UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<mofh> cat :3
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<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: so have you asked about JE38
<egg|laptop|egg> also do you happen to know someone in italy who could look at JE09 :-p
<mofh> negatory, clearly you should use this as an eggscuse to drop by Italy again,,, (you *did* say it's been awhile since you've last been to Venice :P).
<mofh> as for JE38, asked, they'll do it later in the evening there.
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<egg|laptop|egg> ack
<egg|laptop|egg> incl. IHoP,
<egg|laptop|egg> wait when I click through it says 38
<mofh> yeah and correspondingly when I clicked on BSU-MIR I got 33, which, welp,
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: okay this is 1909
<egg|laptop|egg> with a comment that there's a 1928 reprint
<mofh> I'm seeing that as 1933
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: wait what
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: > Date(s) : 1909
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: and the 1909 one exists in Palaiseau (polytechnique) and at Paris-ENS Math-Info
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: the ENS catalogue concurs that this is 1909*frf/o?search=089156552
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: so if you feel like going to ENS to stare at M 726 605 I guess we can figure out whether D was first called that in 1938 or 1909
<mofh> I mean D eggsists in 1933
<mofh> 1938 was just to pin down when B came into eggsistence
<mofh> anyhow uh ENS Math-Info isn't any harder to get to than UPMC MIR which I was just at today, so I'll try and go there tomorrow (might need to wait until Wednesday, but I should be able to one of those two days).
<egg|laptop|egg> s/38/33/
<galois> egg|laptop|egg meant to say: mofh: so if you feel like going to ENS to stare at M 726 605 I guess we can figure out whether D was first called that in 1933 or 1909
<mofh> ahh.
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: there's quite a long gap between 1909 and 1933 (though they did do a reprint)
<egg|laptop|egg> then for some reason there's a 1938 re-edition
<egg|laptop|egg> and JE45 is followed by JEL48
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: also topicquotes
<mofh> gotcha, and I'll try to get to those tomorrow, have to read a paper right now.
* egg|laptop|egg bites mofh
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn
* galois gives egg|laptop|egg a barium gadolinium horizon
<mofh> !wpn egg|laptop|egg
* galois gives egg|laptop|egg a monad
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: should I put the monad ponad gonadą
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<kmath> <LeaksPh> mention gaussian fit of the distributions? it fit well, but those are not necessarily Gaussians
<mofh> Reminded of the time that one of my reviewer comments on a paper was "nice fitting, but it'd be nice to see evidence of *why* applying the central limit theorem here is logically sound."
<e_14159_> mofh: Clearly not a machine learning paper, where the comment would be "Nice theory, but it doesn't beat SOTA on every dataset by at least five percentage points. Rejected."
<egg|cell|egg> !wpn
* galois gives egg|cell|egg a stabber with a 𓌪 attachment
<egg|cell|egg> Mofh: have you looked at the ens book
<egg|cell|egg> Also have you heard back from the 1938 edition
<mofh> egg|cell|egg: was going to head to ENS in about half an hour, couldn't go earlier. will report back when I'm there.
<egg|cell|egg> Also topicquotes
<mofh> egg|cell|egg: have not heard back yet re: JE38 yet, no.
<egg|work|egg> !wpn whitequark
* galois gives whitequark a vulpine hyperbolic anticoagulant
<egg|work|egg> fox-based anticoagulant
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg && mofh
* galois gives egg && mofh a thallium cannon
<UmbralRaptop> hm. physics nobel is 50% dark matter, 50% eggsoplanets
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<egg|work|egg> mofh: so what does the ENS book say
<egg|work|egg> !wpn
* galois gives egg|work|egg an oxide harmful point
* egg|work|egg pokes mofh with the point
<mofh> egg|work|egg: reporting live from Normale! just got the 1909 copy of Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven (von Dr. E Jahnke und Ingenieur F. Emde)
<mofh> this one's just in German
<mofh> whoa
<egg|work|egg> oh, fun that they use Ingenieur as a title there
<mofh> so this chapter mixes the integrals and the functions, and for the incompletes I'm only seeing F(k,\phi) and E(k,\phi).
<egg|work|egg> interesting
<egg|work|egg> no D either in the completes or incompletes?
<mofh> oh and if \phi = \pi/2, you get the "vollständigen elliptische Integrale erster und zweiter Gattung aus:"
<mofh> and it lists the power series but *only* for K and E, not for D or (K-D) like JE33 did.
