raptop changed the topic of #kspacademia to: https://gist.github.com/pdn4kd/164b9b85435d87afbec0c3a7e69d3e6d | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
egg|zz|egg: yeah I'm hoping that's true about the glass
top of the transepts has roses though
(though the north one seems fine?)
seem to be reading everything and its contrary about that glass
egg|zz|egg: it will probably be uncertain until tomorrow
the North one seems to be fine according to most sources I've seen so far
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e_14159 has joined #kspacademia
Sarbian: re. last RT, c'est Reims, pas Paris
[WIKIPEDIA] Pariser Kanonen#Utilisation opérationnelle | "Les Pariser Kanonen (canons de Paris en français) sont sept pièces d’artillerie à très longue portée utilisées au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale par les Allemands pour bombarder Paris entre le 23 mars et le 9 août 1918. Connues sous le nom de « Grosse Bertha » par les Français (mais ce nom désigne..."
egg|zz|egg: why are you asking *me* that you know my answer is always going to be "no" :p
mofh: okay ubt what shodld i do instead of slepping
egg|zz|egg: deмcmc? :p
also what the fuck keeps removing my default route out of this machine's routing table? I've killed dhclient and it's still happening every few minutes -.-
mofh curses
mofh: well your computer systems are cursed
ahh, right. that makes sense.
fine, `while true; do route add default gw; sleep 300; done` it is
Mofh have you looked at the igs
egg|zz|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 202 seconds]
nope, which mirrors do you want me to consider, again?
mofh: and I'd be interested (besides the mirroring aspect) in whether there are any files in there that have EP records, or have P records that extend (non blank) past the 62nd column
<whitequark> #catcognition our cat caught and ate a moth, so i also caught a moth. because i'm an advanced being, i fried the moth before eating it.
mofh: meow
egg|zz|egg: meow
egg|zz|egg: I am looking at the mirrors right now, starting from CDDIS
egg|cell|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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egg|zz|egg: wait, pharmacy students?!
egg|zz|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
mofh: from the Hôtel-Dieu
Ohhhhhhhh that actually makes sense.
mofh: are there sources for anything in that thread? the author says it's from a 10-year-old lecture on planning, 10 years is time enough to misremember things https://twitter.com/_theek_/status/1117895531563372544
<_theek_> The fire department in Paris followed a protocol: Save the people, save the art, save the altar, save what furnitur… https://t.co/R3cHsHu2re
egg|zzz|egg: I mean it makes sense, but yeah, point. I'll check for sources.
[WIKIPEDIA] Forêt de Tronçais#Histoire | "La forêt de Tronçais est une forêt domaniale française située dans l'Allier. Elle est principalement constituée de chênes sessiles « conduits » en futaie. En 2011, la forêt s'étendait sur près de 10 600 ha, incluant 110 hectares classés en réserves biologiques domaniales (Nantigny et la futaie Colbert..."
the Colbert oaks
for the masts of the navy of the next centuries
(some changes happened to the way navies work, but it's hard to blame colbert for not foreseeing that,)
egg|zzz|egg: so I can't get a clear view of the leaves to tell
mofh: look at the bark
egg|zzz|egg: the bark looks wtrong for oaks but I can't find a bigger picture of that image
!u wtrong
No info for U+007f (I only know about Unicode up to 9.0)
i would say that it looks wtDELrong indeed
Oups >_<
might just be standard issue platanus sp.
the spotty bark on the left looks a bit like that
Like going by bark alone I'd guess a larch or sycamore, yeah.
and also much more like what you'd see along a path like that
if you do want to plan for things by planting tonnes of oaks, like Colbert, you make a forest, you don't slap them in the garden,
mofh: the Colbert oaks *are* a fun story though
And also I'd be weirded out by them cutting down trees from the Versailles gardens when there's an actual damn forest nearby in Fontainebleau
mofh: like, it's perfectly sensible and very forward-thinking for Colbert in 1670 to say "the navy in a couple hundred years will need masts, probably even taller than we have now, let's plant oaks"
have a forest of oaks,
I mean it makes a lot of sense, I agree, I just somehow doubt he'd cram them in the Versailles gardens :P
[WIKIPEDIA] Forêt de Tronçais#Histoire | "La forêt de Tronçais est une forêt domaniale française située dans l'Allier. Elle est principalement constituée de chênes sessiles « conduits » en futaie. En 2011, la forêt s'étendait sur près de 10 600 ha, incluant 110 hectares classés en réserves biologiques domaniales (Nantigny et la futaie Colbert..."
because there's no bloody point in putting them next door
Yeah I was about to say, startling amounts of the path between Paris and Lyon are really just empty space or boreal forest, shoving them somewhere there would make a lot more sense.
I'm actually kind of surprised how much of France is forest, farmland or fairly rural if you go outside of maybe 10 or 15 cities
<incunabula> Heartening photograph taken in the last hour this morning showing at least once of the Rosaces intact (although lik… https://t.co/VVkuIKJzCn
<CharltonCosima> @incunabula If those are oaks on that picture then I'm a Dutchman.
