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<GlassFragments> this is a graph claiming slighly higher proficiency of english in japan than in hong kong http://gmwebsite.andovarpteltd.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/what-languages-to-localize-your-game-into-3.jpg
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<ve2dmn> GlassFragments: source?
<GlassFragments> what is the credibility of someone with two dashes in their URL anyway
<ve2dmn> so real source is https://www.ef.co.th/epi/
<GlassFragments> TIL I'm in Thailand
<ve2dmn> TIL I don't exist
<GlassFragments> somehow they seem to exclude english-speaking countries, but then india is on there
<GlassFragments> "In order to be included, a country was required to have at least 400 test takers" so basically their sample sizes are beyond garbage
<ve2dmn> the .co.th is the tailand office
<GlassFragments> IDK but that index seems like they're just attention whoring for their tests by getting into the search results for proficiency statistics
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<GlassFragments> if you mouseover the netherlands you get an option to compare it to germany, which shows some statistics clearly pulled from somewhere just to have some statistics to show
<ve2dmn> "This year's index ranks 80 countries and territories based on test data from more than one million adults who took the EF Standard English Test (EF SET) in 2016."
<ve2dmn> Clearly I don't exist... even if our example would probably be relevant
<GlassFragments> they use that to invoke causation/corellation fallacy about english education and economic strength
<ve2dmn> It does have a kernel of truth. When I talked to someone from Germany, Japan or Estonia I did it in English
<ve2dmn> But it's just that. Corellation
<GlassFragments> ...you talked to someone from japan in english
<GlassFragments> how
<ve2dmn> Online :P
<ve2dmn> Which is a self-selecting group of course
<ve2dmn> When i visited Japan, I had to use my very, very poor Japanese
<GlassFragments> I think you already told me, but how did you learn japanese?
<ve2dmn> College
<ve2dmn> University extra curriculum course
<ve2dmn> ...15 years ago
<GlassFragments> thank god that I had the opportunity to do immersion learning while attending a full-blown language school
<ve2dmn> It was my third language...
<ve2dmn> ...or 4th if you count Latin
<GlassFragments> similar situation, 4th if you count high school french
<GlassFragments> I don't even have usuable passive knowledge of french
<ve2dmn> You need to 'want' to learn
<GlassFragments> maybe my passive french is about as good as my passive mandarin
<ve2dmn> (or be forced to)
<GlassFragments> by active knowledge mandarin wins, except that I can't fucking pronounce it
<ve2dmn> understandable
<GlassFragments> can't pronounce -> don't speak -> no practice -> never learn to pronounce
<ve2dmn> I visited Japan exactly 10 years ago...
<ve2dmn> Google photo keeps reminding me
<ve2dmn> "rediscover this day!" ARRGH. Stop making feel old
<GlassFragments> in other news, my new parser is a lot faster, but it also fails on half the files
<GlassFragments> also it's 1AM, I'm starving, and have to get up somewhat early tomorrow if I want to see the jakarta bound train
<kmath> <AGE_TOJO> 3/30 配9722レ ⏎ 武蔵野線205系インドネシア譲渡配給 ⏎ EF64-1030+205系M3編成 ⏎ @船橋法典 ⏎ 幕は桜(?)のジャカルタ行きでした。 https://t.co/Kq70IFEpW9
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<ve2dmn> TrainSpotter?
<GlassFragments> not really, but when something special happens I like to go there
<GlassFragments> when I say 'not really' I still spend 90% of my free time on trains, but I wouldn't consider myself to fit into that group all that well
<ve2dmn> You would die from boredom if you lived here....
<GlassFragments> even five to seven minute train frequencies leave me bored when I'm not in the mood for it
<ve2dmn> some tracks only see a daily train
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<TonyC> hi, do you guys know of any places where KerbCam is available ? I'm about to post on the forum page that the latest recompiles don't work, but just want to make sure i didn't miss anything
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