raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<egg> UmbralRaptop: what
<UmbralRaptop> at the overlap between the two schools
<egg> UmbralRaptop: lɒl
<egg> UmbralRaptop: Switzerland!
<egg> UmbralRaptop: you have a federal school and a cantonal school
<egg> UmbralRaptop: so across the streets on two sides of the ETHZ main building, you have the university main building and the university hospital :D
<egg> yes the main buildings are adjacent :-p
<UmbralRaptop> o_O
<egg> "For Molniya, the tesseral harmonic coefficients with the most effect are C22, C32, C52; C44, C54, C64; C66, C76, C86; C98 and the corresponding Slm."
* egg pokes bofh in the calendar
<kmath> <CoreyStoughton> I would like to congratulate the Parliament of the United Kingdom tonight for demonstrating, possibly for the first… https://t.co/cXuXImlms0
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, but on this side of the Atlantic…
* egg pokes bofh in the calendar
* UmbralRaptop attaches a light to bofh's calendar.
* egg swats bofh with a calendar
* egg stares at apparent secular drift of the sidereal period Ꙩ_ꙩ
* UmbralRaptop blames the moon
* egg bites the moon
<bofh> egg: I was getting food, okay >_<
<egg> UmbralRaptop: it's not the moon, it's overly lax integration tolerance on a nonsymplectic integrator, oops
<UmbralRaptop> oh
<bofh> can you switch to a symplectic one here?
<egg> bofh: sure but what timestep should I choose
<egg> (note: here I was using a high order adaptive stepsize method with a tolerance of ~265 m over 40 years)
<egg> 265 isn't a horrible tolerance, but over 40 years you do see the nonsymplecticity
<kmath> <kirelagin> Liberté, réflexivité, symétrie, transitivité, fraternité
<bofh> Hrm. I wonder if reducing it to, like, 195m or so would change anything at all.
<egg> bofh: reducing to 26 m leads to little appreciable drift
<egg> (mind you this is a молния orbit which won't last anywhere near 40 years IRL because atmosphere but principia does not model that)
<bofh> I mean imagine hydrazine thrusters that auto-trigger,
<egg> bofh: so assuming we get rid of the atmosphere (it's silly anyway), after 30 000 orbits I have T🜨 / T* = +2.000873(76)
<egg> that's quite a few sigdec
<bofh> Why +2 and not +0?
<egg> because two orbits per earth revolution?
<bofh> Oh, right, that's a difference
<bofh> and also Molniya
<bofh> right.
<bofh> okay, that's not bad actually.
<egg> T🜨 / T* being the earth's sidereal rotation period over the satellite's sidereal period
<egg> bofh: mind you there's an 8 at the last sigdec that makes it not-quite-synchronous in a statistically significant way, but that's just my initial conditions being a poor молния orbit, the goal here is to see if I can get a good standard uncertainty on T* eventually
<egg> bofh: that's actually the uncertainty on 1/T*, the original is T* = +4.30632(16) × 10^+4 s
<egg> something something GUM 5
<egg> i just typed γιτ διφφ in my terminal
<egg> it did not work
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<bofh> LOL
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<kmath> <bofh453> alias лс='ls'
<bofh> (also alias ды='ls')
<egg> ды? why
<egg> alias КЯ='ls'
<egg> КЯ бНОПНЯ
<egg> bofh: ah
<egg> my layout is яёепыфгцрлллшщ аоэуидхтнсь ъчйкжбмювз which mostly matches my latin layout (dvorak) so I don't run into that one
<egg> ονλψ тхис kind οφ нонсэнцэ
<egg> also КЯ, aside for being to лс what бНОПНЯ is to Вопрос, sounds like it's about zkms
<bofh> Oh gods, there's phonetic Russian Dvorak?!?
<bofh> I mean okay I'm not surprised but still
<egg> bofh: no, I made it
<egg> bofh: I also made a corresponding greek polytonic and replaced the digits by moar silliness
<bofh> what were the digits replaced with?
<egg> bofh: Ͱ!@#$%Ϛ&*ϞϠ{} ͱ12345ϛ78ϟϡ[] ́̀͂πψφγχρλ/ͳ\ ̈̔̓ΠΨΦΓΧΡΛ;Ͳ| αοευιδητνσς ·θϝκξβμωϙζ :ΘϜΚΞΒΜΩϘΖ
<bofh> also a good polytonic layout would be handy.
