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Also: The way you've written this, the 'speech.SpeakAsync' call will *start*, and at the same time, the Task.Delay will start for the next loop. If you want the speech to complete _before_ you start counting 5 seconds again, you need to 'await' the speech.
So this is more of a behavior question than a threading one.
doesn't matter when battery low status is given, the exact timing isn't an issue for such a non-timing critical application
Sure, but this is a very useful skill to learn if you experiment with both ways
but I'll make mental note of that await for speech for future projects
Like if you can fully grok this with tasks, you're better than all my outsourced Indian and Vietnamese developers
just not necessarily better than the Ukranian and Polish devs
You're already better than the Florida devs
wait, isn't there one dev with the name..
that *name* that is good, and is known for having "the name"
Our Ukranian devs also think all the Florida devs are Indian contractors because they're so bad at software
just.. how bad are florida devs?
surely they're better than I am.. I'm not that good
Well, their product is an emergency notification system to warn you about things like hurricanes, and their operations offices and datacenters are all in hurricane paths
So during hurricane season, they have to shut down or fail over to other locations
why even have the systems there to begin with?
Well if you put all your offices in a hurricane path, it's easy for you to sell to local customers who worry a lot about hurricanes.
The moral of the story is to use tasks and listen to the architect when he designs your new system
so just make small meaningless sales offices and "off-shore" your centers?
That's what a competent organization would do.
btw I'm going to await the speech, let's see how well this goes
I'll prove I'm not as good as you think I might be
The reason is: 'SpeechAsync' is a lie. It's not an async (i.e. Task-based) API.
So to get a nice Task-based API, we wrap the _synchronous_ version with Task.Run(), and then we can await it, or not, as we please.
The return type for Speak and SpeakAsync is 'void' btw
but a proper async API would return 'Task'
so basically my version wasn't much different from yours?
just using a lamba instead of a delegate?
The only important difference is you should use 'Speak' instead of 'SpeakAsync'
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oh right
hey Majiir, can ye give me a quick coding challenge?
Write an app that can accept a list of URLs as command-line parameters. It should download each URL and print the result to the console, but it should only be downloading up to 5 at the same time. If more than 5 URLs are given, it should wait for one download to finish before starting the next.
so by download you mean just take in the HTML code, or file download?
What's the difference?
why not just write a script for that?
Orum, the idea is to practice managing concurrency while doing I/O
oh is that the main focus here?
You might build something like, say, a microservice that reads off a queue and makes HTTP callbacks with retry logic, error notifications, etc -- and that will use all the same skills as this, except companies will pay you mad money to build it.
(and that's not a trivial case you can just script up)
I need to learn regex for this.. rip
That... is not how I would solve this problem :|
well, how do you know what is being fed is a URL?
Put the command line args in quotes, that'll make that part easy
You get to assume that people are using your app correctly
oh hell yeah
why are the command line args in quotes?
They might not need to be. Just helps in case you have spaces in your URLs (which you shouldn't but meh)
okay, I'll assume quotage
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Majiir, are there any restrictions you're applying?
Only what I've stated above?
And, like, actually code it yourself and don't just use another program that does it?
but use whatever libraries you need within reason
I'll also try to not just copy paste code snippets within reason
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Copy-paste is fine if you understand it
I doubt you'll find a ready-made copy-paste of the whole app
well I just got the URL downloader working, so that's about 25% of the work done
Is it possible, or perhaps I should say how probable is it, that difference devices with the same platform will produce different results in OpenCL?
Majiir, random question, what is the average hourly wage for a junior dev? I know it's in a salary, but what is the hourly pay?
Depends on the area. In Boston, a junior dev can get anywhere from $70K to $90K per year, working 40-45 hours a week with 2-4 weeks vacation plus other benefits (healthcare, 401(k), etc)
Outside the city, that might be less, like $60-75K
let's say Im a junior dev at your company
I just want to see how much money you've spent on me making this thing
so far it's been like, an hour, and I feel like I already should've gotten this done
Roughly $40/hr?
Interns are like $25/hr
would I be hired as an intern?
If you lived in the area you could easily come in as a junior
I have the qualifications to be a junior?
