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<Majiir> Also: The way you've written this, the 'speech.SpeakAsync' call will *start*, and at the same time, the Task.Delay will start for the next loop. If you want the speech to complete _before_ you start counting 5 seconds again, you need to 'await' the speech.
<Majiir> So this is more of a behavior question than a threading one.
<SilverFox> doesn't matter when battery low status is given, the exact timing isn't an issue for such a non-timing critical application
<Majiir> Sure, but this is a very useful skill to learn if you experiment with both ways
<SilverFox> but I'll make mental note of that await for speech for future projects
<Majiir> Like if you can fully grok this with tasks, you're better than all my outsourced Indian and Vietnamese developers
<SilverFox> ..jesus
<Majiir> just not necessarily better than the Ukranian and Polish devs
<Majiir> You're already better than the Florida devs
<SilverFox> wait, isn't there one dev with the name..
<SilverFox> that *name* that is good, and is known for having "the name"
<Majiir> Our Ukranian devs also think all the Florida devs are Indian contractors because they're so bad at software
<SilverFox> just.. how bad are florida devs?
<SilverFox> surely they're better than I am.. I'm not that good
<Majiir> Well, their product is an emergency notification system to warn you about things like hurricanes, and their operations offices and datacenters are all in hurricane paths
<SilverFox> ..........
<Majiir> So during hurricane season, they have to shut down or fail over to other locations
<SilverFox> why even have the systems there to begin with?
<Majiir> Well if you put all your offices in a hurricane path, it's easy for you to sell to local customers who worry a lot about hurricanes.
<SilverFox> interesting
<Majiir> The moral of the story is to use tasks and listen to the architect when he designs your new system
<SilverFox> so just make small meaningless sales offices and "off-shore" your centers?
<Majiir> That's what a competent organization would do.
<SilverFox> kek
<SilverFox> btw I'm going to await the speech, let's see how well this goes
<SilverFox> I'll prove I'm not as good as you think I might be
<SilverFox> actually this method ain't that bad
<SilverFox> it works
<SilverFox> Majiir, https://pastebin.com/RNSpQ9w1
<Majiir> Why are you doing the Task.Run like that?
<Majiir> What is the return type of 'SpeakAsync'?
<SilverFox> Prompt
<Majiir> o.O
<Majiir> Did you write that or is this a library?
<SilverFox> this is the System.Speech library
<SilverFox> for TTS
<Majiir> Okay, this library sucks
<SilverFox> is there a better TTS library?
<Majiir> Probably, but you can fix it like this:
<Majiir> await Task.Run(() => speech.Speak("Battery Low. Please plug in."));
<Majiir> The reason is: 'SpeechAsync' is a lie. It's not an async (i.e. Task-based) API.
<Majiir> So to get a nice Task-based API, we wrap the _synchronous_ version with Task.Run(), and then we can await it, or not, as we please.
<Majiir> The return type for Speak and SpeakAsync is 'void' btw
<Majiir> but a proper async API would return 'Task'
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> so basically my version wasn't much different from yours?
<SilverFox> just using a lamba instead of a delegate?
<Majiir> The only important difference is you should use 'Speak' instead of 'SpeakAsync'
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<SilverFox> oh right
<SilverFox> fixed
<SilverFox> hey Majiir, can ye give me a quick coding challenge?
<Majiir> Write an app that can accept a list of URLs as command-line parameters. It should download each URL and print the result to the console, but it should only be downloading up to 5 at the same time. If more than 5 URLs are given, it should wait for one download to finish before starting the next.
<SilverFox> so by download you mean just take in the HTML code, or file download?
<Majiir> What's the difference?
<SilverFox> okay
<Orum> why not just write a script for that?
<Majiir> Orum, the idea is to practice managing concurrency while doing I/O
<SilverFox> oh is that the main focus here?
<Majiir> You might build something like, say, a microservice that reads off a queue and makes HTTP callbacks with retry logic, error notifications, etc -- and that will use all the same skills as this, except companies will pay you mad money to build it.
<Majiir> (and that's not a trivial case you can just script up)
<SilverFox> I need to learn regex for this.. rip
<Majiir> That... is not how I would solve this problem :|
<SilverFox> well, how do you know what is being fed is a URL?
<Majiir> Put the command line args in quotes, that'll make that part easy
<Majiir> You get to assume that people are using your app correctly
<SilverFox> oh hell yeah
<SilverFox> why are the command line args in quotes?
<Majiir> They might not need to be. Just helps in case you have spaces in your URLs (which you shouldn't but meh)
<SilverFox> okay, I'll assume quotage
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<SilverFox> Majiir, are there any restrictions you're applying?
