UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg|df|egg> (though in the case where it is 0, you need to pick either 0, probably the positive one)
<Iskierka> or use the negative one for fun to confuse people
<Ellied> >>> -0.0 == 0.0 → True
<soundnfury> !wpn -add:wpn zero
<Qboid> soundnfury: Weapon added!
<soundnfury> !wpn -add:adj negative
<Qboid> soundnfury: Adjective already added!
<egg|df|egg> Ellied: of course
<soundnfury> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a teletype
<egg|df|egg> they compare equal
<Ellied> >>> -0.0 is 0.0 → False
<egg|df|egg> that's very important
<egg|df|egg> but
<egg|df|egg> ;rpn 1 -0 /
<kmath> egg|df|egg: -Infinity
<egg|df|egg> ;rpn 1 0 /
<kmath> egg|df|egg: Infinity
<Iskierka> and that's why it'd be fun
<egg|df|egg> they're hardly the same thing :D
* soundnfury gives egg|df|egg a copysign(3)
<Iskierka> ofc, is there a normal concept of negative 0 in maths?
<egg|df|egg> ;rpn 2 1 -0 / ^
<kmath> egg|df|egg: 0.0
<egg|df|egg> ;rpn 2 1 0 / ^
<kmath> egg|df|egg: Infinity
<egg|df|egg> Iskierka: well in this case the thing is that 0 really means 0 or underflow, so it's directed, that would correspond to a limit either side of 0
<soundnfury> Iskierka: well, there's lim_{x → 0¯}
<egg|df|egg> and after all reals are Cauchy sequences, so it's just those Cauchy sequences that converge from one side! :D
<egg|df|egg> (an analogy for the case where reals are Dedekind cuts is left as an eggsercise to the reader)
<egg|df|egg> there's a handheld instrument whose working fluid is water, and which is made out of marble (keyboard, pump, chest) with a gold pump... I'm not sure how you hand-hold that thing
<Iskierka> ... one of the professors in little witch academia appears to be a fish
<Iskierka> not a fish person, literally a fish. in a fishbowl.
<Iskierka> egg|df|egg, do you have any fish professors?
<egg|df|egg> Iskierka: in starwatch of oxen? no, dwarves, humans, goblins, elves, the occasional elf
<Iskierka> elves and the occasional elf?
<egg|df|egg> uuh
* egg|df|egg cannot into brain
<egg|df|egg> I have one logician who has pretty much stopped doing research and is just weaving really good cloth all the time
<egg|df|egg> he's a great logician and a legendary weaver
<Iskierka> logical cloth?
<Iskierka> will he produce a logical representation of the weaving order and develop a loom?
<Iskierka> (an automated one)
<Iskierka> apparently pythagoras was a sorceror
<egg|df|egg> "legendary" though, which I'm going to assume is literal “and dwarves shall speak of the cloth of Dr. Zutthan, its woof of quantifiers and warp of predicates”
<egg|df|egg> he pretty much only weaves rope reeds, because I don't have any giant spider farming set up (I sealed the caves, there's a forgotten beast in there)
<soundnfury> egg|df|egg: wait, who calls the weft a "woof"?
<egg|df|egg> dogs
<egg|df|egg> soundnfury: KJV for instance, too
<egg|df|egg> in fact the forgotten beast is still there and fights spiders occasionally
* soundnfury gives egg|df|egg an Unauthorised Version
<egg|df|egg> so for all I know spiders might be endangered
<Iskierka> or extinct?
e_14159 has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<egg|df|egg> Iskierka: there are three layers of caverns only though; and afaict there's a beast only in one
<egg|df|egg> s/only //
<Qboid> egg|df|egg meant to say: Iskierka: there are three layers of caverns though; and afaict there's a beast only in one
<egg|df|egg> wait is it two layers of caverns?
