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⟨womby_⟩ is principia normally laggy I had a rocket that runs at about 50fps without principia but with principia I get about 30
⟨womby_⟩ consistently getting a yellow clock when before I would consistently get a white one occassionally flickering to yellow using this LV
⟨siimav⟩ Principia's own persistent rotation feature definitely has some overhead. Wouldn't expect it to be that big though.
⟨siimav⟩ Do you go back to 50 if hack gravity is enabled in F12 cheat menu?
⟨womby_⟩ you mean it could be causing lag with rp-1's persistent rotation?
⟨Kirk (He/Him)⟩ That's not what he meant
⟨womby_⟩ oh okay
⟨siimav⟩ The one in RO disabled itself and Principia's own PR takes over.
⟨siimav⟩ * disables
⟨womby_⟩ right, that makes sense
⟨womby_⟩ Although I will note that my FPS seems to increase once I reach orbit
⟨siimav⟩ That's to be expected, even without Principia.