HebaruSan has quit [Quit: webchat.esper.net]
<VITAS> test
<VITAS> 123
DasSkelett has joined #spacedock
<VITAS> in skelett
* VITAS slides some food over
<DasSkelett> Food? Im in!
<VITAS> u seem to need it
<DasSkelett> Yep, I do. Speaking of which, going to grab some food now
DasSkelett- has joined #spacedock
DasSkelett has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
djerun has joined #spacedock
<djerun> hi vitas sent me here, I'm supposed to help with the current version, I have ssh access to the dev server, I know flask, but I don't know anything else about this project
DasSkelett- is now known as DasSkelett
<Lartza> Welcome? :)
<Lartza> I'm not sure how the current development is going, but you can probably coordinate here at times with things and stuff I guess? If you were directed here :D
Daz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]