I just made a dummy postgres database to store data from covid19 cases throughout my country because the ministry of health stopped releasing a consolidated csv file with information from cases from all states
it works but I only parsed data from my state, need to parse 26 more :/
<span class="d-mention d-user">VITAS</span> what do you think about using the dummy profile page from adminLTE for SpaceDock? I thought about having the column on the left with the profile information like links, nicks and etc, and on the right a list of mods they created
RockyTV[m] has quit [Quit: Idle timeout reached: 10800s]
I'm trying to install SpaceX Launch Vehicles, but I don't have parts files.
I have several other mods. RO, RSS Delta pack, Rescale, real boosters.
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
<span class="d-mention d-user">SpaceXer</span> do you mean part files or craft files?
Both are included in the zip.
We just need to put more storage in the storage!
Don't ask me what it it means
Also are you sure you copied 1GB? Because it says 1MB
Ahhhhh that makes sense
RockyTV[m] has joined #spacedock
<span class="d-mention d-user">Darklight</span> Linus got another bunch of HDDs from Seagate for their projects :p
and no they don't buy anything, they always get stuff for free
the video you linked is the 3PB one :p
thought you had linked the first petabyte project video
funny thing, they had to either use the drives seagate sent them or if they didn't use them they had to send them back
Astro[m] has joined #spacedock
hey. Can i get some help with a mod issue here? Idk where else to go 😅
I downloaded Kartoffelkuchens SpaceX Pack, and also loaded all of its dependencies, but when i try to load, for example the Falcon 9, it tells me this: ```Spaceship SpaceX Crew Dragon FH Stack is missing the part module kOSProcessor``` Same error just with `KOSNameTag`
is that a mod issue or an issue on my end?
you could do a meme with that pic: "i need to store my porn somewhere"
1PB is small change in datacenter terms these days. even i have like 150TB for my private stuff
but i gues for some kido that only has an aldi pc with 1tb ssd this sounds massive
maybe this linus guy is working for my server rpovider
would explain my storage crisis
sort of ironic: he build a company that earns money by showing what he buys fromt he money he earns with said company by showing.... and so on
i would be happy if you would. please keep in mind its not only SD using that storage but my nextcloud and dms too
so the only solution is to have reliable storage not to work arround it
they dont offer nfs and other protocols by the way
and i did experiments with mounting the storage in different ways
directly in lxc, with params described in their wiki, ones sughgested by proxmox and so on
yes if i could get it out of RO mode without rebooting would be great
theres the problem of the storage not remouting after unmounting due tot he paralel write limit
a way to solve that would be to (somehow) allow only one write operation at a time for each container
and to cache writes
(caching should be a thing on FS level already)
you can also dive into proxmox and hetzner docu to find idears