KerbalStuff has a word replace bahaha, I didn't even link to domain
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it has?
so if you type kerbalstuff it makes spacedock out of it?
how odd
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No, it changes it to `*** malicious site we no longer use ***` because the domain got squatted
spacedock.com never existed
at least not in my posetion
I know that
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I expected it to be unlinkable but you can't even talk about it without the domain
Anyway, home, I'm off tomorrow too
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off in: having time to do have some quality time?
My last day off was really busy, I feel like being lazy tomorrow, but I might poke spacedock things if it needs it
pokeing your gf has priority :)
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so does checking the CKAN box, autogenerate a version file, or do I have to provide that?
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
Unfortunately neither SpaceDock nor CKAN nor AVC are smart enough to autogenerate a version file for you. That one has to be created manually.
It als has to be included in the zip for CKAN to be able to use it.
Thanx. so, where would I find docs on creating one? is that AVC?
That's the original, <span class="d-mention d-user">Linuxgurugamer</span> added a bunch of new properties that you probably don't need to worry about
also, if its an old inactive mod already listed on CKAN, and include a new version file, is the CKAN listing autoupdated from the NETKAN SD generates?
or do I have to do anything?
*edit:* ~~also, if its an old inactive mod already listed on CKAN, and include a new version file, is the CKAN listing autoupdated from the NETKAN SD generates?~~ -> also, if its an old inactive mod already listed on CKAN, and I include a new version file, is the CKAN listing autoupdated from the NETKAN SD generates?
It can go either way, we'll take care of that when we review SD's pull request
gotcha 😉
Well do we actually get a pull request for already indexed mods?
probably if its a new, seperate listing?
Then yes
if the SD listing was handed over, i would assume not?
actually, i dont even remember if there is an original SD listing for this... 🤔
hmm.. there *is*... mebbe I'll try to contact the original dev again, and ask if he can hand over the listing...if so, i imagine I just have to pester HebaruSan to look at my own, manual CKAN PR for it?
Just checked the NetKAN-Infra code, I think we even get auto-PRs for SD mods that are already indexed. We don't have a check included for that one.
If it's already on SpaceDock, and you get added to that listing, and it's already listed in CKAN, then when you upload a new version for it, it should automatically be added to CKAN
oh!.. nice
It would be just like any other new release for an indexed mod
hmmm.. does SD do PR for each mod update, or is it CKAN itself that knows to look at a mod update for a new release, if its already CKAN listed?
based on the .version file?
A PR only happens once, at the very beginning when a mod is first indexed. After that, the bot just generates .ckan files automatically and adds them to the repo
For mods listed on GitHub, the bot checks every 30 minutes. For mods listed on SpaceDock, there's an extra notification mechanism to make it near-instantaneous
kewl.. not that it matters, but this will be both github & SD