<Iskierka> can it not travel?
e_14159 has joined #kspacademia
<egg|df|egg> between the layers? I don't think it can
<egg|df|egg> at some point in the combat log there was an elf called kamdetuco
* egg|df|egg wonders whether they're related to tuco the cat
<egg|df|egg> "Tuco" is in the DF elven noun dictionary, means trance
<Ellied> a good name for a cat.
<UmbralRaptor> kitty!
<UmbralRaptor> So, if the linux drive is ded, there will be data loss. Mainly in ~300 lines of KSPA quotes. And I suppose my doom saves.
<egg|df|egg> D: @ the #kspacademia quotes
<egg|df|egg> UmbralRaptor: ... can they be recovered by reprocessing backlogs
<UmbralRaptor> I eggspect so.
<UmbralRaptor> Also this suggests that I really need to find some $ for external drives.
<egg|df|egg> or RAID?
<UmbralRaptor> More of a need for backups than uptime.
<UmbralRaptor> hrm. So I have a livecd…
<egg|df|egg> UmbralRaptor: well, RAID should save your data in case of single hard drive failure (and you don't need to manage backups, which is error-prone/tricky); now if you want resistance against mistakes/ransomware/time, then you actually need backups, but that's harder (also that's an amount of disk that grows with time)
<egg|df|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a cosmological superconducting perfluorocarbon with a density attachment
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg|df|egg
* Qboid gives egg|df|egg a holographic mutex/zero hybrid
<kmath> YouTube - Neko no Shuukai ("A Gathering of Cats")
<egg|df|egg> kitty \o/
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<UmbralRaptor> ;8ball Do I want to try Arch?
<kmath> UmbralRaptor: As I see it, yes
<SnoopJeDi> make sure your ward is grounded, first
pizzaoverhead is now known as pizzaoverhead|away
* UmbralRaptor would be more worried about K-syndrome than dæmons, really.
<egg|df|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a Coxeter symmetric ristretto/knife hybrid
icefire has joined #kspacademia
egg|df|egg is now known as egg
ferram4 has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Technicalfool has quit [Quit: Leaving]
Technicalfool has joined #kspacademia
<egg> Iskierka: want to test Catalan on linux?
<Iskierka> busy with exam prep
<egg> ah
<egg> good luck
* egg pokes bofh with Catalan
<egg> or Technicalfool?
<egg> !tell UmbralRaptor "The tilting rate of the Milky Way's disc in the era of Gaia in the era of JWST
<Qboid> egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<egg> "
<Technicalfool> eep?
<Technicalfool> heh, I still need to get Linux working on this machine. Initial attempts fell flat.
<Technicalfool> and haven't had time since.
<Iskierka> ... monty hall solves quicker and more logically if you start with the bayesian method (to get probability of that door's reveal) then just run total probability on that
<Iskierka> instead of actually doing the bayesian update
<Iskierka> buuuut I bet there won't be marks for that shortcut
<Technicalfool> you doing some kind of degree module?
<Iskierka> fundamentals of AI (which means rather than any of the actual pseudo-intelligence techniques just reasoning the probabilistic result and taking that)
<Iskierka> one of the questions is always monty hall but with a randomised number of total doors, doors chosen, and doors revealed
<Iskierka> which is mostly hard because once you know how it works it's hard to not just lock the probability of chosen doors and redistribute the rest of it :V
* egg chooses the open door and gets a goat
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a copper ? which vaguely resembles a gauntlet
* Technicalfool returneth :P
<Technicalfool> Iskierka, was going to suggest, go to the prof and ask about it.
<Iskierka> exam is first thing tomorrow
<Technicalfool> Orite
<Technicalfool> well.. phone call?
