Sarbian changed the topic of #kspmodding to: Welcome to #kspmodding - the channel for discussing, and learning about, modding Kerbal Space Program. Code of Conduct: | Always provide logs. | *** PSA: | Someone is writting a Phd dissertation on KSP modding please fill out this survey - I have met him and it s legit
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Sarbian, I get the distinct feeling that our feidn "RandyTheDev" would love people to not use the GPL, and may have something against it.
or *friend* even. Though "fiend" also works.
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he may just not like the ASP loophole?
what loophole?
basically the GPL has a loophole, where, if you don't provide the complete binary of something
you don't have to provide the source
this works for certain libraries/game engines/webserver thingies *cough* BYOND *cough
"Both versions of the Affero GPL were designed to close a perceived application service provider (ASP) loophole in the ordinary GPL, where, by using but not distributing the software, the copyleft provisions are not triggered. Each version differs from the version of the GNU GPL on which it is based in having an added provision addressing use of software over a computer network. This provision requires that the full source code be made
available to any network user of the AGPL-licensed work, typically a web application.
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JPLRepo: Will you guys be publishing modders notes for 1.4.x?