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<HebaruSan> OK VITAS, where's this young apprentice you spoke of?
<RockyTV> HebaruSan, do you want me to wait until the new alpha is merged to rebase my file size pr?
<RockyTV> and I think he meant DasSkelett
<HebaruSan> Oh! DasSkelett is my buddy already from collaborating on CKAN. Should be pretty quick to bring him up to speed.
<HebaruSan> And RockyTV, DasSkelett left a comment on the PR about the old dev branch, it sounds like we might not be merging that, so you could try rebasing on current alpha if you like
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<VITAS> HebaruSan, djerun is the person you have to bring up to speed. But ive no problem if you tell it to DasSkelett too.
<VITAS> djerun, allready has acc to both servers and i meet him in RL regularly :)
<VITAS> 7:40AM wasnt the best time for us to be awake (GMT+1)
<DasSkelett> I'm here, you need me?
<DasSkelett> We are GMT+2 currently VITAS ^^
<VITAS> i dont currently
<VITAS> <VITAS> HebaruSan, djerun is the person you have to bring up to speed. But ive no problem if you tell it to DasSkelett too.
<DasSkelett> Oh okay, thought you were living in Germany too
<VITAS> i do and thats gmt+1
<DasSkelett> We have summer time, so shouldn't it be +2?
<VITAS> i think thats outside of timezones
<DasSkelett> If I look here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/germany/berlin it also says UTC/GMT +2 hours
<VITAS> its CET then
<VITAS> i dont care :)
<DasSkelett> The documentation of Vuetify is awful
<VITAS> i had no problem with it
<VITAS> once you notice you can show the code of each example
<DasSkelett> Yep, that's the point.
<DasSkelett> So with the code it's ok. But without, it's horrible.
<VITAS> i suggest you look and learn vue.js first
<VITAS> vuetify comes on top :)
<DasSkelett> They are like "here are all the options you have for this component. But we don't tell you what it does. Find it out yourself"
<VITAS> thats the point most of them arent a riddle if you have worked trough vue.js first
<DasSkelett> Probably.
<VITAS> vue.js works with the idea of elements
<VITAS> its like if a function where a html tag
<VITAS> vuetify delivers a bunch of predefined elements
<DasSkelett> and doesn't tell how to use them :D
<VITAS> or components as vue.js calls them
<VITAS> for that check vue.js description of how that conecpt works
<VITAS> but i admit its sometimes cryptic
<DasSkelett> Yeah I got the very basics of vue I think. Maybe if I spend more time there Vuetify will become more obvious to.
<DasSkelett> But I like the concept of Vue.
<VITAS> thats a good sign
<VITAS> if you wouldnt like it you wouldnt be able to be good at it
<VITAS> i personaly use laravel (as backend) for my tests
<VITAS> it comes with vue support out of the box but its php and thus another thing you would have to learn so i dont know if its the right thing for you
<DasSkelett> I always wanted to learn some PHP. But yeah, everything at once is too much.
<VITAS> youre an exception
<VITAS> most are told to hate it and to woreship python because its different?
<VITAS> has var types?
<DasSkelett> I know. But I like that php is server-side computed, and I hate that script flooding you experience on a lot of modern sites. (Even if Node reduced that a bit again, but nevertheless)
<VITAS> python is too
<VITAS> you always need 5 components for a website
<VITAS> stlyeing, structure, client side scripting, server side scripting, database
<VITAS> and its connected in exactly that matter
<VITAS> php or pythons job is to generate the clientside code and to mediate between database and clientside script
<DasSkelett> Yeah okay. But you can shift it around a bit
<RockyTV> I like vue
<DasSkelett> Now we are three :)
<VITAS> RockyTV, do you know vuejs?
<RockyTV> I messed with it when me and thomas were working on opendock and that's it, but I find it interesting and I can learn if needed
<VITAS> its what im learning and would use for a new ui if that will be a thing
<VITAS> vue.js+vuex+vue-router+vuetify
<VITAS> to be preciser
<VITAS> -r
<RockyTV> I was looking at thelounge's use of vue and I think the way thomas wanted (pretty much every page was a SPA) is wrong
<RockyTV> you can have multi page apps with vue
<VITAS> i would do single page
<VITAS> but not multiple single page
<VITAS> that indeed is wrong
<RockyTV> just use vue-router
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> thats a given
<VITAS> did you use vuex?