<Technicalfool> (depends how busy he is I guess)
<Iskierka> nah, I'll just remember the bayesian method
<egg> !wpn Technicalfool
* Qboid gives Technicalfool a delta pharmacology
<egg> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a combinatorial physicist
<egg> !wpn Ellied
* Qboid gives Ellied an e_14159
<Technicalfool> o.o
<egg> !wpn e_14159
* Qboid gives e_14159 a redundant hexaflexagon/McBoatFace hybrid
<Iskierka> "Some people made the mistake of including the sequence 1-3-3 as a two-step sequence taking you from room 1 to 3" but ... you're in room 3 on the second step
<Iskierka> it didn't specify arriving there in EXACTLY two steps, just to be there in two steps
pizzaoverhead|away is now known as pizzaoverhead
<egg> !wpn pizzaoverhead
* Qboid gives pizzaoverhead a sturgeon/fish hybrid
<egg> uh
<pizzaoverhead> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a stochastic lamp
<Iskierka> the fishiest sturgeon
<pizzaoverhead> The elusive doublefish.
<Iskierka> in Little Witch Academia Twilight apparently went on for 365 volumes
<egg> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a quagma shard
<soundnfury> pizzaoverhead: clearly it's a salmond.
icefire has joined #kspacademia
ferram4 has joined #kspacademia
<egg> !wpn ferram4
* Qboid gives ferram4 a magic immersive rotor
<soundnfury> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a projected glaive
<UmbralRaptor> In which @diodebot auditions for the !wpn function.
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [21.05.2017 12:38:47]: ""The tilting rate of the Milky Way's disc in the era of Gaia in the era of JWST"
<kmath> <diodebot> Molotov cocktail-catalyzed assault diode
ferram4 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Iskierka> !u 
<Qboid> U+F066 PRIVATE USE-F066 ()
ferram4 has joined #kspacademia
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a nilpotent [DATA EXPUNGED]
* UmbralRaptor [REDACTED]
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a Hermite groupoid
* UmbralRaptor wonders if that's real.
* egg too
<egg> also, still looking for a name for that (real or imaginary) type >_>
<UmbralRaptor> ?
<egg> UmbralRaptor: well I have Keplerian elements that are either real or pure imaginary
<egg> UmbralRaptor: plenty of those in fact
<egg> UmbralRaptor: and equations that are basically the same up to an i here and there
<egg> so a type to hold a complex that's either real or pure imaginary would make sense
<egg> (the full complex plane is hideously tricky numerically, this would just be a thin wrapper over real FP arithmetic, dispatching to hyperbolic functions or trig as needed etc.
<egg> )
<egg> but it needs a name
<Iskierka> Irish numbers
<egg> UmbralRaptor: see all the "hyperbolic_foo" and "this is NaN in the elliptic case, the other one in the hyperbolic case"
<egg> I guess I could go with PossiblyImaginary, or RealOrImaginary, (that would be somewhat readable, PossiblyImaginary<Length>), but it sounds clunky
<UmbralRaptor> Sectional numbers?
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<egg> UmbralRaptor: why?
<UmbralRaptor> Something obscure about conic sections, and you only want the real or imaginary sections^Hparts.
<egg> hmm
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a moral density
<UmbralRaptor> Is it square integrable?
<egg> morally
<soundnfury> egg: I already told you, 'Real or Imaginary' => RoI => nombres le Roi => Leroy Numbers :P
Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
<kmath> <mcclure111> A non-constructive proof of your existence
<soundnfury> egg: if I don't exist, then ε < 0. ⊥, ∎.
<soundnfury> incidentally, it annoys me that there isn't a Contradiction symbol in Unicode with a glyph resembling ⨳.
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Stratege has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
Stratege_ is now known as Stratege
icefire has joined #kspacademia
<soundnfury> !wpn -add:adj hydrargentium
<Qboid> soundnfury: Adjective added!
<egg> !u ⨳
<Qboid> U+2A33 SMASH PRODUCT (⨳)
<UmbralRaptor> That sounds like the result of SnoopJeDi's codes.
<soundnfury> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a berkelium polytrope
<egg> soundnfury: I'm used to ↯ for contradiction
<egg> !u ↯
<soundnfury> egg: heathen.
<UmbralRaptor> soundnfury: the polytropic index is poorly defined due to the short half-life an limited quantities available.
