ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Bornholio> lol at youtube
<xShadowx> if i wanted to sim mars entry using earth atmo, what alt would i need to be for thin enough atmo to mimic same environment?
<xShadowx> then again not sure if id be same speeds...hmm
<Bornholio> why not just hyper out there
<Bornholio> also .6%
<xShadowx> because we cant warp time in reality? ;p
<Bornholio> but sim
<xShadowx> which isnt really a sim
<xShadowx> i wouldnt mind it so much if stuff was less real, but you essentially get a 100% perfect simulated environment
<Bornholio> mars surface average is about 6mbar
<xShadowx> atm wanted to test chutes for entry :)
<xShadowx> seem to remember nasa did something along that lines, so
<Bornholio> come in at 30km PE, have retro motor or very high Cd if you want to use chutes
<xShadowx> Cd?:3
<Bornholio> coefficient of drag
<Bornholio> i have a winner for early probe, built off of lid for gemini top
<xShadowx> 30km Pe seems..low....to mimic mars
<Bornholio> oh no thats on real mars
<Bornholio> to get fully captured and still have long deccel in atmosphere
<xShadowx> ya wanted for earth equiv to test chutes / retro engines, to see if itd survive mars, before accually doing mars
<xShadowx> but then earth is bigger, so atmo is a longer path to fly through too
<Bornholio> too much gravity to do test
<xShadowx> prolly souldnt matter too much for length tho eh? as long as mars has it atleast as long of spot to slow
<xShadowx> eh....gravity can be canceled out by slow burning retro
<xShadowx> shoulda seen me before the moon ^.^
<xShadowx> used jet engines to push my lander up, mimic moon grav
<Bornholio> quick calc gives 27km up for .6%
<Bornholio> which is wrong hmmm
<xShadowx> i'll figure it out eventually ^.^
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<soundnfury> "* Fix icon blurring for flags, icons, tutorial images (and more) at different texture settings." \o/ finally!
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<Rokker> soundnfury: brit helis should be coming soon
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<Starwaster> coming to where rokker?
<Rokker> Starwaster: war thunder
<Starwaster> ah
<Starwaster> I wonder if I'm being too salty to Gordon Dry...
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<Starwaster> Anyone know what the longest anyone has ever been subjected to 6 Gs for?
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<lamont> I suspect he just rolls around in salt and loves it
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<Rokker> soundnfury: also the germans are finally getting some new heavy bombers, which is nice because I've been waiting for new bomber hunter bait
<Rokker> well "heavy"
<Rokker> heavy for a german bomber
<Starwaster> lamont So he's not a slug? Pity.
<Rokker> lamont: 6 Gs? I'd imagine a pretty darn long time
<Rokker> Starwaster: *
<Rokker> Starwaster: 6 Gs isnt all that much
<Rokker> Starwaster: theoretically I think a pilot could last indefinitely through 6Gs until exhaustian
<Starwaster> rokker, seen that graph before... not even sure how to read that
<Rokker> how long you can survive at that amount of Gs
<Starwaster> rokker that only tells me what it's for but it doesn't tell me how to use it. For instance each axis line starts low, spikes and then drops again
<Starwaster> no idea how to use that data
<Starwaster> also some of that is questionable if it's for survival purposes
<Rokker> anything above that onset rate is no go territory
<Rokker> that initial bit is how fast the g forces onset
<Starwaster> 10G for... 30 seconds if I read that right? THey've put subjects through 10G for a minute with no ill effect
<Starwaster> and a minute is not even necessarily the limit for humans at 10G
<Rokker> this is probably an average person with no g suit nor training passing out
<Starwaster> 1 minute was untrained persons
<Starwaster> and if it's just for blackout then it's useless to me anyway, this is for death.
<Starwaster> DEATH!
<Starwaster> This is for Kerbals going up on that great big wall in the astronaut center
<Starwaster> not for Kerbals pining for the fjords either
<lamont> pretty certain 6gs is not going to be releavant to death unless you had a torchdrive that could keep that up for hours
<lamont> and RSS does not have Alpha Centauri or Tau Ceti
<lamont> and you probably won’t find a lot of actual human experimentation on that
<Rokker> yeah G-death especially at low Gs is not that well researched
<Rokker> lamont: I wonder what the rebound period would be for a week at 1.5
<Rokker> like how long would you have to wait before doing 1.5 again
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<Starwaster> I think 1.5 wouldn't be an issue... you could get used to that permanently
<lamont> bet you’d get joint issues
<lamont> probably be similar to the issues faced by humans on earth that just overweight by 50%
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<Rokker> dawn is gonna die soon
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<soundnfury> Rokker: yeah but it'll be like the BV, they'll get wehrafied
<Rokker> soundnfury: the BV is a bitch to deal with I'd you dont have a climbyboi
<soundnfury> even if you do it can be tricky
<soundnfury> at least if you fly hotas like I do
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