r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
<Greys> does Warmachine have Jarvis in it's head?
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<meyer9> hello?
<meyer9> I'm working on the Syncrio mod and currently if you log out and back in which serializes the ship and deserializes it when logging back in, the science stored on the ship gets set to 0 even though it is still there.
<meyer9> I found the part of the persistent.sfs file that stores this information: ResearchAndDevelopment scenario, Science sections
<meyer9> but I can't figure out how I can get that data from a hook. OnExperimentDeployed looks promising, but that gives me the ScienceData only and not the actual experiment / value of the experiment.
<meyer9> hmm... I might be able to store the sciencedata in some sort of array, then when a ship is loaded, add it to the ModuleScienceContainer
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<meyer9> I did some more research and it seems to me that the ScienceData is stored in the part, so that isn't the reason the science is getting set to 0. there must be some other place where it keeps track of experiments and their values
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<meyer9> ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjects only returns subjects you've done before. I believe I just need to add the ScienceSubject to that somehow...
<angavrilov> try #kspmodding, this channel is basically obsolete
<Greys> we killed ourselves, as a society not as people.
<meyer9> ok thanks!
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<SilverFox> !csharp 1 << 1
<Qboid> 2
<SilverFox> !csharp (1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1) - 1
<Qboid> 15
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<SilverFox> !csharp True = 1;
<Qboid> (1,2): error CS0103: The name `True' does not exist in the current context
<SilverFox> !csharp int True = 1;
<SilverFox> !csharp int False = 0;
<SilverFox> !csharp True << True << True
<Qboid> 4
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