r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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<Unknown601> afternoon
<Greys> evening
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<Unknown601> hi grays
<Unknown601> anything exciting happened with ksp in the last 6 months?
<Unknown601> greys*
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<Greys> you couldn't ask a less informed person
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<Greys> ;wa 100kg to lb
<kmath> Greys: convert 100 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 220.5 lb (pounds)220 pounds 7.396 ounces
<Greys> that's a heavy robodude
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<meyer9> hey
<meyer9> quick question about science data
<meyer9> does it actually submit the science as in add to your science balance and everything?
<meyer9> or does it just register it as an experiment waiting to be submitted
<meyer9> seems to return a confignode like this: data = 30 subjectID = surfaceSample@KerbinSrfLandedGrasslands xmit = 0.25 xmitBonus = 0 title = Surface Sample from Kerbin's Grasslands triggered = False container = 3176696440
<meyer9> I'm trying to get this mod to keep track of non-submitted experiments
<meyer9> basically, syncrio doesn't keep track of experiments if you log out and log back in without transmitting/recovering them.
<meyer9> I found that hook which does what I want
<meyer9> I can serialize it and send it over the network
<meyer9> but how can I add it back to the game
<meyer9> maybe this hook is wrong
<meyer9> AddData(ScienceData)
<meyer9> but I don't think I really want to do that.
<meyer9> I think it does save this, but it does not save the actual representation of the data
<meyer9> like this: id = recovery@KerbinFlew title = Recovery of a vessel that survived a flight. dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 5 sci = 6 cap = 6
<meyer9> hmm yeah the only hook I could find that has that type of data is https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_game_events.html#a55027018d75d7805904e8bfcccfa9fe7
<meyer9> OnScienceReceived
<meyer9> but that doesnt work because that's only called *after* transmitting or recovering the data