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<RockyTV> for opendock?
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> or ever
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<RockyTV> nopé
<VITAS> òk
<VITAS> you could be learning buddies with DasSkelett
<VITAS> (and me)
<RockyTV> :)
<VITAS> ive a bunch of questions i couldnt find solutions for
<VITAS> most of them have to do with vuex atm but im sure ill get new ones for vuejs soon :D
<RockyTV> I just need to find a good resource site for learning vue
<VITAS> i used theirt documentation and search engines
<VITAS> i think they changed hwo they do things a bit troughout versions
<VITAS> thats why youll find different ways that might not always work on other sites
<RockyTV> yeah
<RockyTV> I think there was a huge difference between v1 an dv2
<VITAS> yes. my motto is: use the most recent version you can get. even if its prealpha. because by the time you have something to put into production its stable
<RockyTV> I think the opendock frontend must be entirely rewritten as vue components
<VITAS> im not preppared to learn go
<RockyTV> go changed a lot since the backend written by thomas
<VITAS> what im suggesting is that we learn all the things i listed and then see whats best
<RockyTV> I think vue+vue router+vuex should be enough
<RockyTV> oh
<RockyTV> vuetify is MD
<VITAS> but im leaning towards a solution where we actualy have at least 1-2 people who can code all languages involved
<RockyTV> I'd really like to learn but I need to find something that keeps me interested in learning it :P
<VITAS> so basicly python 8using the existing code as backend or even new one) or php (because i can knock something up fast)
<VITAS> code something you could sue then
<VITAS> use
<VITAS> either ask the kerbalx guy if he wants a new ui or darklight for dmp
<VITAS> (website)
<DasSkelett> Yep, code something then >sue it :D
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<VITAS> HebaruSan will someday learn the benefits of using boiuncers (especialy because i made him an acc)
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<RockyTV> HebaruSan, VITAS has setup a bouncer for you :P
<HebaruSan> Appreciate that! How do I use it?
<VITAS> log into the webfrontend
<VITAS> add network
<VITAS> use irc client to connect to bnc
<VITAS> Finishing configuration in the web panel
<VITAS> i think ive send you all the data
<HebaruSan> Sounds good. What are the host, username, and password I should use?
<VITAS> lol
<VITAS> so you forgot
<HebaruSan> I forgot what?
<VITAS> host, username, and password
<VITAS> gave them to you
<HebaruSan> Did you? Double check your outbox
<VITAS> i even wrote it down
<VITAS> not via mail
<VITAS> im not crazy
<VITAS> query
<VITAS> there you go
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> and please change the password so i dont know it :)
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<HebaruSan> Testing 1 2 3, is this thing on?
<DasSkelett> Can hear you :)
<HebaruSan> Excellent! I had to learn about 'mc-tool' to set up this bouncer thing, since Polari doesn't handle it natively.
<DasSkelett> Konversation did a good job for me, just had to set it up like a normal IRC server
<VITAS> hear?
<VITAS> i use hexchat
<VITAS> its on windowsd and linux so i dont have to adjust
<DasSkelett> I heared the ping ^^
<VITAS> ok....
<VITAS> right!
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> so HebaruSan it saves everything that happend while you where gone and auto replays it when you connect with your client
<HebaruSan> Oh right, Windows. Hmm...
<VITAS> but it doesnt keep old stuff youve allready recieved
<VITAS> znc should work with any irc client but there might be some that arent as fully featured
<HebaruSan> Yeah it does work with Polari, but I think some of the configuration is missing from the GUI
<HebaruSan> But it can be done from the command line
<VITAS> and if you havent seen it: djerun is the person i would like you to tell everything you did so he can help you out
<VITAS> (when hes arround)
<HebaruSan> I did see it, is he here?
<VITAS> he has his bnc here
<VITAS> so yes hes here but not present
<VITAS> :)
<VITAS> or something liek that
<VITAS> because its late and im on my way to bed too
<VITAS> he has to work so usual free time in germany may apply
<VITAS> anyway: im off to bed now :)
<HebaruSan> Good night!
<DasSkelett> GN
<VITAS> good bettletechin! :D