ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Bigli> Hi guys. I finally figured out what caused the sizing issue with the Attitude Jets. The source was the Ven's Stock Part Revamp Mod. The latest version 1.9.6 works fine. But using the master branch causes issues. My guess is that this commit somehow broke the scaling: https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp/commit/e41a3153e5660d0e19b771197f4439ca1a06
<Bigli> 47af#diff-0e95ff9c7b64e809f517f244e4341a4d
<Qboid> [e41a3] title: The Update to Break Them All... by VenVen | Additions: 6395 | Deletions: 9642 | https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp/commit/e41a3153e5660d0e19b771197f4439ca1a0647af
<Bigli> I tried to figure out what caused it to break but my modding knowledge is more or less inexistence. Maybe some of you guys might have an idea and point me in the right direction. I'll be happy to fix the issue and create a PR
<Bornholio> i'll take a look but not much activity in vens lately
<Bigli> Thanks a lot. Yeah I noticed that too when I looked at the latest commits and releases.
<Starwaster> 1.5.1 already! yay!
<Starwaster> huh... changelog says they fixed sliding on slopes.... I will believe that when i see it
<Starwaster> also fixed body lift that they broke in 1.5
<Starwaster> hope they fixed...
<Starwaster> hmmm sort of fixed sliding. Is behaving better except at physics time warp... that makes it slide but when I go back to x1 it actually does recover and go stationary again
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<Starwaster> kerbal not sliding up or down the ladder even during phys warp... that ooks promising
<Starwaster> kerbal still sliding down terrain... maybe we can get them to do to kerbals what they did to gear... still not understanding that though, they said something about modifying friction. which is what I always thought it was but I never had luck altering the friction of anything
<Bornholio> hmm i noticed that
<Starwaster> and when coming out of non-phys warp lander DOES start to slide but then stops after physics settles
<Starwaster> can't have everything I guess
<Starwaster> definitely seems more stable though so this is promising
<Bornholio> wonder how badly they are affecting FAR now
<Starwaster> dunno
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<ProjectThoth> Every time I finish overhauling my stuff in KSP, a new version comes out to break everything.
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<Rokker> ferram4__: oi
<ferram4__> oi?
<ferram4__> I know, I know, there's a 1.5
<Bornholio> muahahaha
<ferram4__> Everything is terrible, isn't it?
<Bornholio> rokker you are a tease
<Rokker> I'm just easily distracted
<Rokker> ferram4__: I bought a gun and now I'm learning is mechanical intricacies
<ferram4__> oooooh
<ferram4__> What kind?
ferram4__ is now known as ferram4
<Rokker> pistol
<Bornholio> .sigh
<ferram4> ...I was expecting more detail than that :P
<Rokker> glock based
<Rokker> SD9VE from smith and wesson
<ferram4> Ah, okay
<Rokker> its a cheap personal defense pistol
<Rokker> most notable for being the subject of a glock lawsuit on S&W
<ferram4> Heh
<Rokker> ferram4: ima take it to the range sometime this weekend but I've been enjoying taking it apart
<ferram4> Lucky
<Rokker> ferram4: apparently some people use motor oil for gun oil
<ferram4> hmm
<ferram4> I honestly do not have any experience with this, so I could be talking out my ass, but that might not be the smartest idea...
<Rokker> apparently it's not a horrible idea, it's just not ideal
<Rokker> its designed for the temps, only additives are like detergents and stuff
<Rokker> ferram4: apparently the viscosity is higher so it lasts longer in storage
<ferram4> Hrm
<Rokker> ferram4: anyways, it's a pretty basic short recoil system
<ferram4> Are there any pistols that are anything else nowadays?
<Rokker> no, not many
<ferram4> Does anyone still make pure blowbacks?
<Rokker> ferram4: oh, I know a family friend who has drawers and drawers and drawers and rack and racks and then like 5 gunsafes full of guns
<Rokker> he has everything ever made
<ferram4> Ah, the collector
<Rokker> I got to mess with his 1937 Luger
<Rokker> that was a weird one
<ferram4> Yeah, toggle locks are kinda weird
<Rokker> anyways yeah, his dad sold a fool and dye business to GM back in the oldendays
<Rokker> and them he became a govt contractor
<Rokker> ferram4: he also collects cars... a lot of them
<ferram4> Makes sense
<Rokker> but yeah, hes an interesting guy. watching him at a gun show is fascinating
<ProjectThoth> ferram4: Do you do HPR?
<ferram4> hpr?
<Rokker> high powered rocketry
<Rokker> big boy model rockets
<ferram4> Unfortunately, no
<Bornholio> I took tomorrow off to do among things pack a few rocket motors, made 3kg of propellant mix
<Rokker> real propellant or sugar rockets?
<Bornholio> sugar is real, just 120 ISP
<Bornholio> not that estes crap
<Rokker> yeah but you as an american have access the blackpowder
<Bornholio> so 60ISP?
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: APC?