<Majiir> Only what I've stated above?
<Majiir> And, like, actually code it yourself and don't just use another program that does it?
<Majiir> but use whatever libraries you need within reason
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> I'll also try to not just copy paste code snippets within reason
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<Majiir> Copy-paste is fine if you understand it
<Majiir> I doubt you'll find a ready-made copy-paste of the whole app
<SilverFox> well I just got the URL downloader working, so that's about 25% of the work done
<Orum> Is it possible, or perhaps I should say how probable is it, that difference devices with the same platform will produce different results in OpenCL?
<SilverFox> Majiir, random question, what is the average hourly wage for a junior dev? I know it's in a salary, but what is the hourly pay?
<Majiir> Depends on the area. In Boston, a junior dev can get anywhere from $70K to $90K per year, working 40-45 hours a week with 2-4 weeks vacation plus other benefits (healthcare, 401(k), etc)
<Majiir> Outside the city, that might be less, like $60-75K
<SilverFox> let's say Im a junior dev at your company
<SilverFox> I just want to see how much money you've spent on me making this thing
<SilverFox> so far it's been like, an hour, and I feel like I already should've gotten this done
<Orum> $235,267,322,824.45
<Majiir> Roughly $40/hr?
<Majiir> Interns are like $25/hr
<SilverFox> would I be hired as an intern?
<Majiir> If you lived in the area you could easily come in as a junior
<SilverFox> legit?
<SilverFox> I have the qualifications to be a junior?
<Majiir> If you didn't fuck up the interview and put together a reasonable CV/resume/portfolio/etc, yeah
<SilverFox> sweet
<Majiir> Like if you get bored of the medical thing, look into software, I'm sure Toronto doesn't suck
<Majiir> Might not pay as much as Boston
<SilverFox> I interview okay, but resume is definitely not my strong suit
<Majiir> The U.S. has unusually high software salaries and Boston has unusually high salaries in general
<Orum> there's like, thousands of resume templates out there
<Orum> or do you mean having stuff to put on a resume?
<Majiir> I do a lot of interviews, and resumes don't matter in the ways you might stress out about
<Majiir> Just make the resume honest and to the point and that will help a lot
<Majiir> Even explicitly writing out "I have no professional software experience, but I've done a lot of hobby programming with these kinds of projects:" will make a really good resume
<Majiir> as opposed to trying to fake it
<SilverFox> oh, nice, that'll help then
<SilverFox> I would add my personal projects, but they're shit
<Majiir> Similarly, don't show up 25 minutes early for an interview
<Orum> KWS?
<Majiir> Show up like 2 minutes early
<SilverFox> KWS is shit
<Majiir> or 5 minutes late
<Majiir> I love when a candidate is 5 minutes late
<Orum> QFT....
<SilverFox> what is QFT?
<Orum> Quoted for truth
<Majiir> Just talk about KWS anyway
<SilverFox> I have the Human Simulation and Diagnostic Tool I'm working on
<Majiir> It's hard to put in words just how shit most applicants are
<SilverFox> I could easily talk about that
<Majiir> I've had principal engineer candidates (people with my title) who can't code as well as you. Granted, we didn't hire *them*... but someone did
<SilverFox> it's nice knowing I have potential jobs
<Orum> jesus that's sad
<Orum> (no offense SF)
<SilverFox> how the fuck do queues work
<Orum> FIFO, FILO, FINO...
<SilverFox> oh nvm got it
<Majiir> I had a candidate who told me that he'd build restaurant order-handling software by having a microservice for an Oven
<SilverFox> "enqueue" is the word I was looking for
<Majiir> and when you want to cook things, they get sent to the Oven microservice
<Orum> what the fuck?
<SilverFox> what about things cooked not in the oven?
<SilverFox> and what is a microservice?
<Majiir> Well you have a different microservice for that
<Orum> something needlessly overcomplicated
<Majiir> It's like an application that does just a single thing
<SilverFox> I mean..
<SilverFox> that does sound grossly overcomplicated, but I appreciate modularity
<Orum> KISS is underrated
<SilverFox> Majiir, I *almost* have this figured out
<SilverFox> can you give me a list of URLs?
<Majiir> uh
<SilverFox> or would you just like my code?
