egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
⟨clayel⟩ wouldnt it give different results vs patched conics?
⟨razgriz16⟩ ^Good news is that rebasing works now 😬
⟨danimalfarm⟩ I remember hearing that airlaunching was wonky with Principia, is that still the case?
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨test_account9540⟩ that was several years ago
⟨sichelgaita⟩ Thanks for reporting. We'll do a hotfix, but due to personal circumstances this might take a little while.
⟨danimalfarm⟩ Good to know! The recent mention must have been erroneous.
⟨danimalfarm⟩ * erroneous (and based on outdated information)
⟨Damien⟩ Ksptot did add support for n-body coasts but grim what I recall it did have issues with the orbit tilting stuff Principia does so using may not be as simple as it would be without principia
⟨Damien⟩ * from
⟨Damien⟩ +it
⟨Damien⟩ * body/orbit
⟨_newhere⟩ On the upside you can finally rebase your flight plan - on the downside you can't delete flight plans(atleast not from the previous version) .
TBH I'm kinda suprised that they waited for so long to name a version after the guy who came up with the Jordanian form, especially considering all the vector transformation they must do in their code...
⟨_newhere⟩ does anyone knows if the rest Principia's functionality works? I really need rebasing for a Jupiter capture/Io perijove lowering
⟨clayel⟩ it is on by default or
⟨rnlahaye⟩ The names are in alphabetical order
⟨Damien⟩ You select 'n-body coast' as an option in your flight plan. It's been a long time since I used it but if you have a look you'll find the option or read the documentation
⟨_newhere⟩ Yeah, but we've gone through J multiple times already - you would think Jordan will higher on the list. Or is it lexicological order(ie finite predetermined list)?
Also, is the issue of orbit analysis not working in flight planning known?
⟨egg⟩ Your flight plan is too short I think.
⟨egg⟩ Wait no, that seems fine.
⟨_newhere⟩ believe me I triple checked it - anyway, I don't get any window popping up when I click analyse final trajectory. It should pop the windows and tell me it cannot resolve the orbital elements...
⟨egg⟩ Yes, I reproduced it; something is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark. We need to figure out what is going on with that optimizer.
⟨issproxima⟩ How to make electric propulsion work with principia, there should be a way to execute those year long burns
⟨_newhere⟩ Run KSP in the cloud?
⟨issproxima⟩ In stock that's persistent thrust
⟨issproxima⟩ But that's not gonna work with principia
⟨clayel⟩ simple, you dont
⟨clayel⟩ although you should be able to get up to 10-15x timewarp with time control/better time warp
⟨clayel⟩ +physical
⟨makoivis⟩ Anyone else getting crashes when deleting flight plans?
> We are aware of multiple bugs with [the Jordan] release: deleting a flight plan results in a crash, and orbit analysis on the flight plan no longer works.
> We are trying to understand and resolve these issues. Once they are resolved, the release will be patched as others have been in the past (most recently 伊藤 six months ago).
⟨egg⟩ Our best engineers are working on this issue. Our worst engineers, too.
egg: Do you cat(s) have PE licenses?
⟨egg⟩ I believe siimav would say something along the lines of :workbeale:
⟨redtyro⟩ so I updated before the bug was noticed (I'm almost at the point where I need to start using maneuver burns, but not quite there yet on my current career). It sounds like, for the time being, if I want to be able to rebase, do final trajectory analysis, and close/cancel flight plans, I should downgrade two versions... is that right?