"In order to be included, a country was required to have at least 400 test takers" so basically their sample sizes are beyond garbage
the .co.th is the tailand office
IDK but that index seems like they're just attention whoring for their tests by getting into the search results for proficiency statistics
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if you mouseover the netherlands you get an option to compare it to germany, which shows some statistics clearly pulled from somewhere just to have some statistics to show
"This year's index ranks 80 countries and territories based on test data from more than one million adults who took the EF Standard English Test (EF SET) in 2016."
Clearly I don't exist... even if our example would probably be relevant
they use that to invoke causation/corellation fallacy about english education and economic strength
It does have a kernel of truth. When I talked to someone from Germany, Japan or Estonia I did it in English
But it's just that. Corellation
...you talked to someone from japan in english
Online :P
Which is a self-selecting group of course
When i visited Japan, I had to use my very, very poor Japanese
I think you already told me, but how did you learn japanese?
University extra curriculum course
...15 years ago
thank god that I had the opportunity to do immersion learning while attending a full-blown language school
It was my third language...
...or 4th if you count Latin
similar situation, 4th if you count high school french
I don't even have usuable passive knowledge of french
You need to 'want' to learn
maybe my passive french is about as good as my passive mandarin
(or be forced to)
by active knowledge mandarin wins, except that I can't fucking pronounce it
can't pronounce -> don't speak -> no practice -> never learn to pronounce
I visited Japan exactly 10 years ago...
Google photo keeps reminding me
"rediscover this day!" ARRGH. Stop making feel old
in other news, my new parser is a lot faster, but it also fails on half the files
also it's 1AM, I'm starving, and have to get up somewhat early tomorrow if I want to see the jakarta bound train
not really, but when something special happens I like to go there
when I say 'not really' I still spend 90% of my free time on trains, but I wouldn't consider myself to fit into that group all that well
You would die from boredom if you lived here....
even five to seven minute train frequencies leave me bored when I'm not in the mood for it
some tracks only see a daily train
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hi, do you guys know of any places where KerbCam is available ? I'm about to post on the forum page that the latest recompiles don't work, but just want to make sure i didn't miss anything
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