raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Fréchet. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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[Principia] pleroy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jv0Xq
egg. — @sarbian The album linked in https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162200-wip151-161-17x-181-principia%E2%80%94version-frege-released-2020-01-24%E2%80%94n-body-and-extended-body-gravitation-axial-tilt/page/59/&tab=comments#comment-3745684 has a particularly nice image of your cats
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egg. — @theyseN the RealismOverhaul has a Google Drive link for a Principia version that has been obsolete for three months; please don't directly link to a specific download, since we have a new version every month
egg. — @theyseN the OP of the RealismOverhaul thread has a Google Drive link for a Principia version that has been obsolete for three months; please don't directly link to a specific download, since we have a new version every month (edited)
RurouniDonut. — It mentions next update it might include rotation of vessals
RurouniDonut. — Does that mean direct ascent would work?
egg. — What does that have to do with rotation
DRVeyl. — I think he's asking about the universe orientation shifts at SOI boundaries.
egg. — One side-effect of that is that we will fix that issue if you cross the SoI boundary while in timewarp, or without looking at the vessel
egg. — if you cross the SoI boundary out of timewarp while looking at the vessel I think it will remain, for now
DRVeyl. — I'm curious why the `packed` state is at issue, more than just `loaded`.
neph. — That's going to result in some bug reports down the line, but is really exciting that it'll be fixed for most cases.
egg. — @DRVeyl ? precisely, if it's packed it's going to be fine in Frobenius, if it's unpacked then we have to believe the game because the vessel changes shape all the time
egg. — @neph
egg. — > That's going to result in some bug reports down the line
egg. — well there *is* a bug report, by @Damien ; it will merely reduce the extent to which it is visible
neph. — I am aware & I'm glad its going to partially fixed.
neph. — Right now, everybody's aware of the bug. Later people probably won't be until they just so happen to be in the flight scene at SOI transition & they'll be wondering wtf went wrong when they get to the moon
egg. — ah
neph. — I am aware & I'm glad its going to partially fixed.
neph. — Right now, everybody's aware of the bug & plans around it. Later people probably won't be until they just so happen to be in the flight scene at SOI transition & they'll be wondering wtf went wrong when they get to the moon (edited)
egg. — well, maybe we'll fix that part before people run into it, too
neph. — Have it kick you out of the flight scene & automatically go into time warps if you're approaching the border 🙂
DRVeyl. — My question probably requires me to actually look at what you implemented. Otherwise I'm just making very big assumptions, like that `Vessel.SetRotation()` is something that you should call whenever you are changing the world coordinate system and that it would automagically work on packed or unpacked vessels.
egg. — @DRVeyl we did the Principia thing
egg. — also known as "we've been working on this for a year"
neph. — tell me you're somehow getting funded for this
egg. — haha
egg. — @DRVeyl Principia keeps an authoritative copy of the angular momentum at all times, which it enforces; but it can't do anything about orientation out of timewarp, because the vessel is a soft body
egg. — @DRVeyl however in timewarp, it treats the vessel as a rigid body, and solves Euler's and Arnold's equations to give the vessel its orientation
neph. — honestly if you wrote a rough & dirty standalone front end & hosted it on your institution's web site you could probably write a grant for developing your n-body simulator that somebody would throw some money at
egg. — hence, if the vessel crosses the boundary in its rigid state, Principia knows what is happening
egg. — @neph I'm not an academic though
egg. — @DRVeyl however if the vessel crosses the boundary in its nonrigid state, Principia assumes that weird soft things happened to it
egg. — we'll have to experiment, maybe we have to detect the boundary crossing and special-case it
egg. — maybe it "just works" for all I know, dunno if KSP packs before the crossing
neph. — @egg find a friend who is & split that sweet sweet government/private cash
neph. —
neph. — On another entirely hypothetical note: something that removed the soft-body mechanics entirely, effectively welding all vessels together, and then calculated proper modes of vibration for the whole thing might actually be preferable in the non-floppy RO context. Hopefully math & physics santa delivers this christmas
DRVeyl. — I see. Keeping things short, my comments were more limited to "more carefully not-breaking things during basis change" versus "more properly figuring out what orientation the vessel should have"
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egg. — well, the latter does the former :D
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DRVeyl. — Sort-of. 😉
DRVeyl. — I guess, you go from almost 100% wrong to much less often wrong!
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egg. — @DRVeyl in terms of internal model, knowing about the concept of "the orientation of the vessel" means going from the abstraction of "vessels (really pile ups but let's not get in the details) are point masses, and the game moves a cloud of parts around those points" to "vessels are rigid bodies, which the game deforms by altering the cloud of parts"; that entails keeping track of angular momentum as