<egg> it's not that good
<egg> it writes combining marks so things that eggspect NFC might be confused
<bofh> I mean that's what I *want*
<egg> bofh: it also has · ; for ; ? of course
<bofh> I mean why not
<egg> bofh: because that's not canonical because they canonically decompose to middle dot and semicolon
<egg> bofh: it does make sense to have middle dot and semicolon there though
<bofh> wait, why does it *canonically* decompose to semicolon?
<bofh> instead of *compatibility* decomposing to semicolon
<egg> because it exists only for compatibility with obscure encodings, and in others it would have been unified
<egg> I'm not even sure what encoding it exists for, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-7 just has the semicolon
<egg> and aside from the fact that randomly disunifying things is a terrible idea, there's no useful distinction between the two for text processing; they have the same glyph in any correct typesetting, and the semicolon is not script-specific
<bofh> I mean in that case why have both in the first place?
<egg> bofh: this I do not know, I suspect some obscure encoding had ASCII + greek question mark?
<egg> generally it's that sort of thing
<kmath> <jen_gupta> Apparently today is the launch of the International Year of the Periodic Table so I thought it was time to introduc… https://t.co/4BoWzHiFFF
<egg> bofh: see also: all the other canonical decompositions
<egg> bofh: nevermind I had stray 0 in my data, it's actually T🜨 / T* = +2.0008066(91)
<egg> which is quite a few sigdec
<bofh> Ehh. That's *still* not bad over 40 years integrated, no?
<egg> bofh: that's better, it was T🜨 / T* = +2.000873(76) previously
<egg> I gained a sigdec
<egg> bofh: I wonder whether https://www.amazon.com/Satellites-Kepler-au-GPS-French/dp/2287990496 is just a rehash of Satellites : Orbites et missions by the same author or whether there's anything new
<egg> ah, page XX clarifies that
<egg> yeah they made a new book because the old one was out of print, changing the presentation in some places, adding satellites, adding a part on geodesy and one on GPS
<bofh> Ooh, this looks interesting.
<bofh> And yeah, generally if it's more than a few years old it'll be out of print
<bofh> So you're looking at a new edition
<bofh> Which can be anything from renumbering the exercises (OH HAI STEWART'S CALCULUS AND EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS) to basically a total overhaul of the textbook.
<egg> bofh: the table of contents seems very similar
<egg> bofh: I guess I could buy both and compare U+1F92A
<SnoopJeDi> Stewart's book is too good for its industry :(
<egg> bofh: (note, there are english versions but if I'm going to buy it in print why not get the original :-p)
* egg stares at T☊ = +43064.68(20) s, T* = +43064.68(20) s
<bofh> I mean that's pretty good, no?
<egg> bofh: why are they the same
<bofh> luck?
<egg> bofh: also, calendar
<bofh> And yeah, I'd be tempted to get the French ver in print just b/c FR vocabulary is useful.
<egg> bofh: I can buy it and you can read it at ANBO next time you're around I guess :-p
<egg> also T = +43064.68(20) s (that's anomalistic)
<egg> <bofh> luck? << 9 digit luck?
<bofh> 03:16:09 <@egg> bofh: I can buy it and you can read it at ANBO next time you're around I guess :-p
<bofh> works for me
<bofh> (oh, do you have an entry to add to the 'when is mofh going to move to Paris' betting pool? :P)
<bofh> 03:17:07 <@egg> <bofh> luck? << 9 digit luck?
<bofh> okay, yeah, no.
<bofh> something is prolly buggy.
<egg> bofh: or the orbit precesses sufficiently slowly that all three periods are equal within their uncertainties
<egg> its anomalistic precession is certainly smol, because молния so critical angle
<bofh> yeah, that would make sense.
<egg> Ω′ = -52.5951(32)°/a, ω′ = +2.194(72) × 10^-2°/a
<egg> hmm, with that Ω′ I would eggspect T☊ to differ from T*?
<egg> by maybe 10 s
<egg> ah yes, it's because I compute crossings of the xy plane again, not the xz plane, derp
<egg> so now I should expect the sidereal period to be either https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2F(1%2F(%2B43064.68+s)%2B52.5951%C2%B0%2F(365.25+days)%2F360%C2%B0) or https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2F(1%2F(%2B43064.68+s)-52.5951%C2%B0%2F(365.25+days)%2F360%C2%B0), can't be bothered to figure out which
<egg> T* = +43073.29(17) s second one
<egg> which gives us 🜨 / T* = +2.0004066(78)
<egg> T🜨 / T* = +2.0004066(78)
<bofh> Hrm, I think the second one?
<bofh> Huh, I wonder why English wikipedia doesn't have a page for Garde à vue (the law).