<egg|work|egg> yeah, the complete elliptic integrals of the 1st and 2nd species
<egg|work|egg> well the "aus" is probably part of a verb that you didn't quote
<mofh> oh so vollständigen == "complete" (in this conteggst?)
<egg|work|egg> yes, in many contexts
<egg|work|egg> so sounds like D is from 33 and B from either 38 or 45
<mofh> curiously it lists E(k,\phi) = F(k,\phi) - k^2 \int_0^u sn^2(u) du on page 47 at the bottom
<mofh> which, rearranged, is \int_0^u sn^2(u) = (F - E)/k^2
<mofh> \int_0^u sn^2(u) du = (F - E)/k^2*
<mofh> but does not call it D
<egg|work|egg> Interessant
<mofh> whereas on page 56 (69 in the djvu off libgen) of JE45 you can see that it is now being called D(k,\phi)
<egg|work|egg> yeah and you mentioned that it was there in 33 already right?
<mofh> and amusingly being now defined as \int_0^{\phi} \frac{sin^2(\psi) d\psi}{\sqrt{1-k^2sin^2(\psi)}}, presumably b/c now the elliptic functions are defined after the integrals and not in some sort of weird interleaved mess
<mofh> and yep it was in JE33 already
<mofh> egg|work|egg: check out JE23 perhaps?
<mofh> since it seems to be present at the ETHZ library if I'm reading that correctly
<egg|work|egg> not sure what HDB is
<egg|work|egg> also wtf is that, 23?!
<egg|work|egg> there's a 1909 edition and a 1928 reprint
<egg|work|egg> but the 28 reprint is a reprint, it's identical
<egg|work|egg> HDB is on the physics campus, it's a bit far
<egg|work|egg> the 1928 reprint is in ETH-MATH, and so is the 1938 edition
<mofh> yeah and I currently have the 1909 edition right next to me so,
<mofh> possibly check out the 1938 edition if I don't get a response this evening?
<egg|work|egg> yeah
<egg|work|egg> I know where ETH-MATH is, and apparently it is open to the public, not just students
<egg|work|egg> it's open til 20
<mofh> I mean are restricted-access university libraries a thing?
<egg|work|egg> dunno
<mofh> Amusingly this was the first time I got asked anything at all at entrance but I just told them I'm a visiting researcher from Paris-Est which is not false and like, I could've said the same thing a few months ago when it was false and they would've checked as much (i.e. none at all), lol.
<mofh> otherwise I've never gotten weird looks or questions but then again I tend to fit in quite well into any university campus
<mofh> anyhow anything else you want from JE09?
<egg|work|egg> not at the moment
<mofh> okay, prolly going to head back to Noisy from here (it closes in like an hour anyway) then.
<egg|work|egg> mofh: I mean it's a bit late already, you could just head to cats
<mofh> fair, and I guess I don't have anything I need to work on at the office, so might as well do that.
<egg|work|egg> mofh: and topicquot,s
<UmbralRaptop> mofh: libraries are for confusing reasons not open 24/7, so yes, they're restricted access
<mofh> UmbralRaptop: point, and agreed.
<mofh> my old uni library was open 24/7 during exams, I always *loved* those times since I could wander down there at like 3AM and read random articles in the stacks.
<egg|work|egg> carefully defines internal users, external users as all people who are not internal users, then says that the library is available to internal and external users.
<mofh> ROFL
<mofh> that's a very german thing, lol.
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<UmbralRaptop> So, GMU is ending SMS 2FA, and requiring a smartphone with the Duo app, or a yubikey.
* UmbralRaptop wonders if they're willing to supply students with yubikeys, or if the costs are entirely on the students
<SnoopJeDi> We have the exact same here (wow, fancy that /s) and they sell YubiKeys with basically no discount
<SnoopJeDi> But either way 2FA that requires a phone is effectively a cost on students
<UmbralRaptop> vanal?
<UmbralRaptop> Photoshop of the shoes?
<mofh> UmbralRaptop: SMS 2FA for what?
<UmbralRaptop> Various school logins
<UmbralRaptop> Notably patriotweb
<UmbralRaptop> Named that because something something greater DC something 🦅 something 🇺🇸
<mofh> oh they're actually forcing 2FA for school login there? UIUC threatened that for awhile but never managed to get the system off the ground.
<UmbralRaptop> Forced it at least a year ago
<mofh> Honestly, I can't see the point for something like a university login. What the hell are hackers going to do, pay someone else's tuition fees?
