UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is 🐇. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
RurouniDonut. — Hmm, so I'm much better at going to the Moon from a polar orbit then from an East West one
RurouniDonut. — This East/West attempt is gonna take me 10 days to get there...
lpg. — I've yet to quite wrap my head about what I should line up with what for east/west. Sometimes I get it right on first try, and I think I finally understand it, then i try again and not even close
RurouniDonut. — Yeah
RurouniDonut. — Idk how to line up the AN/DN of the orbit to face to the Moon or where it will be
egg|zzz|egg has joined #principia
egg. — @lpg @RurouniDonut use the MCEA frame
UmbralRaptor has joined #principia
egg. — and launch into the reference plane of the navball (equivalently, minimize the out-of-plane velocity at the nodes *in that frame*)
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RurouniDonut. — Wdym by launch into it
RurouniDonut. — Like wait until close to the gray line and start mechjeb or?
egg. — yes, and make sure to set the MechJeb parameters in such a way that you end up staying on the gray line
egg. — that's the plane of the moon's orbit
egg. — so you should keep your velocity vector in there
RurouniDonut. — Mmm
RurouniDonut. — I tried that last launch but still took me 10 days to get their with just prograde velocity.
RurouniDonut. — I tried that last launch but still took me 10 days to get there with just prograde velocity. (edited)
RurouniDonut. — I was starting to move away from the grey line a lil before the launch
RurouniDonut. — I’ll have to figure out how to get Mechjeb to stay within the gray line
RurouniDonut. — Btw, should I plan manuevers in MCEA as the plotting frame or stick to ECI?
egg. — to go to the moon, the plotting frame should be MCEA; the manoeuvre frame should possibly be ECI
egg. — @RurouniDonut when you go to the moon, you care about where you are with respect to the moon (your pericynthion etc.), so you want a moon-centred frame
egg. — and then you also want the beginning of the trajectory to be understandable, so you keep the direction of the Earth fixed so that the earth bit looks sane
egg. — @RurouniDonut that way you get a figure-8 trajectory plot
egg. — (that's old, so there was only EMB which is not ideal, also it's stock, but the principle is the same)
lpg. — MCEA plotting, ECI manoeuvre is what I've been using, and it's worked well
egg. — yeah it's reasonable
egg. — ECI manoeuvre gives you an earth-orbit-appropriate sense of "forward" (and you want to burn forward in that sense), MCEA allows you to visualize a transfer orbit
RurouniDonut. — Oh yeah, that's what I've been doing for the most part
RurouniDonut. — Except I've been using MCI for the plotting frame
RurouniDonut. — Time to figure though how to get Mechjeb to stay in the grey line
egg. — yeah but MCI doesn't know about Earth
egg. — so the beginning of your trajectory won't be very understandable
lpg. — for me the main benefit of MCEA is actually seeing where the Earth will be at the _end_ of the trajectory - for antenna purposes
egg. — antenna porpoises
egg. — 📡🐬
lpg. — the first narwhal hit for a "antenna porpoise" google image search is surprisingly low
RurouniDonut. — I tried launching into MCEA and its not working out too well