<Micha> Morning!
<HebaruSan> wave emoji
<Micha> So I had tried to connect last night but it always asked for pw.
<Micha> I saw you changed the SSH ports earlier?
<HebaruSan> 21346 for sd2
<HebaruSan> Is this your full public key? It looks truncated to me: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAytQcYU4oNBFJ+RyD4Ew8mxsvcsy6eu+FgVR3cktsTVjpFoi2wXy5HF/aUkfCVmvOHqUVALLx6jPsBVLcC6Gt8ui80G1ehokLKHy2q/oRoo9sRQff/aECIkj
<Micha> That's truncated. Hangon.
<HebaruSan> I can read your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys but I doubt I can write it
<Micha> If you could that'd be a significant security issue.
<HebaruSan> So I'm guessing that's what VITAS needs to fix
<HebaruSan> Well I am in the 'sudo' group so the bounds of my powers are not clear
<Micha> ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAytQcYU4oNBFJ+RyD4Ew8mxsvcsy6eu+FgVR3cktsTVjpFoi2wXy5HF/aUkfCVmvOHqUVALLx6jPsBVLcC6Gt8ui80G1ehokLKHy2q/oRoo9sRQff/aECIkjsZZtkypeTRxCmS3B0u7BM4HTISU3jt6pPcVo9K+zuqWUybxuopWYUXI1hsGJoPqGZ2T4grhlFZ0MlpUaBE5Ru5wiDmGV8UiS5qWFhHmIjbpsaC6tnEbiO9ZqAT8RUUdoPvanHnEjGPXiTPzoxF+CvvuXSaNspA24A4ZPXZnJ6jdfjGPio5KOJwEj5ip14TC/5l/mQefpI3G0gOjSY5rmsKZGaY0SKIQ== Micha
<Micha> Depends if sudo is limited to commands or open.
<Micha> if you can "sudo su -" then you can do anything.
<HebaruSan> ... and I can't sudo anyway because I don't know what my password is
<Micha> Well,I just double-checked and I gave the full key to VITAS
<Micha> lol
<Micha> I guess that's one way to lock down sudo ;)
<Micha> Damn, I forgot the program I used on my old server for ssh key forwarding.
<Micha> It was great.
<Micha> Ah! Keychain.
<Micha> Bollocks. And now I've forgotten my password on my server... because I also only ever ssh into it..
<Micha> But at least I know root on it.
<HebaruSan> Ahh the NetKAN folder is for generating pull requests, it all makes sense now
<Micha> We should document this all somewhere. Private dev wiki or something.
<HebaruSan> Good idea
<Micha> Mailing lists/irc is good for discussion, crap for documenting.
<Micha> I had a quick look on GitHub but it appears there's no way to make a private project wiki
<Micha> At least not on the standard free plan.
<HebaruSan> Well as long as we avoid pasting in secret keys and so on, maybe it doesn't need to be private
<Micha> True
<Micha> Wanted to check with Vitas first though before plonking internal config information into a public place.
<Micha> Figured he had a reason for emailing us the details instead of pointing us at a readme
<HebaruSan> thumbs up emoji reaction
<Micha> Got my IVA working last night. Including Mask. Damn, but those rotations are annoying - why the heck can't it all just be ligned up if it's ligned up in Unity?
egg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<HebaruSan> Do you need to know quaternions? I haven't worked with IVAs (or modeling in general)
<Micha> Not really. The GUIs do all the work for you. I'm learning modelling to fix up NEOS.
<Micha> It's just totally non-intuitive why you have to rotate the IVA by 90deg X, and the mask by 90degX and 180degY in Unity in order for everything to line up correctly in-game. All models are lined up in Blender to start with.
<VITAS> hi
<VITAS> there isnt a readme thats just it :)
<Micha> No worries, we can put one together between us :)
<VITAS> try again.
<VITAS> and you know i had to change the ssh port to 213xx?
<VITAS> theres an readme in your home dir on sd2: first pw sd2 second sd6
<VITAS> yesthats why i think youre the right people for the job :)
<VITAS> now working?
<Micha> Hmm, ok, maybe my ssh forwarding isn't working.. let me try from home (no direct ssh access from work; I have to go via a ssh proxy to my server in Germany from which I was then trying to get to sd2/sd6)
<Micha> About to leave for home so I can try in ~45min.
<VITAS> no rush
<VITAS> your username is "Micha"
<Micha> Oh.
<Micha> That's not exactly standard lol!
<Micha> "Micha" isn't working either. So like I said, maybe my key isn't being forwarded properly (I don't have that particular key on my server..)
<VITAS> s Connection closed by authenticating user Micha 2a02:... port 54686 [preauth]
<VITAS> so lets try later then
<VITAS> when youre home
<VITAS> speaking of home: ill be in bad honnef at the end of the month :)
<Micha> I won't be :(
<Micha> Not sure next time I'll get out of Japan.. right now work is totally crazy.
<Micha> Anyway, talk in a bit.
<Micha> Ok, no problem connecting from home
<Micha> Interesting. I connected via IPv4 to sd6
<Micha> Those passwords don't seem to work.
<VITAS> outragous!
<VITAS> so i meesd ipv6 up now?
<Micha> sd2 was fine for IPv6
<VITAS> it was the other way arround yesterday
<VITAS> have you tried sudo?
<Micha> Yeah
<Micha> The passwords don't work
<VITAS> what about now?
<Micha> Micha@sd2:~$ sudo su -
<Micha> [sudo] password for Micha:
<Micha> Sorry, try again.
<Micha> Which machine, btw or both?
