I'm adding three new types of RTGs that are different colors and have different decay half-lifes using Nertea's DecayingRTGs mod.
but I want them to not... be so brightly colored
and that's not how the textures look in your image editor, or you can't get them to look how you want? (I've never used paint.net)
I don't know how the transparency affects things basically
so I made it all opaque one color but that seems to have messed up a lot
transparency in KSP is usually shininess
hmm.. yeah that makes sense.
I'll experiment a bit
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The GNR-KM Long-Mission RTG is powered by Kerbicium, which isn't found anywhere in nature. It outputs a small amount of electricity, but will last a lot longer, we're told. It's blue, too!
The GNR-PO High-Power RTG is powered by polarium, found on the moon Pol and also in the dirt we dug up when we planted the space centre's flag pole. It outputs a lot of electricity and is definitely not just a normal RTG painted red.
The GNR-BP Low-Cost RTG is powered by Boppium, a common isotope found in waste from recycled LV-N rocket motors. It's significantly cheaper than other RTGs. It lacks both power and longevity though.