> spacedock is ofline for amost 1 hour
xxevixx[m] has joined #spacedock
spacedock is more then 6 hours ofline
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
So for once it wasn't the Discord bridge that teared it out of context?
is it?
it isnt
it might have been while i waas aasleep yesterday
because somehow the whole server stopped responding to network traffic and i had to forcfully reboot it several times
(and sadly that corupted sd2 boot disk i will have to set it up again)
took me 1.5h to fix the server (and i also updated it to debian buster/ proxmox 6)
i hope that doesnt happen agaain (i have some problematic sectors on one the physical ssd and the temp is arround 50-60 °C that worrys me a bit)