r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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if you were going to run a power line parallel to a data line in a line of heatshrink, and you wanted to wrap one of them in some tinfoil to shield it a bit; is there a difference beween putting on the power vs the data?
King_Arthur has joined #kspmodders
if it's a DC powerline, you don't need to worry with shielding, if it's AC, it's going to leak anyway
I know I don't, and I can't until tuesday; but if I did
what you want is for the ground connection the data uses to have the same interference as the data
overall, if you're doing any shielding, makes more sense to put it in the data line, you don't have interference JUST from your power line
r4m0n, how do you feel about pasting images as base64?
like, in here?
yep, yanno, like, yesterday? maybe the day before
didn't see it. if it's small enough to fit in a single line, I don't see much problem with it, though a link ios probably more useful overall
if it gets larger than some 2~3 lines, I'd say that's spamming
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yeah, it was definitely spamming XD
and he was so close~
btw Greys about the events leading up to the 64 incident, you said that you have no opinion on kabaneri because you have no interest in it, right?
Jesus christ GlassFragments What the hell
I just tabbed in and looked up
not my brightest moment
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I believe my words were nooooooope
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[08:53:12] <GlassYuri> I was actually just gonna ask if you had seen koutetsujou no kabaneri
[08:53:31] <Greys> I will not be party to this violence
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so there's that blue apron and fresh.... thing service where they send you all the things to make a food, plus the recipe so you can make it again later; what if somebody made a software that will take all their recipes and tesselate them into common whole ingredient units
like if say a head of brocolli normally weighs like 5lbs (I don't know things about brocolli), but then you have a bunch of recipes that use 1lb of brocolli, it'll give you five recipes for the week and you only need one head
but then it does that for everything, because one of these company's main claims is that it's "wasteful and expensive" to buy more than you need and throw a bunch out