VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
NotAshton[m] has joined #spacedock
<NotAshton[m]> I just downloaded the space x mod and was wondering if only being able to connect 8 cluster engines is a bug
<VITAS[m]> congrats
<VITAS[m]> not heared of it but you could try on the kspforums
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
<DasSkelett[m]> We can't answers that. Ask on the mod's forum thread.
<VITAS[m]> i thought im the only one awake at this unusual time
<NotAshton[m]> Ok
DasSkelett[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
VITAS[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
NotAshton[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
Darklight[m] has joined #spacedock
<Darklight[m]> Another bug report, when you create a game it doesn't show up in admin stuff, you have to go into the python console and manually activate it
VITAS[m] has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]> github issue?
<VITAS[m]> also i always did it in the db
<Darklight[m]> Yeah it just redirects you to 404 asdf
<Darklight[m]> Heh... interesting, ATS MASSIVELY slows things down, I can play with that later I guess
<VITAS[m]> you need to tweak it
<VITAS[m]> and it realy shows when you have certain patterns of acc and masses of them
HebaruSan[m] has joined #spacedock
<HebaruSan[m]> The error reporting on the admin pages needs a lot of work
<VITAS[m]> i never finished it propperly
<Darklight[m]> Well... that's the big gay. I wrote a script to do exactly what I was trying to explain, and it all works really well, except one problem
<Darklight[m]> ats is shithouse and doesn't want to reload the remap.config file under a traffic_ctl config reload (or systemctl reload trafficserver, which just calls that command anyway)
<Darklight[m]> strace confirms it never even tries to read it
<VITAS[m]> why not make a flow chart instead?
<VITAS[m]> you know i inist on ansible and wont use bash scripts
<Darklight[m]> I am using symlinks though... I'll try a copy instead and see what happens, because ATS takes about the same time to start up, that spacedock takes to update...
<VITAS[m]> symlinks are a good idea
<HebaruSan[m]> Does `User.dark_theme` do anything?
<VITAS[m]> no
<VITAS[m]> there isnt a working dark theme atm
<Darklight[m]> I've tried and tried and tried and tried and ATS just will not what I want with a reload, it needs to be restarted... eh >.<
<Darklight[m]> I'll dm you what I came up with for now, one sec
<VITAS[m]> it needs to be restarted anyways to flush the caches
<HebaruSan[m]> It turns out that it's fairly easy to write tests for SpaceDock
<VITAS[m]> thats good news :)
<HebaruSan[m]> Please submit any suggestions or code through the usual channels
<HebaruSan[m]> I have three more routes left to test that don't require authentication
<HebaruSan[m]> And the tests that are there could stand to be fleshed out some more
<VITAS[m]> k
<VITAS[m]> Darklight and me are currently working on how to streamline prod deployment :)
<Darklight[m]> It's working well as far as I can tell, if I intentionally break any of the commands it backs out, but it's late enough and I don't want to learn ansible at 6:20 in the morning 😛
<Darklight[m]> Also vitas: because I keep B as a spare you can do a "test deployment" with ./ and if that works you can be pretty confident A will too, if it doesn't the script will back out and leave B active which is kiiiinda bad news as I only transfer A's database to B, but outside of that I'm the most comfortable with this setup, and I can't think of any reason B would pass but A would fail, especially when they are exactly the same
<Darklight[m]> update process running the same commands
<Darklight[m]> Also, two automatic SQL backups is kinda part of my update process 😛
<Darklight[m]> I'll most likely set up another container and port it so it all runs from 1 container instead of having 5 different scripts on 3 different servers, but that's only if you like the approach
<Darklight[m]> Also... I swear spacedock had a read only mode, if we don't have that do we have a "Spacedock is updating, any changes made during this update window will be lost" while it's sitting on B
<VITAS[m]> the only ro mode i know is when storage goes ro
<VITAS[m]> you can also make a db ro i think
<Darklight[m]> 30 seconds, the entire update process
<VITAS[m]> nice
<Darklight[m]> I saw that but I expect that to 500 in practice
<Darklight[m]> Anyway, going to bed, cya :)
<VITAS[m]> night
HebaruSan[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
RockyTV[m] has joined #spacedock
<RockyTV[m]> VITAS: turns out AutoDesk will only update usage statistics a few days later, we'll have to spend money to convert DWG files :/
<RockyTV[m]> and we've just finished implementing the Forge Viewer functionality on the backend like right now, and the request stalls for a few seconds for large files
<RockyTV[m]> we're literally loading the file on memory on the backend server and uploading it to autodesk
<RockyTV[m]> regarding tests PR: I haven't done a thorough check but it looks good so far
M_discord_698033646182989846[m has joined #spacedock
<M_discord_698033646182989846[m> Hewwo