r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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<Greys> I for one think this artist doesn't really understand the ratio of lifting gas that's necessary
<Greys> somebody should make a fictional train simulator
<SilverFox> the ryzen 1700 runs rather damn cool, never got it past 50 degrees, loving the power of 8/16 cores
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<Greys> after being lazy for a long time, my factorio base is now nuclear, I can support the whole thing on two nukes at 30% capacity
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<Greys> my drones keep becoming bored of a task and just not doing it for a while
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<lpg> SilverFox: big upgrade for you too
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<SilverFox> oh yeah, works great, Im doing overclocking testing on it now and wanted to see how high I could get with 1.2V core setting, apparently that number is <3.8Ghz, when stress tested a few threads failed to get the right rounding answers and im like "hmmm" then I upped it to 4.0Ghz and she just boot cycles and freezes now, so ima reset the bios and do some more testing
<SilverFox> lpg,^
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