egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: have you had the time to take a look at that branch?
* egg|zzz|egg should zzz
<egg|zzz|egg> goodnight
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: I have KSP booted with the branch, just haven't had the chance to actually play
<NomalRaptor> Achievement unlocked: thought so hard on a test I got a nosebleed.
NomalRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<UmbralRaptor> egg: shiny.
<UmbralRaptor> (A much sillier interpretation would be finding Classical Mechanics problems lewd.)
<SnoopJeDi> how did the exam go UmbralRaptor?
<UmbralRaptor> We'll see.
<UmbralRaptor> It was, uh, nontrivial.
<kmath> <ladygolem> in DF a bard visited holding a book they wrote themselves about a particularly incompetent student of theirs, just…
<UmbralRaptor> @sigfig age 8
* UmbralRaptor is deeply confused by the current xkcd, since aircraft flight feels intuitive.
<icefire> flying maybe
<icefire> landing not so much
<icefire> bed time
<UmbralRaptor> 'night. Safe landings.
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<kmath> <bofh453> holy shit this is actually true. Fig Newtons are named after the city of Newton, Massachusetts & not Sir Isaac Newt…
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a ytterbium dragon
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a tesseral McParseface
<rqou> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a Darboux vector-like tube
<rqou> why are you still zzz?
<egg|zzz|egg> dunno
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a conjugate cabbage
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a submersible equivalency
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<egg|work|egg> moo
<egg|work|egg> meow
<kmath> <PaintYourDragon> Got it working! The math is bad and dumb and fake but fools the eye all the same.
<UmbralRaptor> CC: Ellied
<egg|work|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an oxidizing sheep
* UmbralRaptor sets things on fire with the sheep.
<soundnfury> is that ammo for the ram accelerator?
<soundnfury> !wpn egg|work|egg
* Qboid gives egg|work|egg a submillimeter isomorphism
<UmbralRaptor> Yes, yes it is.
<SnoopJeDi> Apparently the navy railgun is under quite a bit of fire and DoD is looking at taking the projectile and just using it with conventional guns
<SnoopJeDi> which is imminently sensible tbh
<SnoopJeDi> OTOH magazine explosion is still a big concern I guess?
<soundnfury> yeah, that glossy paper's full of accelerants.
<SnoopJeDi> "don't ever put paper in your mouth" - words from one of the wisest men I've ever known
<SnoopJeDi> (my ops manager at...a paper company)
<soundnfury> !wpn SnoopJeDi
* Qboid gives SnoopJeDi a Jeans lobster
* SnoopJeDi uploads the lobster and puts it in a high-eccentricity orbit
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn soundnfury
* Qboid gives soundnfury an IEEE 488 bipartite thermometer
<SnoopJeDi> cc Ellied, very much up your alley ^
<Ellied> lol I looked up one line too far and saw IEEE 488 bipartite thermometer, and was momentarily mortified by the implication that that was a real thing
<SnoopJeDi> also up your alley
<SnoopJeDi> Your synchrotron x-ray laptop power supply got a rise out of a cyclotron colleague, btw
<SnoopJeDi> he thought it was funnier'n hell
<Ellied> :0
<Ellied> rad
<Ellied> I've been judging a high school science fair with my classmates today
<SnoopJeDi> NICE
<SnoopJeDi> enjoying it?
<Ellied> first guy was great, he did earthquake testing of popsicle-stick buildings. Second guy was ok, he tried measuring the difference in resistance of a wire with different insulations (did it wrong and didn't understand the skin effect very well, but promising start)
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<Ellied> third guy ran out the rest of my energy with his project contending that EMI from household appliances is a cancer hazard, and data from waving a magnetometer (DC, notably) near a few of them. Microwave and blender were pretty high, doubtless because they draw large current; everything else was negligible. No ability to detect RF.
<Ellied> his citations were all of papers that concluded nothing, but he assumed (apparently without reading them) that they rejected their null hypotheses
egg|phone|egg has quit [Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001)]
<bofh> *facepalm*
<Ellied> "also," he mentioned offhand at the end of his presentation (without a hint of irony), "magnetometers can be used to detect ghosts. So that's interesting."
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<bofh> I'm pretty sure that would've caused me to wince in actual pain IRL upon hearing that.
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<SnoopJeDi> it's really hard to set your expectations right for high school
<SnoopJeDi> "right"
<SnoopJeDi> realistically is a better word I guess
<bofh> So like, I did high school science fair judging way back as well. Most of the projects were like
<Ellied> I left the second guy with some suggestions and my contact info, because he's clearly very excited about electronics and I would love to provide him some advice and help with his next project
<bofh> Ellied's second one above. I don't think I actually encountered anyone as loony as the third.
<SnoopJeDi> I once helped judge our local junior sciences academy thingy, but I think I won't do it again
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<kmath> <UniverseVids> Did you know that #microwaves are useful for something else other than cooking humans? Don’t believe us? Hear…
<SnoopJeDi> because the rigorous selection is basically an affluence filter
<Ellied> ick
<SnoopJeDi> which is true at other outreach events, the affluent teams are always the ones winning the Science Bowl, for example, but the spirit is different
<SnoopJeDi> "losers" at Science Bowl still enjoy the game, enjoy the questions, enjoy being around other geeks
<SnoopJeDi> BUT, good on you for reaching out, Ellied! everybody needs a hero :)
<bofh> 17:52 <@SnoopJeDi> because the rigorous selection is basically an affluence filter
<bofh> yep :(
<SnoopJeDi> I read an article recently about the heritability of academic/technical careers and it was very upsetting :/
<SnoopJeDi> it's a *lot* for academia, more than 600X IIRC
<Ellied> ick
<Ellied> that was an accidental blind-resend, but it will do
<SnoopJeDi> come to think of it, I should probably forward that to our underrepresented student society thingy
<SnoopJeDi> not sure where that number is bubbling up out of on review, but it's still a nice read and tool
<SnoopJeDi> AH, it's for "physical scientist."