If you didn't fuck up the interview and put together a reasonable CV/resume/portfolio/etc, yeah
Like if you get bored of the medical thing, look into software, I'm sure Toronto doesn't suck
Might not pay as much as Boston
I interview okay, but resume is definitely not my strong suit
The U.S. has unusually high software salaries and Boston has unusually high salaries in general
there's like, thousands of resume templates out there
or do you mean having stuff to put on a resume?
I do a lot of interviews, and resumes don't matter in the ways you might stress out about
Just make the resume honest and to the point and that will help a lot
Even explicitly writing out "I have no professional software experience, but I've done a lot of hobby programming with these kinds of projects:" will make a really good resume
as opposed to trying to fake it
oh, nice, that'll help then
I would add my personal projects, but they're shit
Similarly, don't show up 25 minutes early for an interview
Show up like 2 minutes early
KWS is shit
or 5 minutes late
I love when a candidate is 5 minutes late
what is QFT?
Quoted for truth
Just talk about KWS anyway
I have the Human Simulation and Diagnostic Tool I'm working on
It's hard to put in words just how shit most applicants are
I could easily talk about that
I've had principal engineer candidates (people with my title) who can't code as well as you. Granted, we didn't hire *them*... but someone did
it's nice knowing I have potential jobs
jesus that's sad
(no offense SF)
how the fuck do queues work
oh nvm got it
I had a candidate who told me that he'd build restaurant order-handling software by having a microservice for an Oven
"enqueue" is the word I was looking for
and when you want to cook things, they get sent to the Oven microservice
what the fuck?
what about things cooked not in the oven?
and what is a microservice?
Well you have a different microservice for that
something needlessly overcomplicated
It's like an application that does just a single thing
I mean..
that does sound grossly overcomplicated, but I appreciate modularity
KISS is underrated
Majiir, I *almost* have this figured out
there must be a more elegant method of doing the queue and dequeueing system..
preferrably if there is a method that can be triggered when the task is finished, and then I can use that method to dequeue that task from the inProgress list
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Majiir, could an interview for the job be done online rather than in person, and if I pass, then I could come down with a work visa or some shit? or does your company not do that kind of stuff?
Yea nah
We also don't have budget for juniors atm I don't think
We're about to blow our senior engineer budget on a devops engineer plus an intern
this is all just hypothetical anyways, I just like having options just in case
devops seems like hell
Devops can be neat
how so?
It can be very satisfying when you roll out a new solution for how things are configured, deployed, upgraded, etc
It's like other parts of engineering in that you get to take shitty things and make them better
Depends on the company and the job immensely though
If you're doing something like migrating your platform to containers, that's awesome
If you're just merging branches all day, that sucks
sure, but I imagine you're always at odds with the programmers and the clients/management
Nah, programmers need and love devops
Clients/management don't see devops, they interact with the engineering managers
need, maybe...
I just picture a devops guy hanging over a programmer's shoulder asking, "Is it done yet?"
It's usually the other way around :)
I'm formally an engineer or architect but I end up doing a lot of the devops crap because someone has to
It's honestly not bad
yeah, I don't think people go to school for devops
can I devops?
it's more like, "I got stuck doing this..."
Orum, I feel the same way about QA
A good engineer can do devops, a good engineer can do QA
yeah, true
A good engineer may find themselves doing one or both
but they'll also go and engineer some software
kind of like staff augs for consulting gigs
Dedicated QA/devops don't tend to casually go engineer software
That said, I know some lovely people who just do QA or devops and can't write software
so my professional opinion is a bit at odds with my anecdotal experience
do they enjoy their work though?
hrm, alright then
I can't say that I understand it, but maybe I will some day
I wonder what the best way is to make one hell of a jagged array.... an array of vectors?
Majiir, do you have any other coding challenges?
I can give you one :D
but not in C#, I have no use for that :\
I need to get some sleep. Dance class tomorrow. \o/
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sometimes I wonder if lambdas were created for the express purpose of putting ascii art in programs, like =[=]()-> and } ();
oh god, emoji-based code is a real thing... D:
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hrm, is it appropriate to call a destructor explictly if it writes data/cleans up on destruction, and you're going to effectively (and always) terminate the exeution on the next line, or is it prefered to just scope with {} to get the implicit destruction?
I'm guessing the latter is preferred, although more confusing to read...
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