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<Greys> so, pubg is a thing, and it's become super duper serious; there's a new game called fortnite battle that's built on the same arma zombies/rust deathmatch but with destructable structures and building mechanics
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<Greys> it's posed itself as less serious more zany, which I like, but I don't think that will survive the playerbase. over time it'd naturally shift to more high skill play as a meta develops
<Greys> kinda like how social media platforms start off as teh new better alternative to X, win or die, and then the winner over time develops all the same problems with some new ones
<Greys> slack/discord are starting to get that age; they beat irc (except IRC will never die), AIM, MSNM, jabber, etc, and now people are realizing that slack is kind of really annoying, and fans of things generally don't like eachother
<Greys> so how do you make a game with an intended multiplayer feel that sticks
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<TheKosmonaut> Greys: Fortnite is the better game
<TheKosmonaut> With better devs at that
<TheKosmonaut> PUBG is ok but buggy as hell and headed up by a dude that doesn’t know what he’s doing.
<TheKosmonaut> It wasn’t till Epic and MS stepped in that the game has made improvements
<TheKosmonaut> And epic is doing Fortnite as a sideshow and doing better in terms of communication and actively fixing issues.
<TheKosmonaut> I just find it ridiculous that the PUBG dev called out “copycats” when his game itself is a copy of a copy of a copy of a movie
<TheKosmonaut> And all he had really done was take assets premade and pasted them on a large map
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<G-Mobile> TheKosmonaut: cool, I didnt know any of that, but i'm more interested in how to prevent player intensity escalation so the game remains approachable to players who arent serious
<G-Mobile> I like FPSs, but I am far from good at them, so I would never play pubg, its a game for good players and over time its going to get more and more exclusive
<Kraaken> from what i've seen, pubg is only good if you've got a group of friends to play with and fuck around
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<G-Mobile> Mac is so agrivating
<G-Mobile> It has this automator thing, which would be great except its impossible to do anything with, but it does have javascript which is better, except its special javascript thats not properly documented
<G-Mobile> I've solved everything so far except creating a new path, because OS doesnt exist, so OS.Path and all its path manipulation tools are just poof
<G-Mobile> Just shoved it in the clipboard after all that
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