egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨Daniel27⟩ The Sun is orbiting the Earth
⟨Daniel27⟩ But why the Sun (and everything else) is orbiting the Earth?
⟨test_account⟩ Because this is what you see from the Earth, every day
⟨lpg⟩ that would be the Concepts page, which you'll come across in that wiki
⟨Daniel27⟩ ok
⟨SpaceMarine⟩ because a thing called frames of reference exist
⟨Daniel27⟩ Can you use Mechjeb to execute the maneuvers ?
⟨Stonesmile⟩ Yes, but you need to plan them on your own
⟨Stonesmile⟩ * own, using Principia's tools
⟨test_account⟩ mechjeb maneuver node editor definitely has an option called "Execute next principia node"
⟨test_account⟩ I don't know how well it does that though
⟨Stonesmile⟩ Pretty well. It knows about spool up time and burns the requested dV, not the requested time
⟨test_account⟩ Does it also understand inertially fixed / non inertially fixed maneuvers?
⟨Stonesmile⟩ Principia handles that
⟨test_account⟩ You mean, by showing the maneuver on the navball? So that the marker moves during the burn if the maneuver is not inertially fixed, and MJ follows the changing direction?
⟨test_account⟩ Does that work also when there is no contact with the craft?