<Majiir> There's your list
<SilverFox> thanks
<SilverFox> well, it worked until I modified an element in the collection it was in lol
<Supernovy> I love ip.zns.co
<SilverFox> Majiir, done, https://pastebin.com/PfGt2SSs
<SilverFox> not the most elegant, but it gets er done
<Majiir> god dammit this is caner
<Majiir> cancer*
<Majiir> I also am almost done with this bottle of wine so this will be fun code review tim
<Majiir> so first off
<Majiir> `GetHTMLFromURL`
<Majiir> make this method async
<SilverFox> mkay
<Majiir> and don't bother with HttpWebRequest, that's an old shitty API
<Majiir> use `HttpClient`
<SilverFox> okay
<Majiir> That will give you async out of the box
<Majiir> Second, don't worry about quotes
<Majiir> The command line will automatically handle that for you, you don't need to write code for that
<Majiir> I'm too drunk to review the rest of this
<SilverFox> come on man
<SilverFox> you already started
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<SilverFox> Majiir, how does this new method look? https://pastebin.com/6t0J24k0
<Majiir> Try `ReadToEndAsync`
<Majiir> and then take out the `Task.Run` part
<SilverFox> hmm, why do I want to async the reading to end?
<Majiir> Because it's an HTTP request, which means there's I/O being done, and you're reading the response stream
<Majiir> so it should be an asynchronous action, because I/O can't happen instantly
<SilverFox> so basically all I/o stuff should be async because there's a possibility it takes time for things to happen?
<Majiir> Yes
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> that makes sense
<SilverFox> Majiir, I updated it: https://pastebin.com/45mJrz6F
<SilverFox> there must be a more elegant method of doing the queue and dequeueing system..
<SilverFox> preferrably if there is a method that can be triggered when the task is finished, and then I can use that method to dequeue that task from the inProgress list
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<SilverFox> Majiir, could an interview for the job be done online rather than in person, and if I pass, then I could come down with a work visa or some shit? or does your company not do that kind of stuff?
<Majiir> Yea nah
<SilverFox> sheeeiiit
<Majiir> We also don't have budget for juniors atm I don't think
<Majiir> We're about to blow our senior engineer budget on a devops engineer plus an intern
<SilverFox> this is all just hypothetical anyways, I just like having options just in case
<Orum> devops seems like hell
<Majiir> Devops can be neat
<Orum> how so?
<Majiir> It can be very satisfying when you roll out a new solution for how things are configured, deployed, upgraded, etc
<Majiir> It's like other parts of engineering in that you get to take shitty things and make them better
<Majiir> Depends on the company and the job immensely though
<Majiir> If you're doing something like migrating your platform to containers, that's awesome
<Majiir> If you're just merging branches all day, that sucks
<Orum> sure, but I imagine you're always at odds with the programmers and the clients/management
<Majiir> Nah, programmers need and love devops
<Majiir> Clients/management don't see devops, they interact with the engineering managers
<Orum> need, maybe...
<Orum> I just picture a devops guy hanging over a programmer's shoulder asking, "Is it done yet?"
<Majiir> It's usually the other way around :)
<Orum> heh
<Majiir> I'm formally an engineer or architect but I end up doing a lot of the devops crap because someone has to
<Majiir> It's honestly not bad
<Orum> yeah, I don't think people go to school for devops
<SilverFox> can I devops?
<Majiir> No
<SilverFox> cool
<Orum> it's more like, "I got stuck doing this..."
<Majiir> Orum, I feel the same way about QA
<Majiir> A good engineer can do devops, a good engineer can do QA
<Orum> yeah, true
<Majiir> A good engineer may find themselves doing one or both
<Majiir> but they'll also go and engineer some software
<Orum> kind of like staff augs for consulting gigs
<Majiir> Dedicated QA/devops don't tend to casually go engineer software
<Majiir> That said, I know some lovely people who just do QA or devops and can't write software
<Majiir> so my professional opinion is a bit at odds with my anecdotal experience
<Orum> do they enjoy their work though?
<Majiir> Yeah
<Orum> hrm, alright then
<Majiir> I can't say that I understand it, but maybe I will some day
<Orum> I wonder what the best way is to make one hell of a jagged array.... an array of vectors?
<SilverFox> Majiir, do you have any other coding challenges?
<Orum> I can give you one :D
<Orum> but not in C#, I have no use for that :\
<Majiir> I need to get some sleep. Dance class tomorrow. \o/
<SilverFox> noice
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<Orum> sometimes I wonder if lambdas were created for the express purpose of putting ascii art in programs, like =[=]()-> and } ();
<Orum> oh god, emoji-based code is a real thing... D:
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<Orum> hrm, is it appropriate to call a destructor explictly if it writes data/cleans up on destruction, and you're going to effectively (and always) terminate the exeution on the next line, or is it prefered to just scope with {} to get the implicit destruction?
<Orum> I'm guessing the latter is preferred, although more confusing to read...
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