VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
cukkoo[m] has joined #spacedock
<cukkoo[m]> I know this isn't related about spacedock but how to make a C O L L I D E R F O R P A R T
ValiZ0ckt[m] has joined #spacedock
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> In Unity
<cukkoo[m]> Yes but when i set the original mesh as the collider it has no highlight in game and when i create the low poly version and choose as the collider the game doesn't accept it
<cukkoo[m]> T H E GAME D O E S N "T A C C E P T
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> On the low poly version be sure to only have the mesh collider component nothing else. I’m not a part modder and with so im not really experienced just sometimes import models for my own playthrough
<cukkoo[m]> how about how to attach it to the original mesh
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> Colliders have a max size off 255 polygons, always use a low poly second mesh for colliders
<cukkoo[m]> My collider has 118
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> Is you collider set to convex?
<cukkoo[m]> yesss
<cukkoo[m]> I already do that
<cukkoo[m]> but it still not showing up
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> How did you set up the collider?
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> A new gameobject with the low poly mesh as a child?
<cukkoo[m]> so i import the dae with the mesh and collider
<cukkoo[m]> and then i place it in unity
<cukkoo[m]> and then delete the collider
<cukkoo[m]> and add mesh collider
<cukkoo[m]> and set the collider in the select section
<cukkoo[m]> and check the coves
<cukkoo[m]> Convex
<cukkoo[m]> Covex
<cukkoo[m]> PLS
<cukkoo[m]> i Want help
<cukkoo[m]> OHHHHHHHHHHHH but do i need to set up the mesh collider in the original mesh
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> No
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> That’s why you use a separated mesh for colliders
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> You have your super high detailed model, then you make a a very low detailed model which just the right shape for the collider
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> You have your super high detailed model, then you make a a very low detailed model which is just the right shape for the collider
<cukkoo[m]> oh so just name it collider
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> It just needs to be a child of the gameObject where the part tools component is in
<cukkoo[m]> so it can be child of original mesh
<cukkoo[m]> ?
Darklight[m] has joined #spacedock
<Darklight[m]> I feel like we should figure out where to send people for this type of thing πŸ˜›
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> It’s also important that you set the collider to convex and that (when using mesh collider) you only have the mesh collider component
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> Not the filter and render
<cukkoo[m]> Ok thanks!
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> > I feel like we should figure out where to send people for this type of thing πŸ˜›
<ValiZ0ckt[m]> <span class="d-mention d-user">Darklight</span> yea sorry πŸ˜…
<Darklight[m]> It's all good, if someone can deal with those questions all the better
<Darklight[m]> I do like how this is probably going to turn into modding/mod support instead of spacedock development because vitas decided to chuck the discord/matrix link on spacedock itself πŸ˜›
cukkoo[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
ValiZ0ckt[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
Darklight[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]