* UmbralRaptop
is bad with trees. Are they ash, or something?
plane trees perhaps
that's the usual thing with which you line alleys
mofh: really that whole thread seems to have little to do with reality; while the chaplain of the fire brigade got the relics out very early on, and early efforts were about getting the treasure out, they switched their focus to the structure as soon as the spire was threatened: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/2019/04/16/notre-dame-de-paris-en-
the grand organ being okay is a huge relief
<GEPIsecurite> RT @ArtBen ⏎ Un des héros de l’incendie 🚒 de #Notre_dame_de_Paris : Colossus, le premier robot pompier français ! Il… https://t.co/lL5PQWnYtE
mofh: well it will take a while to get a proper assessment of its state under the dust
firefighting bot
point, but if it's still mostly structurally intact then it can be fixed without affecting its musicality
the northern belfry was scarily close apparently
Le secrétaire d'État à l'Intérieur a salué l'action d'une vingtaine de pompiers qui sont entrés «au péril de leur vie», dans les tours de Notre-Dame, «ce qui a permis de sauver l'édifice». «Nous savons depuis ce matin que ça s'est joué à un quart d'heure, une demi-heure près.»
<ClementSalviani> (Je n'arrive absolument plus à répondre à toutes mes mentions je reçois des tweets et des citations en géorgien, en… https://t.co/pyOBzsjGgY
<CGdrawing> Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854–1941) was a French artist of French-Italian parents and was born in Paris on December 11… https://t.co/Y3ZAPSDa2b
(Galien-Laloue has become one of my fav. artists)
<✔AlexandraGzz> D'autres images des @pompiersdeparis intervenant sur les flammes de #NotreDame : https://t.co/EZklrdcFwx
(their official twitter is @PompiersParis though, no de)
(Yeah I know, @fxcoudert RTed a few of their things yesterday)
Also is that like globs of molten lead falling in that pic? They seem to be acting the wrong way for them to be wood embers.
mofh: molten lead was definitely a thing that the general mentioned
s/pic/start\ of\ video/, in the interior that is
mofh meant to say: Also is that like globs of molten lead falling in that start\ of\ video? They seem to be acting the wrong way for them to be wood embers.
mofh: it's weird how much viollet-le-duc changed the cathedral
Places where someone has tried to make me a Christian now include the interior of a student union -_-
egg|work|egg: so what you're saying is he Milkshake-le-Duc'd? :p
<ClementSalviani> Les pompiers ont tiré leurs lances aussi depuis l'île Saint-Louis. Ici au croisement entre rue des deux ponts et ru… https://t.co/7miQgncqZK
<✔chanutj> Incroyable! Un de nos adhérents du @GMHistoriques a retrouvé dans les décombres le coq du haut de la flèche de… https://t.co/toY1SWUNN9
egg|zz|egg: NICE
UmbralRaptop: birb
mofh: so apparently over the next couple of days they will be reinforcing the pediment of the northern transept and something to do with the southern belfry, which have been fragilized
I thought it was the northern belfry that was the one that was more likely to be irreparably damaged, from what I read?
mofh: so the northern belfry was on fire yesterday, and could have gone bad; but apparently there is something on the southern tower that is damaged
<RedMarmotte> ok apparemment l'orgue est sauvé et franchement pour le délire gothique je pense qu'on se doit d'organiser un conce… https://t.co/jAvrC0qQJJ
(I need to learn piano / organ faster now I guess, lol).
mofh: i'm pretty sure the ACMHs et al. will have other opinions,
<ClementSalviani> Notre-Dame de Paris: une entreprise belge spécialisée dans la charpente réquisitionnée d'urgence via @NACREspirale… https://t.co/vdsVNkDhIE
egg|zz|egg: the IGS mirrors are going slowly (I'm having to work on a talk poster that needs to be done by Thursday so I prolly will be even worse at attention until then).
this being That Week isn't helping much, too.
Good luck, and LaTeX, or PowerPoint?
La société a été réquisitionnée d'urgence par un coup de téléphone à 14h00 d'un opérateur parisien, afin de livrer [...] 10 poutres de 20 mètres sur 1m20, qui serviront à consolider la structure restante de la cathédrale, "pour éviter que la situation ne s'aggrave" [...] arrivée prévue à Paris aux environs de 4h00 ou 5h00 du matin mercredi.
<LettreMusicien> Vincent Dubois : "Le grand orgue de Notre-Dame de Paris est un miraculé" ⏎ L'organiste, qui partage la tribune de la… https://t.co/d4DCGYAeJ8
egg|zz|egg: OH HECK YES
* egg|zz|egg
stares at deмцμχ failing to get residuals below 48ish m, even when given initial velocity to play with
!choose sleep|give it three more degrees of freedom to fit the elephant|something else
egg|zz|egg: Your options: sleep, give it three more degrees of freedom to fit the elephant, something else. My choice: sleep
<✔kayaburgess> FACT-CHECK: 'Oak trees were specially planted at Versailles in 19th century to restore Notre Dame's wooden frame i… https://t.co/fPtRGNCDe9
mofh: I think it's just the thread author confusing the (real, and massive) plan of the Colbert oaks with something else
egg|zz|egg: yeah, that makes perfect sense
pretty sure I agree
mofh: otoh, the country *is* well-equipped if it needs to start mass-producing ships of the line again,
<GeneralBoles> If you ever doubt that France is the home of Civilisation: ⏎ The beams in the roof of Notre Dame were replaced 160 ye… https://t.co/fbARkKI0I8