raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Gateaux. We currently target 1.8.1, 1.9.1, and 1.10.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-> F​abioKevin. — Hey, how do I make the orbital line move up or down? Cause I pretty much made a mistake in the time I needed to wait for launch since I didn't have a generator, on the ground and didn't wait for the right moment, and now I ended up in this situation.
<discord-> H​aukifile. — Principia crashes when I try to grab onto an asteroid. What gives?
<discord-> H​aukifile. — `I1113 23:08:08.304329 21416 plugin.cpp:565] Collision between proceduralAvionics (95E61F70) and PotatoRoid (94483BB9)
<discord-> H​aukifile. — @ 00007FFAA17F6360 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal [0x00007FFAA17F635F+47]
<discord-> H​aukifile. — @ 00007FFA3F49B3EC principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFA3F49B3EB+1197003]
<discord-> H​aukifile. — @ 00007FFA3F34A913 principia__ReportPartCollision [0x00007FFA3F34A912+386]
<discord-> H​aukifile. — @ 00000212199F7766 (No symbol) [0x00000212199F7765]
<discord-> H​aukifile. — F1113 23:08:08.304329 21416 plugin.cpp:572] Check failed: v2.WillKeepPart(part2) PotatoRoid (94483BB9) will vanish`
<discord-> F​abioKevin. — Hey, how do I make the orbital line move up or down? Cause I pretty much made a mistake in the time I needed to wait for launch since I didn't have a generator, on the ground and didn't wait for the right moment, and now I ended up in this situation. Edit: I fixed my problem after playing with the manuever sliders (edited)
<discord-> F​abioKevin. — Nevermind, I failed
<discord-> F​abioKevin. — Anybody knows how to launch a craft to something like Minmus when you are in a orbit with a different inclination?
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — Do the plane change at An/Dn?
<raptop> Depending on current situation, do the transfer at ☊/☋?
<discord-> [​experimentalshells?]. — ... It may seem that your unicode got borked over the relay
* raptop sighs and wonders why the unicode only works correctly in the discord->IRC direction
<raptop> I was trying to be fancy and use the unicode symbols for An/Dn
<discord-> [​experimentalshells?]. — I could tell, to be honest
<discord-> l​pg. — I'm fiddling with a flight plan, and from seeing the predicted path wobble, I can tell I'm getting some unexpected influence from some other body. Any tips for figuring out which body, besides "set frame of reference to that body, see how close you get"?
<discord-> l​pg. — (I'm sort of wishing for a "what would this flight plan look like if body so-and-so wasn't there"...)
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — Is this from Earth to Ceres?
<discord-> F​abioKevin. — > Do the plane change at An/Dn?
<discord-> F​abioKevin. — @Stonesmile Don't know, but the game just crashed
<discord-> l​pg. — it is. I'm not getting anywhere near Mars; Vesta will be in the neighbourhood but no closer than 18Gm; it doesn't look like the moon, and I'm not dipping inward so Venus seems unlikely
<discord-> b​adgermasher. — Sounds like you found one of the secret black holes in the solar system.
<discord-> l​pg. — that, or principia is predicting a collision with some other probe 😛
<discord-> b​adgermasher. — The novel Dark State by Charles Stross has some interesting things to say on that point.
<raptop> Jupiter?
<discord-> l​pg. — Jupiter seems too far, and I wouldn't expect it to give this kind of "trajectory wobbles a lot for a tiny change of dv".
<discord-> l​pg. — Jupiter _is_ my guess as to why the flight plan is getting a wildly different result than what a patched-conics maneuver gives, though (the original problem I'm trying to handle)
<discord-> l​pg. — Just because Jupiter is Jupiter. But the smaller interference makes me think I'm overlooking something else
<raptop> An oblate megasun?
* raptop waves at egg
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<discord-> l​pg. — 🤪 wrong reference frame on the maneuver. (doesn't explain the interference, but explains the real problem)
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — So MJ *didn't* fail you?
<discord-> l​pg. — I failed MJ 😔
<discord-> l​pg. — I was led astray by the fact that despite being completely the wrong frame, the path _did_ take me in the right general area