raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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* UmbralRaptop
🔪 textbook version differences
mofh: whitequark: the height of the towers of Notre Dame de Paris is Nice (in metres)
<✔MuseeLouvre> Évacuation des œuvres de #NotreDame : le Trésor et les deux plus importants tableaux de la série des "Mays" (Le Nai… https://t.co/vhzBp01B9t
oeuf has joined #kspacademia
mofh_ has joined #kspacademia
[Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #2139: Chromium requirement to build? - https://git.io/fjOzs
<ClementSalviani> Soutien à tous ces scientifiques qui prennent position : ils forment une somme de connaissances et de travaux rarem… https://t.co/lbJwJyDNum
(i mean that literally, not in the Marisa Kirisame meaning of the term 'befriend'. i think).
UmbralRaptop: look, when meeting archæologists, the correct thing to do is starting a spellcard duel of awesome power, no? :p
mofh: I mean, as long as your duel results in friendship and doesn't damage the artifacts?
i mean it's Touhou, so the former is canonically the case, and it's me, so i would never do anything that might damage artifacts
<chordbug> it would be pretty wild if everyone tweeted in IPA for a day and people's spoken English accents + little idiosyncr… https://t.co/WECOeic24j
but also my accent varies depending on how tired i am
i usually do have the cot-caught merger
but my accent varies a fair bit depending on the last person i spoke to at length
i think the funniest was coming back from Fête des Lumières and i had traces of Franco-Provençal in my Franglais apparently.
it kan ɡɛt pʁɛti ʁidikylus az bɔf kan kõnfəʁm
mofh: is [bɔf] a good pronunciation
should i say [bɔfh]
can i say [bɔfh]
oeuf: i mean most people IME tend to use the former
but i don't care, lol
also i actually can't confirm since i can't remember accents *at all* long-term, just what was spoken. aphantasia, basically.
like i do recall thinking that yes, your accent was interestingly drifty back at ANBO bur i cannot recall *any* of the details
accent nonlocality?
mofh: define drifty
actually UmbralRaptop might have a fresher memory of that
(aaaah now i am reading everything i am tying in a strong french accent help)
mofh: should i sleep or play soviet republic
oeuf: Your options: ZZZ, NOTZZZ. My choice: ZZZ
soviet republic :P
oeuf: Unsure, but that might eggsplain why I at times had trouble following your accent?
UmbralRaptop: also plz tiebreak mofh and the bot
It's also worth noting that I was hanging out with you for only like 36 hours in total =S
drifty meaning it can change quite a bit over the timescale of a day (mostly when tired would make sense, since i recall you having a stronger french accent at like 4AM in ANBO then during midday
œuf: I choose Soviet Republic
also dangit now i am reminded of ANBO and i miss the place and the cat and night-sky observation and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa