
<Qboid> egg: Your options are: Horner-evaluated, Hornered, Hornery. My choice: Hornered
<egg> ;choose Horner-evaluated|Hornered|Hornery
<kmath> egg: Horner-evaluated
<egg> bofh: choose Horner-evaluated|Hornered|Hornery
<UmbralRaptop> So, today is Earth Day. Effectively in the same sense as those Infrastructure Weeks?
<egg> !wpn B787_300
* Qboid gives B787_300 an involutory rotation
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh an Abelian grammar which vaguely resembles a counter
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptop a C# patent
* B787_300 spins around
* UmbralRaptop sues Microsoft in much the same way Oracle is suing IBM.
<whitequark> !wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptop an imaginary স্র‌ু
<whitequark> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a polonium function generator
<whitequark> "Hornery"
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, oh my god so we had a project meeting this morning since we're so under the gun, and as we wrapped up, my supervisor told me a story about when he was a grad student working in nuclear...
<SnoopJeDi> He needed to do many quadratures on functions with unpredictable logarithmic singularities, but the systems he was using only had 8 (or maybe 16?) bits of precision available. Not enough, at any rate
<SnoopJeDi> So he wrote his own decimal representation in "registers" that gave him the precision he desired, but then he couldn't rely on the system implementations of functions like lg() or tan()
<SnoopJeDi> so uh he wrote those too. dude's apparently seen some shit in the computational world
<SnoopJeDi> Maybe that was more common once upon a time, but egads!
<SnoopJeDi> (if I understood him correctly which is usually a coin-flip, the main issue was Gram-Schmidt construction of orthogonal polynomials and the omnipresent problem of floating point subtraction)
<whitequark> subtraction?
<whitequark> is that hard?
<egg> whitequark: if it cancels and its inputs have rounding errors it can kill all the bits
<SnoopJeDi> AIUI it's not hard if you've got bits to spare for guarding? Bear in mind, this is 40-50 years ago
<SnoopJeDi> and since he was doing a round of Gram-Schmidt for each next polynomial order, any precision problem snowballed really fast
<SnoopJeDi> egg, I told him about Principia during the same conversation, actually
<whitequark> egg: all the bits?
<SnoopJeDi> well, mostly about your generalized FISR thing (right?) and how I gawk at y'all constructing an algorithm, but Principia got name-dropped too
<whitequark> oh you mean like the entire mantissa becomes junk?
<SnoopJeDi> yea, IIRC for two values who agree to N places you can lose N bits of precision?
<SnoopJeDi> probably mangling that idea though, I don't grok floating-point that well
<egg> SnoopJeDi: if you have errors on the input though, otherwise it's really the reverse, the result is exact :D
<kmath> <stephentyrone> #FloatingPointWithAtlas #SterbenzLemma
<egg> whitequark: yeah
<SnoopJeDi> yea and the "up to" is a worst-case, right?
<egg> whitequark: or rather it becomes junk followed by 0s
<egg> SnoopJeDi: FISR?
<egg> FISR?
<Qboid> egg: [FISR] => Fast inverse square root
<egg> ah
<SnoopJeDi> I think it's a very uncommon abbreviation, I'm just lazy
<SnoopJeDi> and idk if you've given your project any name?
<egg> SnoopJeDi: which project
<egg> Principia?
<SnoopJeDi> uh you're generalizing inverse square root for N dimensions, is that right? very probably I've misunderstood
<SnoopJeDi> I'm only tangentially aware of it, really
<SnoopJeDi> and it also seems like maybe it's one little slice of something you're putting into Principia
<egg> SnoopJeDi: for N other than -2
<SnoopJeDi> oh, derp
<egg> SnoopJeDi: because we have an nth root which realistically only needs one significant digit somewhere, so a proper rootn would be overkill (as well as nonexistent but hopefully I can do something about that)
<egg> s/si.*git/sig. dec./
<Qboid> egg meant to say: SnoopJeDi: because we have an nth root which realistically only needs one sig. dec. somewhere, so a proper rootn would be overkill (as well as nonexistent but hopefully I can do something about that)
<egg> SnoopJeDi: also I somehow got sidetracked into writing a cbrt
<egg> SnoopJeDi: I mean tbh the main reason for that foray into roots was that I was bored because I had the flu
<SnoopJeDi> so the inverse rootn is for Principia, then?
<egg> yeah
<SnoopJeDi> neato
<SnoopJeDi> thanks for clearing that up
<egg> and I mean we use cbrt in principia too in the Kepler stuff so we could use it there
<SnoopJeDi> yea ofc
<egg> SnoopJeDi: non-inverse rootn too btw
<egg> tbh the Kepler stuff is an endless source of horrible numerics trickery
<egg> everything is ill-conditioned
<SnoopJeDi> I'm not sure what "the Kepler stuff" is but "endless source of horrible numerics trickery" is pretty much #kspacademia :P
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: Gram-Schmidt is known to be horrendously numerically unstable, there's a reason it's avoided snd alternatives used whenever possible (which, sadly, sometimes isn't possible).
<egg> an endless supply of code paths, each with worse condition numbers than the last
<SnoopJeDi> oh, representing things in terms of Keplerian orbits?
