raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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tawny: well, what does it mean for the moon to be in the same place wrt the fixed stars, when the precessions mean it doesn't return to the same place :-p
egg|cell|egg has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptop: meow
* raptop
pets egg|zzz|egg with an arbitrary month
Hey egg|zzz|egg so the moon is currently tidally locked to the earth and is moving away from earth right? Will the tidal forces eventually cause it to start rotating wrt earth as it moves farther away?
it should slow down its rotation as its orbit slows
Or is tidally locked a stable thing and the only way to get it spinning with a massive impact
egg|zzz|egg: nice
* raptop
would assume stability
B787_300: yes, it's stable (induced by tides, as the name indicates)
so as the moon drifts away, its rotation slows
egg|zzz|egg: but wouldn't the long term stability rely on the moons mass distro?
UmbralRaptor has joined #kspacademia
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I don't get it
raptop has quit [Quit: leaving]
So the way I was thinking about it was if the moon has a lumpy mass distribution and the body it is orbiting is lumpy mass distortion as it moves farther out the lumps can be in different gravity strengths causing a torque
But I am waiting for a play to start so will be able to discuss again in like 3-4 hours
* egg|zzz|egg
meows at bofh
* egg|zzz|egg
considers sleep
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* UmbralRaptor
🔪 🚌
(Last one on Saturdays is 30 minutes before the last one on weekdays)
UmbralRaptor: logic
The logic being that everyone works ~9-5, and only uses transit to get to/from work.
Do they not know astronomy types work at weird times?
YouTube - Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 17 (Official Music Video)
I guess. Also, I eggspect to be walking (or driving) home every night I'm helping with observatory tours.
bofh: also the wow signal?
oh, radio L, not IR
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
* UmbralRaptor
🔪 the super blood wolf moon in the rain.
rofl the superbloodwolfmoon
that is Not A Thing but even reputable sites have been running things with that title and it's absolutely maddening.
It does sound like something you'd see run at [A,S]GDQ…
Most likely in the AwfulGDQ block, honestly.
Quite possibly.
dx has quit [Quit: RIP]
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* UmbralRaptor
🔪 sleep again
* egg|zzz|egg
meows at UmbralRaptor
* UmbralRaptor
scritches egg|zzz|egg
* egg|zzz|egg
tawny has joined #kspacademia
Sidereal period of revolution (of a satellite)
The time elapsing between two consecutive intersections of the projection of a satellite onto a reference plane which passes through the centre of mass of the primary body with a line in that plane extending from the centre of mass to infinity, both the normal to the reference plane and the direction of the line, being fixed in relation to the stars.
cc bofh, UmbralRaptor, et al.
(which is a .doc...)
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[Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #2065: Proof of one direction of the damping condition - https://git.io/fh409
[Principia] pleroy edited pull request #2065: Proof of the damping condition - https://git.io/fh409
bofh: oh nice, now you can handwrite an alphanumeric code on the envelope in CH instead of affixing a stamp
(it used to be that you could print your own stamp, but now they managed to cut out the printing step too)
tawny has joined #kspacademia
* egg|zzz|egg
meows at UmbralRaptor
* UmbralRaptor
converts the doc into both a docx and a pdf
<bofh453> Really curious how hard it is to get just instant ramen flavour packets in bulk, w/o associated noodles. ⏎ ⏎ Since tho… https://t.co/tv1J6vRd7P
15:54:23 <@egg|zzz|egg> bofh: oh nice, now you can handwrite an alphanumeric code on the envelope in CH instead of affixing a stamp
ooh, that's interesting.
mlbaker: alreday following them lmao
they're excellent
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bofh: is zat Serre
ize zatte Serre
bofh: dude, those flavour packets are death
<mnxmnkmnd> Wow a proper french meal involves... quite a lot of wine...
Technicalfool has joined #kspacademia
* egg|zzz|egg
meows at Technicalfool
* UmbralRaptor
chirps at Technicalfool
been a while. I need to leave an IRC client running more often :P
It's oddly convenient if you have an android phone. Though admittedly a bouncer is better.
been spending too much time at work. Or making toys on Second Life of all places.
(turns out people will pay real money for a thing that makes you squeak when someone clicks your nose)
Maybe I should make a free update that includes cat-clickies.
Maybe egg should port Principia to LSL to work with SL vehicle physics. Watch everyone start walking in slow motion as it tries to cope with every massive body in the region.
<DJSnM> My cat just read my mind & changed the music on my HomePod, it was a station inspired by Otis Redding and it was pl… https://t.co/pQewLqoqAC
bofh: mrow
bofh: meeeeeeeeeooow
bofh: i haz statistics questions
cc UmbralRaptor
bofh: I'm writing that orbit analyser; I'm computing the periods as means of individual node-to-node or periapsis-to-periapsis times, so I guess there the error should be the standard error of the mean?
bofh: what should I use for the precession rates, that I compute as the slope of the least-squares fit
* UmbralRaptor
chirps at egg
I'm not sure what the right tool would be since this isn't really a stochastic process, especially at short timescales.
UmbralRaptor: bofh: mostly this is to figure out how many sigdec I want to show, but yes
bofh: meeeeeooooow
I mean, standard error scales with number of measurements, right?
* UmbralRaptor
feels like number of digits should be based on some combination of rate of change and timescale