<soundnfury> !wpn -add:adj pagan
<Qboid> soundnfury: Adjective added!
<soundnfury> !wpn -add:wpn Sagan
<Qboid> soundnfury: Weapon added!
<soundnfury> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg an intensive cow
<soundnfury> cow!
<UmbralRaptor> cow! ⚠
<soundnfury> !u ⚠
<Qboid> U+26A0 WARNING SIGN (⚠)
<egg> soundnfury: it means "unconditionally righteous lightning strikes your false reasoning, completing the proof" of course
<UmbralRaptor> ⚡
<egg> !u ⚡
<Qboid> U+26A1 HIGH VOLTAGE SIGN (⚡)
<egg> !u ☇
<Qboid> U+2607 LIGHTNING (☇)
<egg> !u ☈
<Qboid> U+2608 THUNDERSTORM (☈)
<egg> !u ⛈
<kmath> <JPdeRuiter> @mc_hankins My academic superhero name.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: should I play some nomal
<egg> or zzz
<UmbralRaptor> nomal
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a reversed prepromorphism
<egg> !wpn Ellied
* Qboid gives Ellied a Taylor shoe-like javelin
<egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a 50Ω heptagon-like ネコバス
<UmbralRaptor> catbus!
* egg stares at the /topic
<UmbralRaptor> egg: are you beating your problems to death with an engineer?
<egg> I guess I am an engineer now
* egg bashes his head against a problem
<egg> ;rpn 1 -0 1 / /
<kmath> egg: -Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 0 0 - /
<kmath> egg: Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 -0 0 - /
<kmath> egg: -Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 -0 -0 - /
<kmath> egg: Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 -0 -0 + /
<kmath> egg: -Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 0 -0 + /
<kmath> egg: Infinity
<egg> ;rpn 1 -0 0 + /
<kmath> egg: Infinity
<UmbralRaptor> The bot saw a circuit diagram.
<kmath> <diodebot> triangular diode
<Ellied> the bot crashed again and I still can't figure out why because it refuses to write anything to the file I've piped stderr to.
* UmbralRaptor stares at resume.
* UmbralRaptor removes twitter handle, just in case.
<soundnfury> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a reversed beryllium zero
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn soundnfury
* Qboid gives soundnfury a FORTH
* soundnfury gives Qboid a BRIDGE
<UmbralRaptor> Right, I'm declaring it done.
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a smooth nephroid
<egg> UmbralRaptor: does it still mention ANBO :-p
<UmbralRaptor> It does not.
* UmbralRaptor stares at the broken bird sadly.
<egg> an astronomer is writing about the encyclopedia
* UmbralRaptor has edited wikipedia a handful of times.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: anything lost besides the kspacademia logs?
<egg> s/logs/quotes
<Qboid> egg meant to say: UmbralRaptor: anything lost besides the kspacademia quotes?
<UmbralRaptor> I think that's the most important.
<UmbralRaptor> Maybe a pdf from liddov (acquired via scihub), some doom saves, some financial CSVs(recoverable)
UmbralRaptor is now known as AppliedRaptor
<egg> AppliedRaptor: TheoreticalRaptor
<AppliedRaptor> Theoretically I am entering the PhD program at GMU
<egg> \o/
* egg gratulates AppliedRaptor
<AppliedRaptor> In reality, we'll see.
<egg> AppliedRaptor: so the idea was to tear down the internal walls in the blocks above and below the tavern and fill that with kegs iirc?
<egg> (or barrels or tuns or whatnot)
<AppliedRaptor> I think so
<egg> Mr. Dastotrutod, tear down this wall
<kmath> <ObservatoryCats> Friend sent me a San Francisco caliby. Very impressive tail floof; shy and didn’t want pets. 9/10 @thecatreviewer
<kmath> <scanlime> today's edit has much cat
<kmath> <AcademiaObscura> This cat as a metaphor for imposter syndrome.