<VITAS> try su
<VITAS> either
<VITAS> your member of the group su and those are root passwords
<VITAS> so no excuses
<Micha> Oh!
<Micha> I thought they were sudo passwords..
<Micha> Should never give out root passwords.
<VITAS> i dont care for those machines
<Micha> Although sudo user can change root password anyway so doesn't really matter.
<VITAS> they are basicly your and HebaruSans
<VITAS> yes
<Micha> su works
<Micha> Sorry, didn't realise it was root password :)
<VITAS> as i wrote those two amchines should be setup as testing and staging (hopfully by you two and anyone i can throw at you)
<VITAS> they are blank ubuntu lts installations
<VITAS> (as lxc containers)
* Micha nods
<Micha> Noticed ubuntu.. heh. At least it's Debian-deriv so I am familiar with that.
<VITAS> yes i dont use debian because its packets are to old for my liking
<Micha> Stable though
<Micha> I run Debian not only on my servers, but also Desktop
<Micha> Anything newer I want there's usually backports or something.
<VITAS> what i want to get to is staging to be code i can switch to on produiction whenever its convenient and testing to be exactly that testing
<Micha> Although it can get a bit annoying towards the end of a lifecycle.
<VITAS> if you need more machines for other jobs tell me
* Micha nods
<VITAS> yes new debian is iminent
<VITAS> i had anice chat with a bunch of debian devs a week ago
<Micha> Yeah, waiting for that :)
<Micha> I used to maintain Oolite for Debian.
<VITAS> im in that computer club and we do debian dev events and release partys
<VITAS> so those people wander arroudn quite often
<Micha> Unfortunately the Oolite devs are too conservative and refused to update to new libraries. Debian eventually just refused to accept it due to outdated libjscript.
<VITAS> if even debian calls something outdated :D
<Micha> lol
<VITAS> anyway: if you can spare the time you can set up spacedock instances on testing and staging as well as hooks and whatever you want to make development and getting code tested a thing
<Micha> I really need to retire. I'm too busy with my hobbies to have a full time job!"
<Micha> Yeah, will have a play around with it!
<VITAS> ive spacedock the ccc and a few events i help organize
<VITAS> the rest is me on a bicycle or my feet in nature
<Micha> In Europe I have motorbike club, here I have Scuba club, then a couple of mods for KSP, I was contributing to some software for Elite, ...
<VITAS> or as a women at the supermarket once noted after learining im in IT: and people like you do such things?
<Micha> Lol
<Micha> Yeah.. not stereotypical IT nerd!
<VITAS> Mike with his bike :P
<VITAS> i need a break from tech
<VITAS> thats why i dont have a (private) smartphone
<VITAS> or how i say it to people wondering why i as a tech guy dont have all the tech: "should tell you something"
<Micha> I probably have more than I should have but not as much as most.
<VITAS> ive lots of stationary tech but few "consumer" things
<Micha> Yayy, password changed so now I can sudo
<VITAS> no alexa/siri/cortana/bixbi/...
<Micha> Shell changed to bash; vim installed.
<Micha> Ubuntu really is pretty bare-bones!
<VITAS> no tv (except that old CRT one that isnt connected)
<Micha> Damn!
<VITAS> no smartphone so no mobile inet
<Micha> When I moved to Japan (work paid for the relocation etc) I got a nice big TV.
<VITAS> but 8 computer screens :D
<Micha> Couldn't live without mobile internet.
<VITAS> you could
<VITAS> but it will be like every drug
<Micha> Only 3 screens :( But an Oculus.
<VITAS> mine are 17 and 19"
<Micha> Oh sure I could. But it's really _really_ convenient.
<VITAS> so not that impressive
<Micha> Maps, translation, etc. Especially in a country where you can't speak the language.
<VITAS> and its so quiet and relaxing without pling plong flashy spoing ohoh
<Micha> :)
<VITAS> ive offline maps on an old smartphoen without simcard
<VITAS> and podcasts too
<Micha> Looking forward to diving this weekend - 3 day long weekend. Took an executive decision to book last-minute on the trip when my divermaster mentioned a spot had become available.
<Micha> I'm burnt out from work right now. I was going to work, but meh.
<VITAS> but i often forget it because it at home
<Micha> 3 days on an island with no internet will do me the world of good.
<VITAS> see
<VITAS> you CAN be without it
<VITAS> and after the urge to check your emails is over youre fine
<Micha> Eh, I don't do that sort of stuff. Mostly it's in my pocket for when I need/want to look something up. It's not so much for being contacted.
<VITAS> if you substract all that foodpic postings and "funny" pics there isnt that much important stuff anyways
<VITAS> its way more fun making up explanations instead of looking it up on wikipedia
<VITAS> "why is that rabbit here?"
<VITAS> you could lookup the habits of rabbits
<VITAS> online
<VITAS> you could just say "its out buying tea to go with its buiscuits"
* VITAS goes to watch some discworld and then code a bit
<VITAS> (i need someone to explain vuex to me)
<Micha> I left my imagination in first grade :(
<Micha> Yayy discworld. Wait, watch? I know of one or two movies for it.
<VITAS> yes im watching going postal
<VITAS> and thats pure imagination
<VITAS> found 3 movies so far
<HebaruSan> 1.7.3 is out
<VITAS> uh
<VITAS> lets see if soemone adds it to spacedock that isnt me
<HebaruSan> I'll try if you send me my sudo and database passwords :)
<VITAS> no,no
<VITAS> others should get a chance first
<VITAS> Well do that if noone acted by tomorrow
HebaruSan has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]