<Rokker> make the chinese proud
<Rokker> that moment when you realize 600 AD chinese rockets were safer than modern chinese rockets
<Bornholio> I'll go with real 200+ISP solids next summer when my son is ready to participate, and i can drive to a safe "Range"
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: It's a fun hobby! Expensive, but fun.
<Rokker> bullets are like babby rockets
<ProjectThoth> Rokker: Friend of mine is after an NJ-compliant AR-15 relative.
<Rokker> he should just move to a more civilized state
<Bornholio> !tell Bigli my RCS using master seems fine in 1.4.x i'll try 1.3.1 later this weekend if i have time
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Rokker> ferram4: phone cameras dont like looking down barrels
<ferram4> no shit
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<Bornholio> rokker https://youtu.be/Znud9pPKciE?t=17 but on fire
<Bornholio> .poke bigli
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<BadRocketsCo> o/
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<BadRocketsCo> o/
<Bornholio> \o
<BadRocketsCo> Bornholio: zup in da neigbourhood?
<Bornholio> day off!
<BadRocketsCo> Woo!
<BadRocketsCo> Meanwhile I am at work and wondering if I will have the luxury of sitting down for longer than 5 minutes today
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<Bornholio> half my shop is out so i don't have to keep 9 people productive. good day to take off myself
<BadRocketsCo> Sweet
<Bornholio> off to buy pvc tubing and a few other things to make rocke motors
<BadRocketsCo> Make an orbital rocket
<Bornholio> i'd love to
<Bornholio> when i figure out a good 290ISP mix it get right on that
<BadRocketsCo> Man, I sure do love the Atlas...
<Bornholio> good choice for love :)
<BadRocketsCo> Heh, indeed
<BadRocketsCo> Really cool system, especialy for its time
<Bornholio> I have one 15 minutes away i can go fondle
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<Rokker> Bornholio_: honestly I think its rude to watch a dumb and burn
<Rokker> dump*
<Bornholio_> just a fighter-bomber having fun
Bornholio_ is now known as Bornholio
<Rokker> Bornholio: how would you like it if after you had taco bell someone came in and filmed your dump and burn?
<Rokker> 29th anniversary of the Galileo launch btw
<Bornholio> I have sataurn filling my screen
<Bornholio> ringy goodness
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<Rokker> oh come on, that was a good joke, nobody is gonna acknowledge it?
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<Starwaster> has anyone got MultiModeEngine to work properly with ModuleEnginesRF?
<Starwaster> I know it can be done because I've done it before but for some reason when I try it now, I get both engines on all the time
<Bornholio> been a while but i think i did at least the RD-0410 for methane that way.
<Starwaster> And just like that I got it working... and I have no idea why
<Starwaster> I have no idea what I was doing wrong before or what I did right this time
<Starwaster> must have been a misplaced ... something.
<Starwaster> probably was a misplaced lower/upper case thing bullshit
<Bornholio> attack of the semi, now in theatres
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<soundnfury> semicolons are just so half-arsed
<soundnfury> (blame Rokker, he started the 'classy' jokes)
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<Bornholio> .poke bigli
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<Bornholio> soundnfury: using gamma rockets to do launching first sats from 20t pad
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<soundnfury> Bornholio: nice
<soundnfury> though how you can get to that tech before finishing your pad upgrades I don't know
<Bornholio> i have bigger pads, but then costs go up
<soundnfury> ah heh
<soundnfury> a bit like the reason behind my crazy moon program then ;)
<Bornholio> yes, 105t atlases are very explensive way to launch explorer
<soundnfury> well yes
<soundnfury> but 60t thors can do that just fine no?
<Bornholio> so why not 20t gamma's with aj-10 early on top
<soundnfury> ... because the gamma has no upgrade path? :'(
<Bornholio> sounds like you need to fix that :P
<soundnfury> (also because how do you get to that tech without already making orbit on a Redstone?)
<soundnfury> How? Get the UKSA to restart development? :P
<soundnfury> biab, pizzatime
<Bornholio> yeah but it has a hard time placing the "First" nav, com, etc
<Bornholio> soundnfury: also need gamma 201,301 available
<Bornholio> also larch
<soundnfury> om nom nom pizza food of the gods etc.
<soundnfury> True, it's only just about capable of getting a couple of instruments into some sort of orbit.
<soundnfury> I could probably put together cfgs for other gammas, but I cannot into models
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<soundnfury> o/ Mike`
<Mike`> \o
<Mike`> and though my internet came back, i need to leave for bed. :)
<soundnfury> nn then
<Bornholio> what MJ setting keeps the engine on if i turn guidance on while already started
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<soundnfury> dunno, don't use MJ sorry
<Mike`> i only know about RO/RSS special handling
<Bornholio> Mike`: correct
<Bornholio> third fail to ignite on my AJ-10 early first nav sat on top of gammas fourth time worked time to make a few sounding rockets for getting data up
<soundnfury> all hail mighty Agathorn!
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* soundnfury attempts launching a plane off the back of another plane (with FMRS)