<bofh> it's an easy enough translation from the French one, even for me.
<SnoopJeDi> it's been waiting for someone just like you to create it? :)
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<egg|cell|egg> Bofh: calendar
<kmath> <KhaledGhetas> ECMA TR/53 uses the acronym BDSM for terminal Bi-Directional Support Mode, and I hope that was intentional because… https://t.co/yg1e3MGAXV
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<kmath> <eggleroy> @alercah @bofh453 Further exciting developments from Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 25 (1847), with omitted decima… https://t.co/1rLz18MJng
<egg> bofh: re. garde à vue, because it's in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest
<egg> bofh: now there's no https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde_%C3%A0_vue_en_droit_fran%C3%A7ais, because that's about the specificities of the french version
<egg> bofh: but https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde_%C3%A0_vue_(droit) should probably be associated with arrest in en
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<egg> bofh: hm the SNCF carte jeune goes up to and including 27 years old, I thought it was 25
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<bofh> egg: oh cool, that means I stopped qualifying weeks before my last Paris stay >_<
<bofh> egg: I am annoyed that the Paris Symphony youth pass also has an age cap of literally how old I am right now, too.
<bofh> Le Louvre at least does until 29.
<bofh> 10:38:55 <@egg> bofh: but https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garde_%C3%A0_vue_(droit) should probably be associated with arrest in en
<bofh> hm
<bofh> okay, yeah, that makes sense in retrospect.
* bofh facepalms
<egg|work|egg> ⟨bofh⟩ Le Louvre at least does until 29. ⮜ well, it has several tiers, it is cheaper in [0, 26[ than in [26, 30[
<bofh> Yes, but it has reasonably priced costs in [26,30[ still. Philharmonie de Paris *only* does [0,28[, which is super-annoying since prices jump from reasonable to silly w/o a youth subscription.
<bofh> (Tho I'm actually genuinely surprised I hadn't tried to sneak in; I suspect that it's b/c none of the concerts that played during my time in Paris were appealing enough to try that).
<bofh> (Alternatively, I was just too damn busy, lmao).
<UmbralRaptop> bofh:… how hard was it to get a room to crash in Zürich? (a student lounge in ETHZ doesn't count)
<bofh> UmbralRaptop: surprisingly easy, like it took me about 20 minutes on booking.com to find and book a hôtel.
<bofh> okay, it took more like 8 hours, but most of that was egg yelling at me to get a room and me deciding to teach econ students linear programming instead.
<UmbralRaptop> Heh
<egg> bofh: even at 30 it's not that bad at the Louvre
<egg> it goes 15 35 80
<bofh> 80 gets you 2.5 concerts at the Philharmonie at normal prices, 4 if you're crazy lucky with ticketing.
<bofh> Also I just realized that's a lie, I *did* crash a concert, but it was a random thing done at Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre, not a Philharmonie one.
<egg> bofh: also clean up your calendar already
<bofh> fine
<egg> UmbralRaptop: yeah, bofh also randomly ended up picking a hotel just down the street from where i am so you can do that too
<UmbralRaptop> Yay
<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] pleroy tagged 9e29425 as 2019020421-Εὐκλείδης https://git.io/fhMio
<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] pleroy created tag 2019020421-Εὐκλείδης - https://git.io/fpDwq
<egg> Εὐκλείδης!
<egg> whitequark: hm, geneva university should have a copy of that acta paediatrica hungarica volume
* egg pokes bofh in the calendar
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<egg> bofh: clean up your calendaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
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<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fhMHY
<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] pleroy 5269014 - Remove Εὔδοξος.
<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] kbios opened issue #2071: KSP crashed while paused, now savefile won't load - https://git.io/fhM5M
<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] kbios commented on issue #2071: KSP crashed while paused, now savefile won't load - https://git.io/fhMdY
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<egg> bofh: meeeeeeow
* UmbralRaptop 🔪 wikipedia. When does CEST start in 2019?
<UmbralRaptop> March 31?
<egg> UmbralRaptop: hm, not sure
<UmbralRaptop> Okay. So 5 hours (EDT ↔ CET) for the duration I'm interested in.
<egg> UmbralRaptop: convert everything to TT, express in julian dates,
<UmbralRaptop> I won't be operating any observatories, though. Just a poster.
<egg> UmbralRaptop: roll up the poster, put a lens in
<egg> bofh: moo
<bofh> egg: ?
<egg> bofh: calendar
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<_whitenotifier-1656> [Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #1841: Show ☊ and ☋ with respect to the equator in body-centred inertial frames - https://git.io/fhDkR