<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<UmbralRaptop> I think also some payroll or class registration stuff.
<kmath> <Donnough> @Ethelmonster @bombsfall That's Untitled Cassowary Game
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<SnoopJeDi> mofh, they do the same here, it's some combination of legislatures setting IT policy (in our case) and grift, I think.
<SnoopJeDi> but as far as the exposure, they're mostly worried about violating student privacy blah blah
<SnoopJeDi> which is a bit much ado about nothing. This uni literally posted my SSN on the internet and there was no real repercussion for that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<UmbralRaptop> Relatedly, the Equifax fine was 3 orders of magnitdue too small
<SnoopJeDi> wish the bastards could keep the network from catching on fire every week though, enjoying a nice 300 ms round-trip time to Google DNS
<egg|cell|egg> Mofh: topicquotes
<egg|cell|egg> !wpn
* galois gives egg|cell|egg a lanthanum actual fish tube
* egg|cell|egg shoots fish at mofh
* UmbralRaptop is tempted to add a gist subsection about how gender is confusing and scary
* egg|cell|egg pokes UmbralRaptor with the gender of French organs
<egg|cell|egg> The instrument not the body part
<UmbralRaptop> ?
<mofh> UmbralRaptop: really the Equifax "fine" should've been "dismantle all the credit bureaus and seize the CEO/boards' assets"
<SnoopJeDi> signed
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<UmbralRaptop> fair
<kmath> <stephentyrone> @jckarter @brouhaha @marc_b_reynolds @duns_sc0tus (What’s the status of unicode support in Fortran these days, @science_dot ?)
* egg|laptop|egg pokes mofh
<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: the french word for organ is orgue, which is masculine
<mofh> egg|laptop|egg: meow?
<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: the plural is orgues, which is masculine if it refers to multiple instruments but feminine if it refers to one instrument
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: topicquotes!
<UmbralRaptop> egg|laptop|egg: wait, the plural can refer to one instrument?
<egg|laptop|egg> yes
<egg|laptop|egg> UmbralRaptop: the words for love and delight are simply masculine in the singular and feminine in the plural, with no weird feminine-plural-is-kinda-singular thing
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: the featured word here is apparently livarot
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: also, topicquotes
<mofh> mm, colonel
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn citation
<galois> Entry already exists!
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn quotation
<galois> Entry already exists!
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn quote
<galois> Added wpn 'quote'
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn -add:wpn cetacean
<galois> Entry already exists!
<egg|laptop|egg> !wpn mofh
* galois gives mofh a deadly polynomial with a fox attachment
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn egg|laptop|egg
* galois gives egg|laptop|egg a zinc scary ray with a curse attachment
<mofh> !wpn egg|laptop|egg
* galois gives egg|laptop|egg a citation
<egg|laptop|egg> but not the 1933 in ETH-MATH
<mofh> hey I got an eggscuse to drop by Normale's math library, which is honestly really cozy
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: on an unrelated note, topicquotes
<mofh> egg|laptop|egg: yes mother,
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: was the 1933 edition bilingual?
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<SilverFox> ayo question
<SilverFox> can you quantum-entangle antimatter?
<UmbralRaptop> yes, but if you try to make an FTL explosion or something, you will get stabbed by an irate dromeosaur
<SilverFox> so you're saying that's how we bring back dinosaurs?
<SilverFox> dromaeosoraus
<SilverFox> what a dumb anme
<SilverFox> name
<UmbralRaptop> By number of species, there are more dinosaurs alive right now than mammals
<SilverFox> by way of life, humans are the only mammals incapable of producing their own vitamin c
<whitequark> not with this attitude no
<SilverFox> fun fact, we have all the required hardware, its just the switch is off
<whitequark> hence "not with this attitude"
<SilverFox> heyo what if we quantum entangle antimatter and regular matter, esplode the antimatter with the regular one inside a bunch of other stuff, and make even bigger kablammo
<mofh> 21:21:55 < egg|laptop|egg> mofh: was the 1933 edition bilingual? <- yes
<egg|cell|egg> Odd that they started doing that so early
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<kmath> <✔palewire> Alright, nerds ⏎ ⏎ I filed a FOIA appeal and won the infamous NROL-39 surveillance satellite logo as a PDF.…
<egg|cell|egg> Mofh: topicquotes
<UmbralRaptor> note to self: noise eggsists
<egg|cell|egg> Noisy eggs
* UmbralRaptor cools egg|cell|egg with liquid nitrogen
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