<bofh> egg: accurate
<egg> bofh: so like if I want to handle ill-conditioning properly I need even more code paths
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, difficult to tell whether it was or wasn't necessary for him, but given that he's bold enough to tackle challenges like...that...I usually trust his judgement
<SnoopJeDi> I'm glad I can just instruct scipy to do the QR decomposition for me though :)
<SnoopJeDi> I make enough mistakes writing nice abstracted stuff, I'd be a bull in a china shop down there in numerics land.
<egg> SnoopJeDi: but you can do both with principia! insane abstractions and fancy numerics :D
<egg> and comments about Lie algebras
<SnoopJeDi> really neat mitosis-looking things in the bottom projection
<bofh> egg: I'm curious if you have a similar error bound for egg (double-Newton).
<egg> SnoopJeDi: speaking of cube roots, thread
<kmath> <eggleroy> Some more ∛ fun (thanks to @bofh453 for translating FNLIB’s DCBRT for the purposes of this comparison). ⏎ The “egg (H…
<egg> bofh: hmmm, [0.50010, 0.50023ish] (but I'm worried about cancellations in the polynomial increasing that 0.50023ish, it also makes the analysis harder :-p)
<kmath> <eggleroy> Some more ∛ fun (thanks to @bofh453 for translating FNLIB’s DCBRT for the purposes of this comparison). ⏎ The “egg (H…
<egg> SnoopJeDi: which "up to"
<egg> in <SnoopJeDi> yea and the "up to" is a worst-case, right?
<kmath> <Wervus> Shout out to my cat for being the best pencil case ever
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a verbose alternator
<egg> meow
<iximeow> meow
APlayer has joined #kspacademia
<whitequark> meow
* APlayer pets whitequark
UmbralRaptor has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptop has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 numpy of all things for not being good at finding columns in CSVs that are strings.
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, hm?
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: eg: b'HIP 1475'
<SnoopJeDi> is that two columns or one?
<UmbralRaptor> That's a random entry in one of the columns with strings.
<SnoopJeDi> hm. if you have some sample data and an example of the code that mangles it, I'd take a look
<UmbralRaptor> I can probably solve this by manually specifying the datatype of each column, but that makes assumptions about the number and order of columns that I'd rather avoid.
<UmbralRaptor> the mangling is normal np.genfromtxt("filename.csv", delimiter=",", dtype=None, Names=True)
<UmbralRaptor> without setting dtype to none, numpy says that every entry is a float, and the strings are nans.
kmath has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
<egg> bofh: I should try making a mug with akkadian on it :-p
<egg> 𒂍𒃲𒁹𒀸𒋩𒉽𒀀 etc.
<egg> (I'd need a kiln tho...)
<egg> or rather, 𒃻𒂵𒂍𒃲𒁹𒉭 I guess :-p
<egg> UmbralRaptor: does that mean ANBO is 𒂍𒃲𒁹𒉭
* UmbralRaptor isn't sure how you'd do acronyms in cuniform.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: you don't, since you have sumerograms
<egg> UmbralRaptor: (the above says palace of egg)
<egg> UmbralRaptor: not sure how to say observatory
<UmbralRaptor> Hah!
<egg> UmbralRaptor: cow would be 𒀖
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
<egg> UmbralRaptor: "If a star falls on a man's house: there will be death in the man's house." (P496450, reverse, line 10:
<UmbralRaptor> [The "star" is actually a tungsten rod the size of a telephone pole]
<egg> bofh: UmbralRaptor: it's funny how specifically old babylonian letters have very clear formatting of the en-tête (𒀀𒈾␉<recipient>␤𒆠␉𒉈␉𒈠␤𒌝𒈠␉<sender>) e.g.
<egg> (which is not found e.g. in old assyrian letters)
<egg> (help I'm learning how to write old Babylonian letterheads)
<UmbralRaptor> I'd help, but I don't think I can buy you a copy of Rosetta Stone or DuoLingo that supports Sumerian.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: pretty sure rosetta stone is for the wrong script
<egg> but the style of the strongly-spaced 𒆠␉𒉈␉𒈠 on its own line seems very distinctly babylonian Ꙩ_ꙩ
<UmbralRaptor> Rosetta Stone© is for many things. o_O
<egg> UmbralRaptor: yes, demotic, hieroglyphs, greek,
<egg> i know :-p
<UmbralRaptor> Ah.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: but clearly for babylonian you want Behistun Inscription, not Rosetta Stone :-p
<UmbralRaptor> Probably.
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an infinity
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a Lambert carrot
<UmbralRaptor> Qboid: can you be more specific?
<UmbralRaptor> !choose eat|computer
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Your options are: eat, computer. My choice: computer
<iximeow> !choice eat computer|computer eat
<iximeow> er !choose oops
* egg gives UmbralRaptor a bird
* UmbralRaptor pets the bird.
UmbralRaptop has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor has quit [Ping timeout: 198 seconds]
<egg> bofh: why is there no _mm_mul_epu32 etc. but for 64-bit integers :-/
<egg> there's an add
<iximeow> not like it's really helpful, there looks to be a (v)pmullq ... in avx512 :(
<bofh> egg: roll it yourself out of 4 32x32 muls. :P
<egg> bofh: pretty sure it's cheaper to movq your way to imul