<SnoopJeDi> "Physical scientists, all other have parents who are physical scientists, all other at a rate 456 times the rest of the population."
<UmbralRaptor> =\
<UmbralRaptor> Anyway, since IME jobs are hard to get, and we have to graduate some day:
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<Fiora> my fave thing is all the science fair projects where they casually mention <help from X> where X is extremely obviously a thing that <less connected/affluent student> would not have access to
<e_14159> So, bad news: My new approach (which worked quite nicely on another dataset) fails on the simplest possible dataset I could construct.
<e_14159> OTOH, that gave me a very convincing explanation for why another experiment failed.
<SnoopJeDi> Fiora, yea I'm all for help but acknowledgement is a huge part of good science!
<SnoopJeDi> (and social privileges!)
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, one of our recent grads took a job with STScI, he's quite happy there!
<UmbralRaptor> yay
* SnoopJeDi waits for another round of LSST-DSF
<SnoopJeDi> I've decided that if they do another one, I'm applying
<SnoopJeDi> odds of serious consideration seem bad without a strong astro background, but it could keep me in science and that'd be nice
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a rocky pike
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a deviant type-like sheep
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn e_
* Qboid gives e_ a BS 6008 jellied ristretto-like loop space
<egg|zzz|egg> um
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: you're getting a lot of sheep today
<UmbralRaptor> Deviations may result in the destruction of the ram accelerator.
<SnoopJeDi> isn't that basically the premise of Tau Zero? :)
<UmbralRaptor> Hah
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg's China cabinet:
<kmath> <anosasaoka> あぁあああぁあごめんて、今帰ってきたところだから、ごめんて、今すぐ暖房付けるからごめんって!!!!!!(´;Д;`)
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<kmath> <mackcaple> I just finished applying to PhD programs. I applied to five schools. It cost me $713. We need to have a serious c…
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* UmbralRaptor ? things.
<UmbralRaptor> So, I got my old (1990-2011) medical records, and they seem a bit incomplete (notably vaccinations). Not sure I can find the prey-1990 ones anyway.
<UmbralRaptor> s/prey/pre/
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor meant to say: So, I got my old (1990-2011) medical records, and they seem a bit incomplete (notably vaccinations). Not sure I can find the pre-1990 ones anyway.
* UmbralRaptor wonders if this means seeing a lot of needles this winter.
<UmbralRaptor> Also, if GMU will accept why I have never gotten a chickenpox one. (documentation does show that I was infected as a kid)
<bofh> ehh, immunizations aren't that nasty. reminds me, I should get a DPT booster soon.
<bofh> (urban exploration as a hobby means I'm fairly paranoid about having tetanus immunity)
<bofh> as for application fees, that shit was honestly the limiting factor in how many places I applied to :/ (still managed to land my first choice tho, but that was tricky and took additional effort and contacts on the inside and *ugh*)
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a salted cohomology
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a pi cannon
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<rqou> i guess i was just the lamest and laziest grad student and only applied to three schools
<rqou> so fees weren't a _huge_ issue
<rqou> but I'm in a masters program, which is different
<rqou> the GRE is ridiculous though
<Ellied> fizzix?
<rqou> er, what?
<Ellied> are you referring to the physics GRE?
<rqou> no, GRE fees in general
<Ellied> oh, fees
<SnoopJeDi> it's ridiculous either way tbh
<SnoopJeDi> SAT 2.0
<Ellied> ye
<rqou> oh yeah SAT fees are also ridiculously high
<rqou> my parents paid for that though
<SnoopJeDi> any fee at all is high because the test is hot garbage and predicts basically nothing
<Ellied> apparently UBC doesn't even require the GRE for their physics masters or PhD programs, so that's cool
<rqou> yeah, iirc i got three 800s on various SAT2 subjects
<rqou> ironically my SAT1 score is garbage
<Ellied> my SAT-whichever score is crap but my ACT score was a 30 so that's probably the main reason I got accepted to where I am now
<rqou> i never took the ACT (i assume you're on the east coast or something?) but i took a practice test and the estimated score was equivalent to my SAT estimated score
<rqou> my parents always made fun of me saying "even <one of my not-known-to-be-studious cosplayer friends> got a higher sat score than you"
<soundnfury> if Richard Branson sold third-pressing olive oil, would he be allowed to sell it under his usual brand name or would that violate the Trade Descriptions Act?
<SnoopJeDi> (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
<SnoopJeDi> in all seriousness I suspect there is language for that as long as the name of the brand and the name of the product are distinguishable?
<soundnfury> also since the laws for goods and for services are not the same, the answer to "if Richard Branson ran a brothel" might be different :P
<soundnfury> !wpn SnoopJeDi
* Qboid gives SnoopJeDi a Bravais Brand New Photoneutronic Engine
<SnoopJeDi> perhaps ® would be used to resolve both issues?
<soundnfury> perhaps
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn pizzaoverhead
* Qboid gives pizzaoverhead a strontium balance
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a francium lattice
<hattivat> hi egg|zzz|egg
<hattivat> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg an insulating IoT dildo with hard-coded credentials
<hattivat> :DDDD
<hattivat> more insulting that insulating
* egg|zzz|egg stares at Fiora's infinities
<pizzaoverhead> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a smoked abstruse ellipse
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<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: how is котя doing?
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